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心理语言学 9

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心理语言学 9

Chapter 9 Conversational Interactions June 1, 2010 Speech production in its social context: conversation 1.Lisa: Hey eva theres something I wanted to tell you. 2.Eva: mhm. 3.Lisa: My brother is coming to town for a visit next week 4.Eva: How nice 5.Lisa: and you know, he broke up with that awful Julie “last” week 6.Eva: how” very nice, whens he getting here? 7.Lisa: next Monday 8.Eva: Want to go shopping and help me pick out something really attractive before Monday? Speech production in its social context: conversation Features of conversation lPersonnel: Participants in a conversation Speaker(s) and addressee(s) lCommon ground: Knowledge and beliefs shared by the personnel Assumptions about what the other(s) know(s)/ believe(s) lAction sequence: Small joint projects in a conversation Opening, information exchange, closing Features of conversation lAdjacency pair:each person contributes something to a joint project. Agenda setting Question- and- answer sequence lContribution:Mutual agreement among the personnel that the addressee has understood the speaker continue to the next joint project. What is a conversation? nLoosely structured coordinated action. Speech production in its social context. nCoordinated by conventions and negotiation Opening Closing Turn- taking Topic selection Participant determination Conversational Interaction nConversation is a complex process of language use and a special form of social interaction with its own rules and dynamics. nConversation is a joint action: two participants jointly follow the rules. nConversation rules: with powerful influence of social and cultural context. Conversation as a speech event Opening conversations nDirect address Hey, George! nInformation request Do you know the time? nOffer assistance Are you looking for someone? nStereotyped expression Hello! Excuse me. nStereotyped topic Nice weather, huh? Come here often? We have only a limited number of ways to open a conversation. Closing conversations We use preclosing statement to signal a readiness to end the conversation. nPreclosing statement: Sooo Well (can be accepted or not) nContent summary: So, were agreed: Youll hide the body and Ill distract the cops. nJustifying ending: Im late for a meeting. I know you are busy-Ill let you go now. Closing conversations nExpressing pleasure: This was fun. nPlanning future contact: See you later. Well divvy up the money on Tuesday. nWishing well: Take care. Sweet dreams. Turn- taking lOne speaker at a time, but there is often overlap at the beginning and ends of turns. lNonverbal behavior also facilitates an orderly transition from one speaker to another. (Turn- yielding signals) (1) Drop in pitch (2) Drop in loudness (3) Extension of the final syllable (4) Termination of hand gestures (5) Stereotyped expressions (you know) (6) Completion of a grammatical clause What determines who speaks next? Turn taking follows three implicit rules (Sacks, et al., 1974) (1) Current speaker selects the next speaker (2) Self- selection (3) Current speaker continues Topic selection lTopics in conversation can be defined in terms of the intersection (overlap) of propositions across sentences. lCreated through the selection of individual responses A: John bought a red car in Baltimore yesterday. bought (John, car); red (car); in (John, Baltimore); etc. B: I think a red car would be ugly. think (I, X); red (car); X=ugly (car) Topic selection B: Hes not going to buy my car? New Topic: selling As options (1) Respond directly No, he didnt like it. (2) Refer back to part of initial statement that got a response He needed it in a hurry. (3) Give general response Its always tough to buy a new car. lMulti- layer structure Can temporarily shift to meta- layer (outside the standard conversational context) lCorrecting grammar, telling jokes, stories Participant determination lParticipants: Speaker Addressee Side participants lAdditional listeners Bystanders Eavesdroppers Conversational Participants lCommon ground: shared understanding of those involved in the conversation. Some of the common grounds is culturally based, such as cultural values, commonly held beliefs. Other types of common ground are more personal. Friends vs. Acquaintances Planalp (1993): lFriends were more likely to use profanity laugh more often express negative judgments argue with one another make joint references to themselves (we, us) lAcquaintances were more likely to use filled pauses and talk about only one topic. Friends vs. Acquaintances lFriends have (Homstein, 1985) Implicit openings Hi, its me. More common ground Less overt explanation More profanity More jokes More overt negative judgments More topics Ask more questions Gender differences Do rules hold equally well for mixed- gender conversations and same- gender conversations? lZimmerman display of interest rather than a violation Gende


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