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课 堂 教 学 设 计课题名称Welcome unit : Lets Speak English授课教师小兜老师授课内容Say Hello, The Alphabet, English in Life, All Walks of Life授课班级课 时第1课时授课时间教 学 内 容 分 析本课时教学内容是“十四五”职业教育国家规划教材基础模块1欢迎单元前四部分内容,从简短的自我介绍,26个字母,生活中的英语等几个方面引起学生对初中知识的回顾。让学生能够通过对这部分内容的复习回忆尽快进入高中的英语学习中。学 情 分 析 本教材的授课对象是职校高一年级的新生。经过之前几年的英语学习,他们已经初步掌握了一些英语的知识和技能,也初步具备了进行简单英语会话的能力。但是受原有基础和水平的制约,一些同学在学习过程中会觉得有困难,尤其是缺乏自信和英语交流意识,交际能力较弱。就本单元的教学内容而言,主要是针对新生入学,使其适应新学期、新教材的一个复习单元,主要作用是承上启下,并通过不同形式的复习使学生认识到这里的英语学习不同于以往的英语课堂。因此,难度较低,大多数的高一新生可以比较轻松的完成本单元的学习。学 习 目 标1. The students can read and write 26 letters correctly, expressing your name, country, age, and occupation correctly.2. The students can use statements to discuss name, nationality, age, and occupation, and to greet others.3. The students can use what they have learned to introduce themselves.4. The students can use the prediction, take notes and other listening strategies, to complete the language tasks; adopt the appropriate learning methods, to develop a timely review of English learning habits.学 习 重 难 点学习重点1. The students can use statements to discuss name, nationality, age, and occupation, and to greet others.2. The students can use what they have learned to introduce themselves.学习难点The students can combine the content of this lesson to make a comprehensive self-introduction. 资 源 与 工 具PPT课件、多媒体设备、语音素材、拓展资源包等教 学 方 法小组讨论法、任务教学法、情境教学法板 书 设 计WelcomeSelf-introductionGreeting:Hello! Hi! Good morning/afternoon/evening. Nice to meet you.Name:Im. My name is. Whats your name?/Can I have your name?.Country:I am/come from. Where are you from?/Where do you come from?Age: I am . years old. How old are you?/Whats your age?Job: I am a . What do you do? /Whats your job?/What are you?教 学 过 程 结 构 设 计教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Warm - upThe teacher show the pictures and lead the students to learn the new words.Try to master the new words according to the pictures.通过图片直观展示,让学生快速掌握新单词。Step 2Lead - in1. Show a picture to the Ss and ask them to guess the relevant information.2. Ask the Ss what information is mentioned in the introduction.(name, country, age and job)Guess the inforrmation of this person.Ss think about how to make a self-introduction.通过未知人物的头像导入,激发学生好奇心及学习兴趣。运用头脑风暴教学法,回忆并复习了有关个人信息的各种词汇和问句,并为话题的导入作铺垫。Step 3Say Hello !1. Ask the students to listen to the recording in Activity One and summarize ways of greeting.2. The teacher greets one student and asks his name.3. The teacher asks one students name and asks where he/she comes from.4.The teacher gives some maps of familiar countries in Activity Two.5. The teacher asks the Ss to listen to the recording in Activity Three and make a self-introduction.Ss practice greeting classmates properly.Ss summarize the ways of asking and answering about the name.Ss work in pairs and ask for each others names.Ss listen to the recording in Activity Two and summarize the ways of asking a person where he/she is from.Ss tell the teacher the countriess name.Ss finish the Activity Three and work in pairs to make a self-introduction.带领学生复习打招呼的方式,辨析其差异,并且运用正确方式与同学打招呼,自然生成教学效果。在自然的问候过程中了解同学们的信息,教授目标语句。用完整正确的句子谈论姓名和国家。灵活运用本节课所学进行自我介绍,要求包含打招呼、姓名、国籍/家乡、年龄及职业,可以适当添加其他内容。 Step 4The Alphabet1. Play a song about ABC Song.2. The teacher shows the alphabet and takes away some letters. 3. The teacher emphasizes the correct writing of each letter. (The teacher can give some wrong ways of writing.)The Ss repeat the song.Ss say what letter is missing and write the missing letters on the blackboard with four-line grid.The Ss judge and correct the right letter.通过复习字母歌,关注字母学习的重要性,提高学生学习字母的积极性。检测学生对26个字母及其顺序的掌握情况。Step 5English in Life1. The teacher asks Ss to think about English in their daily life.2. The teacher asks Ss to look at the pictures in the textbook.The Ss think about English in their daily life.The Ss try to read out the English in the pictures. Tell the meanings. Find more English in daily life.自然引出日常生活中的英语的话题,引导学生学习教材中日常场景图片里出现的单词,理解意思。延伸到生活中的其他英语,巩固并拓展英语学习。Step 6All Walks of Life1. The teacher play a song and shows pictures one by one.2. The teacher asks some students about their parents jobs.3. Play the recording in Activity Two.4. The teacher asks some pairs to act out the dialogue.The Ss speak out the jobs in Activity One.The Ss share their parents jobs.The Ss listen to the recording and summarize different ways of asking and answering about jobs.The Ss work in pairs to talk about jobs using the above sentence patterns.用图片的形式引入职业话题教师在与学生的对话中运用不同方式问询职业,引导学生总结谈论职业的目标语句。遵循语言能力的发展规律,搭建适当的语言支架,从归纳总结到交际练习,实现语言的控制性输出。Step 7Summary&HomeworkSummary: Play The Alphabet Song. Summarize what Ss have learned today and ask them to try to make a self-introducti


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