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英语构词法英语主要有三种构词法:转化、派生和合成。在高考中,凡超出考试说明词汇表范围的单词,若利用构词法能猜出其意义,均不加中文解释。新教材2000多词中派生词、合成词、转化词占近700个,可见其重要性。下面简要介绍一下这三种构词法。一、转化构词法:英语中的一个单词由一个词类转化为另一个词类而词形不变,成为转化法。这种构词方式主要体现在名词、动词、形容词之间的相互转化。 有大量的动词可以转化为名词,有时意思没有太大的变化:Let me have a try. We stopped there for a swim.He went off at a run to consult a doctor.This is for winter wear. Dont make it too tight.This was a great surprise(strike,shock)to my brother.有时意思有一定的变化:He was about the same build as his brother. Last years catch was four times that of 1986.This was a decisive move.They can be used as a stock feed。Women have a equal say in everything.。 也有相当多的名词可以当动词用。许多表示物件的名词可以用做动词来表示动作。Have you book the ticket?Who chaired the meeting?He pinned great hopes on us.It can seat a thousand people.We have mapped out plans for their utilization.It pictures the life of overseas Chinese students.He hurriedly penciled the time on it.By noon he had bagged three hares.The machine bottles15000 jars of cold a day.The money was all pocketed by corrupt officials.He hammered a nail into the wall.有些表示身体部位的名词也可以用来做动词。Hand in you exercise-books,please.Well not back up. We should dare to face any difficulty and danger.Who headed the delegation.Well headed for Yunnan tomorrow.We should shoulder these responsibilities. She fingered the silk gently. Im never interested in nosing out the details of someone elses private life. They eyed him with suspicion. 一些表示一类人的名词也可用做动词:If so,we shall be badly fooled.)He insisted on staying up to nurse the child.)We were hosted by members of the embassy.Our aim is to save the patient and not to doctor him to death.The equipment was manned by three workers per shift.He has soldiered in France in his youth.The army was officered by brave men.He claims to have fathered over 20 children.He fathered many inventions.一些表示其他实物的名词也可用做动词:Each apartment can house a family of six. I hope we can room together. This helped to bridge over our difficulties. They flowered well but bore little fruit. He floored the room.An aeroplane was used to dust insecticide.We decided to dam the river.He is busy oiling the bicycle.He wolfed down three great bowls of rice. The pill is coated with sugar.Executives,workers and technicians team up.此外,还有一些抽象名词等也可以用做动词:Where do swallows winter? We summered by Lake Geneva.For six days and nights they battled to save his life.Through my childhood,I had hungered for education.This so angered us that we beat him up.They breakfasted(lunched) at the guesthouse. Over 1000 students stormed into the Senate building. 有不少形容词也可以用做动词:The train slowed down to half its speed. This is the chief way of narrowing the differences between them. Please warm up the dish over the stove. The room gradually quieted down.形容词转化为名词Her native language is German.You can always tell the difference between tourists and natives.Dont wash whites and coloreds together.The whites of her eye were bloodshot.Im only telling you this for your own good.Whats the good of earning all that money if you dont have time to enjoy it.It will do you good to your health.情态动词转化为名词His new novel is a must for all lovers of science fiction.I dont want to go against your will.Its gods will.Where there is a will, there is a way.There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow.We should meet childrens special educational needs.代词转化为名词She thinks shes really somebody in at car.She rose from being a nobody to become a superstar.二、派生在一个单词的前、后面加上词缀构成新词的方式就为派生。加在前面的叫前缀(prefixes),加在后面的叫后缀(suffixes)。前缀一般不改变词类,而主要决定一个词的词义;后缀一般不改变词义,而主要决定一个词的词类。(一)前缀1. 表示否定意义的常见前缀形式 un- 构成反义词,表示否定或相反的动作,经常附在动词、形容词、副词之前。unusual, uncertain, unwanted, unable, unfair, uncover, unnecessary, unhappy, unimportant, unknown, unpleasant, untouched, unlike, unexpectedly, undress, unfold, unlock, undo, I undid the package and took out the books.She undressed and got into bed.Everyone helped to unload the luggage from the car.The divers hoped to unlock the secret of the seabed. dis- 构成反义词,表示“不”, 经常附在动词、形容词、副词之前。 例:discomfort, disappear, dishonest, discover, disagree, dissatisfied, disappointed, dislike, disobey, disadvantage, disagree, discourage, disable, disallow, disapproval, disbelieve, disconnect, disharmony, You could be disqualified from driving for up to 3 years because of driving after drinking.Everything was in a disordered state.You have dishonored the name of the school.Her behavior has brought disgrace on her family.She disclaimed any knowledge of her husbands whereabouts.Most of the rebels(叛乱分子) were caught and disarmed. in-/im- 构成反义词,表示“不”,im用于以m, b, p等开头的词; 其余都用in-如:impossible, impolite, imperfect, improper, immodest, impatient, imbalanceinactive, inadequate, incorrect, incomplete, indirect, independence, informal, ingratitude, inhuman, injustice, inoper


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