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人教版高一英语(必修二)优质课件4.2《Unit4 reading》

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人教版高一英语(必修二)优质课件4.2《Unit4 reading》

新课标人教版课件系列 高中英语 必修2-4.2 How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife Unit4 Wildlife Protection help Tell something about the following wildlife polar bear rhino Crocodile leopard K o a l a koala giraffe elephant salamander white flag dolphin Why should we be concerned about /pay attention to wild animals and plants dying out? They are humans friends. They can provide us food, medicine and so on . They can keep the balance of nature and make the world colorful . To protect wildlife is to protect ourselves, and to kill them is to kill ourselves. They are in danger now Reading Skimming Who is the character(主人公) of the story? How did she travel? Which places did she travel to? Which animals did she visit? Read and answer the following questions: 1. Who is hunting and killing the Tibetan antelope? 2. Why are we humans part of this problem? 3.How did life improve for the farmers in Zimbabwe? 4. How did it improve for the animals? 5. In what ways does looking after the rain forest help with wildlife protection? 6. Why do you think the animals have to speak for themselves? The hunters who want to get the wool to make sweater killed them. People who buy sweaters made with Tibetan wool are encouraging more people to kill the animals. The farmers got money when the government made sure that the tour companies had to pay them to visit and hunt the animals. Farmers like the animals and no longer hunt them. Looking after the rain forest will give all the wildlife good living conditions and it keeps the balance of the nature there. No rain forest, no animals and no drugs. The animals have no man to speak for them. (They can win more sympathy.) Three parts of the passage: The first part: The second part: The third part: paragraph 1. paragraph 2 and 3. paragraph 4 and 5. main ideas Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Daisy flew in a wonderful chair to _and found that_. Daisy flew to _ and found that_ _ _. Daisy flew to _. Talking with _, she got to know that _ _. main ideas Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Daisy flew in a wonderful chair to Tibet and found that antelopes were in danger. They were killed for the fur to make sweater. Daisy flew to _ and found that _ _ _. Daisy flew to _. Talking with _, she got to know that _ _. main ideas Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Daisy flew in a wonderful chair to Tibet and found that antelopes were in danger. They were killed for the fur to make sweater. Daisy flew to Zimbabwe and found that the wild animals were well protected by paying farmers to visit animals Daisy flew to _. Talking with _, she got to know that _ _. main ideas Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Daisy flew in a wonderful chair to Tibet and found that antelopes were in danger. They were killed for the fur to make sweater. Daisy flew to Zimbabwe and found that the wild animals were well protected by paying farmers to visit animals Daisy flew to the rain forest. Talking with a monkey, she got to know that rain forests should be protected, for they are the source of many medicines and drugs. 1. Daisy turned around and saw she was being watched by an excited elephant. 2. She turned around and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her. 3. In three years we may all be gone. 4. But what an experience! How do you understand these sentences: Summary One day, Daisy_ a strange dream. She flew in a wonderful _ to_with an _in Tibet. The antelope told her they were hunted because of their _which can be used to make _ like hers. In three years they may all be _. Later, she _ to Zimbabwe where she talked with an _and got to know the farmers there no longer _ them. Thats because the _ decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of _. At last she _ at the thick rain_ where a monkey told her “No rain forest, no _ and no _.” Although finally everything was _, she had _ so much. dreamed chairtalk antelope fur sweater gone flew elephant hunted government money arrivedforest animals drugs gone learned Make up dialogues The first one: Daisy and the antelope The second one: Daisy and the elephant The third one: Daisy and the monkey Pair work What should we do to protect wildlife? Discussion We should learn more about wildlife . tell our friends and family the importance of protecting wildlife. educate people to join in wildlife protection . stop hunting and killing wildlife. build more protection zones or reserves to make wildlife live freely and comfortably let wildlife live


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