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2024年人教版中考英语复习 阅读1-细节理解 课前课后案(无答案)

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2024年人教版中考英语复习 阅读1-细节理解 课前课后案(无答案)

2024年人教版中考英语复习 阅读1-细节理解 课前课后案(无答案)二轮复习 细节理解题 课前案 【复习目标】 1 .学生掌握细节理解题的设问方式、解题技巧和规律。 2 .学生总结细节理解题直接、间接信息题规律,并画思维导图。 3 .学生运用解题技巧完成微语段、微语篇练习并讲解。 【学法指导】 1 .巧用脑 2 . 圈关键 3 .勤总结 一、【导学自探】直接信息题1 A Nezumi was a mouse .He was thinking about finding a husband for her daughter Suki .But Suki said,"Father, I wish to marry Taro ." 1 .Nezumi wanted to find _ for her daughter . A .a ring B .a house C .a husband D .a friend 二、间接理解题10 65 .Which of the following is true A . People with pets cannot rent the apartment . B .The apartment is not very far from the city center . C . Only adults who have children can rent the apartment . D .You can't see the fields or the woods from the apartment . C Online study can be hard .Zech Hipp was doing it with great difficulty .Zech is 15 years old .He lives in Seattle, Washington, with his four brothers and his mother . 66 . What do we know about Zech from Paragraph 1 A .He lives in a big city in India . B . He had trouble learning online . C .His mother is too hard on him . D .There are five people in his family . D If you don't know how to begin, here are some ways to start creating art . If possible, set aside a small able with your brushes and watercolors so you can get creative whenever you get inspiration . Without thinking much about i, just choose colors that you like and start painting with them, or cut pictures with those colors out of magazines and glue them down, combining(结合)them with paints . The act of enjoying the colors and working on the color combinations will give you something to focus on instead of the stresses of your daily life . 74 . Which of the following is NOT true about how to start making art A .You must be very careful while choosing colors . B . You can begin painting whenever you get inspired . C . You can get brushes and watercolors for preparation . D .You may use magazines to make color combinations . E Have you ever had lucid(清醒的)dreams Recent studies suggest that the number of people having them is on the rise . Someone having a lucid dream realizes they are dreaming and may from then on"direct" the action . Or they may simply "watch" the dream unfold .The sense of awareness(知道)makes it different from a dream that is simply very lively and true to life . And although the description may seem strange, the process is far from alien to many of us . 71 . What do we know about lucid dreams according to Paragraph 1 A . We know nothing about their process . B . Fewer people are having them now . C . They are just common lively dreams . D .They may be directed by the dreamers . F Creating art heals(治愈)not only the mind and spirit but also the body since all of these are connected . As you draw or paint . your breathing slows, your blood pressure lowers, and your mind lets go of daily problems . This slowing down allows you to fully experience the moment .The process not only relaxes you but also brings a feeling of joy, increasing your energy and enthusiasm (热情)for life . Making art also allows you to play, freeing you to find out and try out new materials and methods . It also lets you express pleasure by seeing beauty where others may not . Creating art provides you a special chance to express your anger or upset,as well as your personal ideas . 68 .What can you learn about making art from Paragraphs 2 and 3 A .It is good for our health . B . It causes high blood pressure . C . It's like playing games . D . It helps us solve daily problems . 【合作共研】细节理解题 思维导图5 二轮复习 细节理解题 课后案 一、【学以致用】当堂检测 微语段基础练7 Paragraph 1 Everyone should help protect the coastllines . People depend on coastal areas for travel and for many other things . Fish and wildlife depend on these areas for food and shelter(栖息地) . Unfortunately, our cosatlines are being polluted . 1 . Who depends on the coasts for food and shelter A . Fish and other wildlife ._ B . The fishermen . C . The local people ._ D . Birds and fish . Paragraph 2 Seven-year-old Eva could still remember that day . Mom and Daddy took her to the park and they ate hot dogs and drank cokes . Mom said that she had a secret and wanted to share with her . “ A secret " Eva asked, “Tell me, please!” It turned out that she was going to be a big sister! She was so excited . 2 .What is the secret of Evas mother A . They are getting a little dog . B . She is going to get a new job . C . They are going to move to a new house . D . Eva is going to have a younger brother or sister . Paragraph 3 The old woman had jumped from train to train just to make sure that I will not lose my way . I was in shock . A woman spe


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