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摘 要控制性详细规划是以城市总体规划或者分区规划为依据,对一定时期内城市规划区范围内的土地利用、空间环境和建设用地开发所做出的定性、定量、定点具体控制安排,是城市规划主管部门管理城市开发建设最直接、最主要的法定依据。城市发展是一个动态变化和不断完善的过程,控制性详细规划具有一定严肃性、权威性,经过批准的控规原则上不应轻易发生改变,这也是保证城市规划建设“不走样”的基础。但是,随着城市的建设发展和新理念、新要求的提出,控制性详细规划作为对城市发展的一种控制和引导,也应该在规划实施过程中不断深化完善,以适应城市发展的需要。因此探索“产城融合”视角下的控制性详细规划动态维护方法,成为了优化控规编制内容、从产业区这个层面落实“产城融合”理念的必要手段。文章围绕产业区控制性详细规划动态维护的核心内容,通过研究国内外相关文献、分析相关理念、在对原控规进行实施评估的基础上,提出由于公共服务设施缺失、生态环境被忽视等造成的“产城分离”的影响,总结产业区原控规存在的问题,并通过分析中共中央国务院关于进一步加强城市规划建设管理工作的若干意见等政策、文件内容、产城融合、低影响开发等理论的主要内容及对控规维护的具体要求,结合廊坊市中心城区已编和在编专项规划涉及用地布局与空间管制、指标控制的内容纳入控规中实现对控规方案的提升及优化。通过对动态维护流程的优化、维护原则、维护重点的确定,并以产业区内LH-02控制单元为例论述了修改的必要性、修改影响论证等保证了维护后的规划方案相较原控规方案的先进性、可行性,促进产业区产城融合发展,最后对控规动态维护的编制和实施管理提出合理化建议,并得出以下结论:在原控规实施评估方面,通过定性定量相结合,提出从“空间结构与布局、建设用地、指标控制、配套公共服务设施、道路交通、市政设施、编制审批程序实施”七个方面进行评估;维护流程方面,提出分为申请环节、审批环节两个部分;维护原则方面应遵循优化性、实施性、公平性及整体性四大原则,维护重点确定为居住用地、公共服务、道路交通、市政交通、开发强度等五个方面,控规修改影响论证方面从居住用地与可容纳人口、公共服务设施、道路交通、市政设施影响四方面进行论证比较,保障控规维护方案切实可行,满足环境承载力要求。关键词:产城融合;控制性详细规划;动态维护;产业区Research on Dynamic Maintenance of Controlled Detailed Planning under the Background of Integration of Production City-Taking Longhe High-tech Industrial Zone in Langfang City as an ExampleAbstractThe control detailed planning is based on the overall urban planning or zoning planning. The qualitative, quantitative and fixed-point specific control arrangements for land use, space environment and construction land development within the urban planning area within a certain period of time are urban planning. The competent department manages the most direct and main legal basis for urban development and construction.Urban development is a process of dynamic change and continuous improvement. Controlled detailed planning has certain seriousness and authority. The approved control rules should not be easily changed. This is also the basis for ensuring that urban planning and construction are “not distorted”. However, with the development of the city and the introduction of new concepts and new requirements, the control detailed planning as a control and guidance for urban development should also be continuously deepened and improved in the planning and implementation process to meet the needs of urban development. Therefore, exploring the dynamic maintenance method of control detailed planning from the perspective of “production city integration” has become a necessary means to optimize the content of control regulations and implement the concept of “production integration” from the industrial zone.The article focuses on the core content of dynamic maintenance of controlled detailed planning in industrial areas. Based on the study of relevant literature at home and abroad, analysis of relevant concepts, and evaluation of the original control regulations, it is proposed that due to the lack of public service facilities and the neglect of the ecological environment. The impact of the “separation of production and production” summarizes the problems existing in the original control regulations of the industrial zone, and analyzes the “Policy of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Further Strengthening the Management of Urban Planning and Construction” and other policies, document content, production city integration, and low impact. The main content of the development and other theories and the specific requirements for the maintenance of the control regulations, combined with the layout of the land use and space control and index control in the central area of Langfang City, the content of the control plan is improved and optimization. Through the optimization of the dynamic maintenance process, the maintenance principle, the maintenance focus, and the LH-02 control unit in the industrial zone as an example, the necessity of modification and the modification of the impact argument are guaranteed to ensure that the planned plan after maintenance is compared with the original control. The advanced nature and feasibility of the program, promote the integration and development of the production area in the industrial zone, and finally put forward reasonable suggestions for the preparation and implementation management of the dynamic maintenance of the control regulations, and draw the following conclusions:In the assessment of the implementation of the original control regulations, through the combination of qualitative and quantitative, it is proposed to evaluate the seven aspects of “space structure and layout, construction land, index control, supporting public service facilities, road traffic, municipal facilities, and preparation and approval procedures”; In terms of process, it is divided into two parts: application link and approval link; the maintenance principle should follow the four principles of optimization, implementation, fairness and integrity. The maintenance focus is determined to be residential land, public service, road traffic, municipal traffic. Five aspects of development intensity, such as the


本文(产城融合背景下控制性详细规划动态维护研究——以廊坊市龙河高新技术产业区为例)为本站会员(王***)主动上传,金锄头文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即阅读金锄头文库的“版权提示”【网址:https://www.jinchutou.com/h-59.html】,按提示上传提交保证函及证明材料,经审查核实后我们立即给予删除!


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