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confidential Employee Performance Evaluation Review Performance Evaluation Review is to the evaluation process followed by organizations, to determine the level of competence of an employee and your future expected contribution in the growth of the company. It also determines your own progress in the career front and what you must expect from your employer. It is a two-way process and is equally important for both (i.e., for the employer and the employee). Employees Name Position/ Title Date Joined Division Company Entity HK/ PRC Appraisal Period Department Direct Report Appraisal Venue Ratings Description Unsatisfactory Failed to meet necessary requirements as against set target standards Below Expectations Requirements are met occasionally yet minimum standards are not often achieved Meets Expectations Requirements are met usually indicating the delivery of adequate results Exceeds Expectations Performance is found more than adequate on most occasions Outstanding Performance has consistently exceeded job requirements and expectations Evaluation Items Unsatisfactory Below Expectation Meets Expectation Exceeds Expectation Outstanding Communication Skills: internal & external Time Management Skills Decision Making Ability Organizational Ability Technical Skills Analytical Skills Problem Solving Skills Initiative/ Spirited Leadership & Coaching Skills Negotiation Skills Task Ownership Teamwork Customer Dealing: internal & external Flexibility Dependability Overall Evaluation confidential Positive Attributes & Key Achievements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Areas need improvement: (for both short term and long term): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Targets and Goals for the current year: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Appraisers Comment: Employee's Comments(optional) Overall Rating for the Performance of the employee Unsatisfactory Below Expectation Meets Expectation Exceeds Expectation Outstanding KPI Measurement Definition confidential Specific It has to be clear what the KPI exactly measures. There has to be one widely-accepted definition of the KPI to make sure the different users interpret it the same way and, as a result, come to the same and right conclusions which they can act on. Measurable The KPI has to be measurable to define a standard, budget or norm, to make it possible to measure the actual value and to make the actual value comparable to the budgeted value. Achievable Every KPI has to be measurable to define a standard value for it. It is really important for the acceptance of KPIs and Performance Management in general within the organization that this norm is achievable. Nothing is more discouraging than striving for a goal that you will never obtain. Relevant The KPI must give more insight in the performance of the organization in obtaining its strategy. If a KPI is not measuring a part of the strategy, acting on it doesnt affect the organizations performance. Therefore an irrelevant KPI is useless. Time phased It is important to express the value of the KPI in time. Every KPI only has a meaning if one knows the time dimension in which it is realized. The realization and standardization of the KPI therefore has to be time phased. KPIs/ Define Score at Q1 Actual/ Target Score at Q2 Actual/ Target Score at Q3 Actual/ Target Score at Q4 Actual/ Target Total Score Example: the target of the Year: 10 days of inventory Initial value: 14 days Score at Q1 Actual/ Target 15_/ 25 (12 days) Score at Q2 Actual/ Target _15_/ 25 (12 days) Score at Q3 Actual/ Target _20_/ 25 (10 days) Score at Q4 Actual/ Target 25_/ 25 (8 days) Total Score: _75_/ 100 1. _/ 25 _/ 25 _/ 25 _/ 25 _/ 100 2. _/ 25 _/ 25 _/ 25 _/ 25 _/ 100 3. _/ 25 _/ 25 _/ 25 _/ 25 _/ 100 4. _/ 25 _/ 25 _/ 25 _/ 25 _/ 100 5. _/ 25 _/ 25 _/ 25 _/ 25 _/ 100 Summary/ Results: confidential Appraisers Name: Appraisers Signature: Date: Employees Name: Employees Signature: Date:


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