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YOUR COMPANY NAMEMARKETING PLANPrepared for:SPECIFYPrepared by:YOUR NAME YOUR TITLEDATE© Copyright Biztree Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States and Canada and by international treaties. IT IS ILLEGAL AND STRICTLY PROHIBITED TO DISTRIBUTE, PUBLISH, OFFER FOR SALE, LICENSE OR SUBLICENSE, GIVE OR DISCLOSE TO ANY OTHER PARTY, THIS PRODUCT IN HARD COPY OR DIGITAL FORM. ALL OFFENDERS WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE SUED IN A COURT OF LAW.© Copyright Biztree Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States 500-999 employees = 90; 200-499 employees = 80; etc.) Average performance level of territory Average sales of sales team member Number of orders produced Average order size, etc.- Identify cost factors of personal selling Annual compensation Commission Working expenses6.6.2 Performance Ratios - Identify averages and ratios of interest to measure performance of salesperson(s) (using the performance variables above). Aggregated salesforce, individual salesperson or product line figures that can be used to assess performance of sales territories, individual products or product lines, or salespeople. e.g.: Order-call ratio per salesperson (number of orders per salesperson number of calls made per salesperson x 100) Average sales per salesperson (total salesperson sales in dollars number of sales of salesperson) Average number of sales per client size Number of sales for client size ratio (number sales to client client size index)6.6.3 Cost Ratios - Identify averages and ratios of interest to measure cost of salesperson(s) OR total territory costs OR product line costs (using the performance variables above). e.g.: Salesperson costs-sales ratio (salesperson cost sales in dollars generated by sales person x 100) Territory costs-sales ratio (territory/store costs sales in dollars generated by territory/store x 100)6.6.4 Compensation Plan - Identify the method(s) to be employed to compensate the salesforce Base salary Commission Hybrid© Copyright Biztree Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States and Canada and by international treaties. IT IS ILLEGAL AND STRICTLY PROHIBITED TO DISTRIBUTE, PUBLISH, OFFER FOR SALE, LICENSE OR SUBLICENSE, GIVE OR DISCLOSE TO ANY OTHER PARTY, THIS PRODUCT IN HARD COPY OR DIGITAL FORM. ALL OFFENDERS WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE SUED IN A COURT OF LAW.© Copyright Biztree Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. IT IS ILLEGAL AND STRICTLY PROHIBITED TO DISTRIBUTE, PUBLISH, OFFER FOR SALE, LICENSE OR SUBLICENSE, GIVE OR DISCLOSE TO ANY OTHER PARTY, THIS PRODUCT IN HARD COPY OR DIGITAL FORM. ALL OFFENDERS WILL BE SUED IN A COURT OF LAW.YOUR COMPANY NAME Marketing Plan 33- Devise an employee motivation plan. Identify the methods used to motivate the salesforce. Quotas Bonus for surpassing quotas Performance-based incentives programs Profit sharing Stock optionsYOUR COMPANY NAME Marketing Plan 347.FINANCIAL INFORMATION7.1Financial Capsule- State expected sales for year 1 and for year 5 - State desired market share and when you should capture it - State major assumptions - List major marketing capital expenditures - Provide estimated ROI for main marketing programsSales ForecastLast YearYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5SalesGross profitEBITDA7.2Financial Assumptions- State assumptions that allow you to make sales and cost forecasts. They may be related to the following: Expected success rate of marketing programs Market conditions Legislation and taxes Equipment performance/durability Ease of credit collection7.3Budget7.3.1 Advertising - Detail the funds that will be allocated to advertising for the next 2 yearsY1 Q1Y1 Q2Y1 Q3Y1 Q4Year 1 TotalY2 Q1Y2 Q2Y2 Q3Y2 Q4Year 2 TotalTotal Print Radio TV Outdoors Events PR Online Samples Other TotalTABLE 7. Advertising Budget© Copyright Biztree Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States and Canada and by international treaties. IT IS ILLEGAL AND STRICTLY PROHIBITED TO DISTRIBUTE, PUBLISH, OFFER FOR SALE, LICENSE OR SUBLICENSE, GIVE OR DISCLOSE TO ANY OTHER PARTY, THIS PRODUCT IN HARD COPY OR DIGITAL FORM. ALL OFFENDERS WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE SUED IN A COURT OF LAW.© Copyright Biztree Inc. 2010. All rights reserved. Protected by the copyright laws of the United States & Canada and by international treaties. IT IS ILLEGAL AND STRICTLY PROHIBITED TO DISTRIBUTE, PUBLISH, OFFER FOR SALE, LICENSE OR SUBLICENSE, GIVE OR DISCLOSE TO ANY OTHER PARTY, THIS PRODUCT IN HARD COPY OR DIGITAL FORM. ALL OFFENDERS WILL BE SUED IN A COURT OF LAW.YOUR COMPANY NAME Marketing Plan 35- Provide a bar chart of media spending percentages for years 1 and 27.3.2 Marketing Programs - List


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