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2022年考博英语-上海交通大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题He had a quarrel with his wife and just( ) her.问题1选项A.became ofB.got hold ofC.walked out onD.passed over【答案】C【解析】动词词组辨析。became of "使遭遇;降临于;发生情况"got hold of "抓住;握住, 占有"walked out on "丢在一边"passed over "越过;忽略;宽恕;回避"。句意:他和妻子吵了一架, 然后把她丢在一边。选项C符合句意。2. 单选题For years the girl had harbored her ( ) against her stepmother. Today, she finally got the courage to speak it out.问题1选项A.resentmentB.rivalryC.compulsionD.concession【答案】A【解析】名词辨析题。resentment怨恨,愤恨;rivalry竞争,对抗;compulsion强制,强迫;concession让步。句意:多年来,这个女孩一直对她的继母心怀怨恨。今天,她终于鼓起勇气说了出来。选项A符合句意。    3. 单选题There are laws to specify the person(s) who will obtain a dead person's ( ) if no will exists.问题1选项A.heritageB.fameC.estateD.prestige【答案】C【解析】名词词义辨析。heritage遗产;fame名声;estate房地产, 财产;prestige威望。句意:法律规定, 如果没有遗嘱, 谁将获得死者的遗产。选项C符合句意。4. 单选题She hesitated for a ( ) of a second before accepting his challenge to a game of tennis.问题1选项A.fictionB.functionC.frictionD.fraction【答案】D【解析】固定搭配。fiction小说;function功能;friction摩擦;fraction部分。a fraction of意为"一小部分, 零点几", 为固定搭配。句意:在接受他的网球挑战之前, 她犹豫了片刻。所以选项D正确。    5. 单选题Over-cultivation and a long period of erosion has reduced the( ) of much of the country's farm¬ land.问题1选项A.sufficiencyB.fertilityC.prosperityD.mobility【答案】B【解析】名词辨析题。sufficiency"充足"fertility"肥力"prosperity"兴旺,繁荣"mobility"活动性,灵活性"。句意:过度耕种和长期的水土流失降低了这个国家大部分农田的肥力。选项B符合句意。    6. 单选题Developing a peaceful, understanding, and supportive relationship between parents and children is not an easy task. Failures can and do occur at any age level, and at times the results arc the abuse, neglect, and even death of children.Child abuse has become a major topic in child development and an issue of much national concern. In the span of four legislative years, 1963 - 1967, all fifty states enacted laws calling for the reporting of injuries inflicted on children. By 1973, the United States Congress passed the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (Public Law 93 - 247). This law not only reflected the mood of concerned citizens, but it also did much to clear up the confusion and disagreement over what is child abuse.The question "what causes child abuse?" has prompted much debate. The single most persistent myth which had plagued efforts to understand causes is the notion that parents who abuse children are mentally disturbed or ilk Although there is no specific psychiatric diagnosis which comprises the behavior and personalities of abuser, they seem to share a common style of child rearing. Those parents demand high levels of child performance and they often use severe physical punishment to ensure the child's proper behavior. Abusive parents themselves were raised in similar family situations and their own childhood experience has a lasting influence on their behavior as adults.Current research has suggested, however, that the "abuser is sick" hypothesis is too limiteD.A broader social, psychological approach recognizes that some personal problems are implicit but that psychological factors arise out of a social context. Social factors include unemployment, social isolation, and unwanted pregnancy. Moreover, findings that abuse occurs more frequently in larger families and families with low income, poor education, and low occupational status suggest that many such parents cannot withstand the twenty-four-hour-a-day responsibility to raise and care for their children. These problems aggravate the situation, especially when combined with the general approval in our culture of violence.1.This selection suggests that child abuse is( ) .2.We can know from the second paragraph that the law passed by 1973( ) .3.The person who is least likely to be a child-abusing parent is the one who( ).4.Which one of the following is most probably a cause of child abuse?5.Which of the following statements is the author most likely to agree with?问题1选项A.a growing problem whose causes are not fully understoodB.caused primarily by the mental illness of parentsC.a problem in the United States, but a greater one in EuropeD.easily determined because of recent public laws问题2选项A.received little attention from the publicB.was condemned by abusive parentsC.was aimed to expand welfare programs of the United SlatesD.helped much in clarifying the problem问题3选项A.was raised in abusive family situations himselfB.creates a peaceful and supportive family environment for his childrenC.is unemployed or socially isolatedD.is mentally ill问题4选项A.Too high an income of the parentsB.Unemployment of the parentsC.Poor health of the childD.Peculiar personalities of the child问题5选项A.Violence on TV may contribute to child abuse.B.Medical doct


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