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2019-2020年高一英语 Unit 7 Cultural relics2.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语 Unit 7 Cultural relics2.doc

2019-2020年高一英语 Unit 7 Cultural relics2Teaching Aims:1.Master the following words and expressions:restore,replace,recreate,in ruins,under attack,give in,in pieces,bringback to life,e true2.Learn the following sentence patterns:“It is true that”“do everything we can to save our city.”3.Improve the Ss reading ability.4.Enable the Ss to be aware of the significance of protecting cultural relics.Teaching Important Point:How to improve the Ss reading ability.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to grasp the main idea of a paragraph.2.How to help the Ss master the use of some useful words and expressions.3.How to enable the Ss to use the sentence patterns correctly.Teaching Methods:1.Discussion method to make the Ss understand what theyve learned in class.2.Pair work or group work to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities.Teaching Aids:1.a tape recorder2.a projector and some slidesTeaching Procedures:FStep .Greetings and RevisionGreet the whole class as usual.T:In the last period,we learned about some cultural relics in the world.And weve known some of the cultural relics are being destroyed.Then,what should we do to the protect them?You may have a discussion in groups of four.Ill give you three minutes to do the task.Do you understand?Ss:Yes.(Teacher goes among the Ss and takes part in their discussion.)T:(Three minutes later) Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Ill ask some students to say their answers.Any volunteers?S1:Let me try.I think we should increase public awareness and education.T:Anything else?S2:We may use the puter to monitor the cultural relics and take necessary action.T:Well done.FStep .Pre-reading(Teacher deals with the new words with the whole class.)T:Today were going to read a passage.Its about a great citySt Petersburg.As we all know,there are many great cities in the world,such as Beijing,Washington,Paris.In your opinion,what makes these cities great?Now,lets have a discussion.Discuss the following questions on the screen with you partner.(Teacher shows the screen.)1.Some cities,like Paris and Beijing,are called great cities of the world.In your opinion,what makes a city great?2.What are your favourite cities?Why?3.What cultural relics are there in the place where you live?How important are they?T:Ill give you five minutes to do it.After that,Ill ask some students to say their answers.Do you understand?Ss:Yes.T:OK.You can begin.(Teacher goes among the Ss and joins them in the activities.)T:(In five minutes.)Time is up.Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:Whod like to answer the first question?S3:Let me try.I think Beijing is the capital of our country.There are many cultural sites in it,such as the Imperial Palace,the Summer Palace,the Heaven Temple,the Forbidden City and so on.So it is great.That Paris is great is because it is the economic and political centre of France.It is famous for the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre.In a word,a long history and famous cultural relics can make a city great.T:Well done.Thank you.The second question,who can try?S4:My favourite cities are:Beijing,London,Sydney,Cario.Because these cities all represent their own culture and have a long history.T:Very good.The third one?S5:There are Mount Laoding and Shangdang men in the place where I live.T:How important are they?S5:Because you can see the big bronze statue of Emperor Yan on Mount Laoding from far away.Its about 40 metres high.Its really attractive.And Shangdang men can remind you of the famous battle there.T:Very good.FStep .ReadingT:Now,open your books and turn to Page 45.Read the passage quickly.Try to find the answers to the two questions on the screen.(Teacher shows the screen.)1.Why are the people of St Petersburg heroes?2.Who built St Petersbury?When?T:Now,Ill give you five minutes to prepare it.Later,Ill ask two students to answer the two questions.T:(Five minutes later)Have you finished?Ss:Yes.T:Zhang Hui,the first question,please.S6:I think the answer to the first question lies in the following:First,the city was under attack for 900 days,but the people of the city never gave in.Second,restoring the city and its cultural relics seemed impossible after it was destroyed,but the people of this city would not give up.They made great efforts to rebuild it.At last,the city has been made as wonderful as in the past.T:Well done.The second question,who can try?S7:Let me try.The Russian Czar Peter built the city more than 300 years ago.T:Good.Sit down,please.Now,read the passage once again.This time you need to pick out some sentences that you find difficult to understand.First,have a discussion with your partner and exchange your difficult points.Then,Ill explain some language points to you.(Teacher goes among the Ss and collects the difficult points that the Ss cant understand after having a discussion.)T:(A few minutes later.)OK.Let look at


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