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《大学英语交际口语教程(第三版)》课件第三单元 引出话题并持续交谈

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《大学英语交际口语教程(第三版)》课件第三单元 引出话题并持续交谈

Unit ThreeInitiating and Maintaining a Conversation中国人民大学出版社中国人民大学出版社Section OneMaintaining a Two-wayConversationActivity 3-1-1Directions:Step 1.Divide the class into pairs or groups of 3.Step 2.Read the following background information:Maintaining a two-way conversation is a skill that is needed when one is learning a new language.In English,the two major strategies of maintaining a two-way conversation are for at least one of the speakers a)to ask the other questions and/or b)to add extra information to a one-or two-word response of your own.Consider the differences between the following two conversations.Conversation 1 A:What do you do?B:Im an engineer.A:What kind of company do you work for?B:A software company.A:How long have you worked there?B:Three years.A:Do you like your job?B:Yes,I do.Conversation 2 A:What do you do?B:Im an engineer.How about you?A:Im a student.B:Oh,really?A:Yes,Im studying accounting at State University.B:I see.That sounds interesting.A:Yes,it is.The program is hard,but I think Im learning a lot.So where do you work?B:At a software company in New York City.A:New York City?Do you like it there?B:Comparing the two conversations above,we can see that Conversation 1 is one-sided,and Conversation 2 is a two-way conversation.Step 3.Read the conversation on Page 62 and change it from one-sided into a two-way conversation by 1)asking the other speaker questions and/or 2)adding extra information to a one-or two-word response of your own.Note:If there are three of you,you can ask each other questions and answer each others questions.Patrick:Hi,how are you?Wu Yue:Pretty good.ask the other speaker question(s)Patrick:How do you like your classes so far?Wu Yue:Very interesting.add extra information Patrick:Are you a business major?Wu Yue:No.Patrick:What is your major?Wu Yue:Biology.add extra information Patrick:Oh,really?Im a psychology major.add extra information Where are you from?Wu Yue:China.ask the other speaker question(s)Patrick:Wu Yue:Step 4.After the pair work or group work is finished,the teacher can have some pairs or groups present their two-way conversation to the class.Section Two Situational TalksActivity 3-2-1Directions:Step 1.Divide the class into pairs or groups of 3.Step 2.On Page 6364,read one situational talk at a time and with your partner(s)develop an appropriate conversation.For more practice,you can change roles.After you have finished your conversation,present it to the class.Note:If there are three students,two students ask questions and the third one answers the questions.Section Three Developing an Appropriate ConversationActivity 3-3-1 Developing an Appropriate Conversation from a Statement Directions:Step 1.Divide the class into pairs or groups of 3.Step 2.Choose some of your favorite statements on Page 65.Read one statement at a time and with your partner(s)develop an appropriate conversation from it.Remember to ask questions of the other speaker and to add extra information to your own response.After you have finished your conversation,present it to the class.Note:If there are three of you,you can ask each other questions and answer each others questions.Step 3.With your partner(s),write some other statements,and then develop an appropriate conversation from each of them.Finally,the teacher can have some students present their conversations to the class.Activity 3-3-2 Developing an Appropriate Conversation from a Topic Directions:Step 1.Divide the class into pairs or groups of 3.Step 2.Choose some of your favorite topics on Page 6566.Read one topic at a time and with your partner(s)develop an appropriate conversation from it.Remember to ask questions of the other speaker and to add extra information to your own response.After you have finished your conversation,present it to the class.Step 3.With your partner(s),write some other topics,and then develop an appropriate conversation from each of them.Finally,the teacher can have some students present their conversations to the class.Thank You!


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