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英译中Conversation 1H:I have come to see whether you are ready for your offer for“Seagull ” microwave ovens.我来是想知道你们是否已准备好海鸥牌微波炉的报价L: Good, we have the offer ready for you now. Her it is, 5,000 sets of Seagull Brand Microwave Oven Model HT-46F, at US $120 per set, CIF Shanghai, for shipment on October 4th , 2002. Other terms and conditions remain the same as usual. The offer is valid for three days.好的,我们已为您准备好了报盘。五千台海鸥牌型号为 HT-46F 的微波炉,每台 CIF 上海 价为 120 美元, 2002 年 10 月 4 日交货。其他条款和条件与以往相同。此报盘有效期为三天H:Why, your price has gone up sharply! It is 25% higher than last years. This is incredible!啊,你们的价格上涨这么多!比去年高出 25% 。真令人难以置信!L: I am surprised to hear you say it. As you know, there has been a heavy demand for this kind of microwave oven and such a demand will certainly lead to increase in price. Our price is more competitive than quotations you can get elsewhere.你这样说使我有点惊讶。你该明白,市场对这种微波炉的需求很大,如此需求肯定会带来价格上涨。我们的报盘比你从别处得到的价格更具竞争力H: I don t think so. I must point out that some of the quotations we have received from other sources are lower than yours.我不这样认为。我必须告诉你们,我们从别处获得的报价比你们的要低L: But you must take the quality into consideration. Everyone in this trade knows Seagull is of superior quality. To be frank with you, if we were not friends, we would hardly be willing to make you a firm offer at this price.但你得考虑质量问题。同行业的人都知道“海鸥”质量上乘。坦率地跟您讲,如果不是老朋友,我们不太可能以这样的价格向你作实盘报价。H: You are right. Seagull is of high quality, and we are old friends. But it will be very hard for us to push sales at this price.你说得对, “海鸥”质量高而且我们是老朋友。但按这个价格我方很难推销。L : I don t think it will happen, because this price is quite reasonable.不会的,因为这个价格是很合理的H : Okay, then I will have to try.那么,我就试试吧!1.Seagull 海鸥(此文中指“海鸥牌” )2. microwave oven 微波炉3. offer 报盘,报价4. Seagull Brand Microwave Oven Model HT-46F海鸥牌型号为 HT-46F 的微波炉5. terms and conditions条款和条件6. valid 有效的7. go up 上涨8. sharply 急剧地9. incredible 令人难以置信的10. a heavy demand 需求量很大11. quotations 市价,报价12. of superior quality 质量上乘的13. a firm offer 作实盘报价14. push sales 推销I must point out that some of the quotations we have received from other sources are lower than yours.我必须告诉你们,我们从别处获得的报价比你们的要低To be frank with you, if we were not friends, we would hardly be willing to make you a firm offer at this price.坦率地跟您讲,如果不是老朋友,我们不太可能以这样的价格向你作实盘报价。Conversation 2W: Can we come to the next problem-shipment?我们可以讨论一下装运问题吗Z: Certainly.当然可以W: That s good. Could you tell me how you will ship the goods?好的。您能告诉我,您要如何运输这批货吗Z: We ve booked a direct steamer to sail to your port in the middle of next month.我们已经订好直达你方港口的船只,下个月中旬出发W: In the middle of next month? Thats too late. You know what we ordered are seasonalgoods, so time of shipment means a lot to us. Our order is such a large one that it will tie up our fund. Could you see your way to advance shipment?下个月中旬?太晚了。您知道我们订的是季节性货物,所以装运时间对我们来说很重要。并且我的订单数目大,积压的资金数目也大。能不能想些办法提前装运?Z: I m afraid not. Things are like this. Yesterday afternoon I went to the factories to checkup on their production schedule against our orders. I have found that our manufacturers really have a heavy backlog on hand. They are really doing their utmost to fulfill their orders placed.恐怕不行。事情是这样的,昨天下午我去工厂检查我方订货的生产日程,发现厂家现在的生产任务很重,但他们确实在尽最大努力完成订单W: As you know, next month is the selling season for this commodity. In order to meet the season, we hope you can deliver the goods before the end of this month. If we miss the season, it ll cause no profit.您知道,下个月就是这种产品的销售旺季。为了应季,我希望贵方在这个月底前交货。如果我方错过了季节就无利可图了Z: We have tried to get round our manufacturers to speed up production. They are now working three-shift to step up production. Taking everything into consideration, we hope you will agree to partial shipment.我们已经催促厂家加速生产,他们也正在以“三班倒”的方法加速生产。综合考虑各种因素,我方希望贵方能同意分批装运W: It s understandable we have no choice. By the way, how much and when can we expect inthe first shipment?现在我们都很清楚,在这种情况下,我方只能这样做了。顺便提一下,分批装运第一批能装运多少?什么时候发出?Z: Half of your order that you have placed at the end of the month. We believe this proportion will meet the urgent need of your clients.这个月底我方将发出您订货量的一半,这将满足你方客户的急需W: Could you make it better? Say, 70% for the first shipment.能再多点吗?比如 70% 怎么样?Z: I m terribly sorry. We ve already tried our best.太抱歉了,我们已经尽最大努力了1. steamer 汽船,轮船2. tie up our fund 积压资金数目3. see one's way to想办法做 4. production schedule生产日程5. backlog 积压未办的事情6. do one's utmost to V .尽最大努力做 7. selling season 销售旺季8. get round 催促9. three-shift 三班倒10. step up 加速11. partial shipment 分批装运12. it ll cause no profit.无利可图We ve booked a direct steamer to sail to your port in the middle of next month.我们已经订好直达你方港口的船只,下个月中旬出发Our order is such a large one that it will tie up our fund.我的订单数目大,积压的资金数目也大。Could you see your way to advance shipment?能不能想些办法提前装运?Yesterday afternoon I went to the factories to check up on their production schedule against our orders.昨天下午我去工厂检查我方订货的


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