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1、英文原著英文原著波斯人波斯人:TheThe PersiansPersians470 BCTHE PERSIANSby Aeschylustranslated by Robert PotterCHARACTERS IN THE PLAYATOSSA, widow of Darius and mother of XERXESMESSENGERGHOST OF DARIUSXERXESCHORUS OF PERSIAN ELDERS, who compose the Persian Council of State(SCENE:-Before the Council-Hall of the Persian Kings at Susa. Thetomb of Darius the Great is visible. The time is 480 B.C., shortlyafter the battle of Salamis. The play opens with the CHORUS OFPERSIAN ELDERS singing its first ch。

2、Chapter 11801,I have just returned from a visit to my landlord-the solitary neighbour that I shall be troubled with. This is certainly a beautiful country! In all England, I do not believe that I could have fixed on a situation so completely removed from the stir of society. A perfect misanthropists heaven: and Mr Heathcliff and I are such a suitable pair to divide the desolation between us. A capital fellow! He little imagined how my heart warmed towards him when I beheld his black eyes w。

3、101 Steps To Success A Guide For Achieving Your Goals IntroductionMost people want to be successful in life. There are goals set and then the hard work begins to reach those goals. The question is what is success? Actually, success can mean different things to different people.For example, a person that owns their own oil changing service for vehicles might set their level of success at servicing 50 cars a day while someone who loves music might consider success as cutting their own CD.。

4、第24卷第1期 2009年2月宿 州 学 院 学 报 Journal of Suzhou U niversityVol . 24,No. 1 Feb. 2009Jane Eyre i n Book and on ScreenZHUO Ran (Communication U niversity of China, Beijing China, 100024)Abstract: A s two different art form s, literature and fil m someti mes share si m ilarities and can be adapted to each oth2er. Focusing on the British classic Jane Eyre, this article is going to find out the differences in plots, characterizationstrategies and settings between the original novel and its fi。

5、英文原著阅读报告英文原著阅读报告英文原著阅读报告阅读书目 Pride and Prejudice专业班级 姓名学号 指导老师 完成时间On Wordsworth and Emersons Conception of Nature(题目字居中,加粗 Times New Roman 小三)空一行Yu Lianjun Class 2, XXEnglish Department, Foreign Languages College(居中,加粗 Times New Roman 小四号)空一行I. IntroductionIn the introduction part, information about the book, the author, and his times should be covered. A brief account of the authors life should be given together with a des。

6、英文原著英文原著-The-The Raven(Raven(乌鸦乌鸦) )THE RAVEN THE RAVEN THE RAVEN THE RAVEN 1 THE RAVEN Edgar Al l an Poe THE RAVEN THE RAVEN THE RAVEN THE RAVEN 2 Once upon a mi dni ght dreary, whi l e I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quai nt and curi ous vol ume of forgotten l ore- Whi l e I nodded, nearl y nappi ng, suddenl y there came a tappi ng, As of some one gentl y rappi ng, rappi ng at my chamber door. “Ti s some vi si ter,“ I muttered, “tappi ng at my chamber door-Onl y thi s an。

7、英文原著系列英文原著系列-Just-Just FolksFolksJust Fol ks 1 J ust Folks by Edgar A. Guest Just Fol ks 2 J ust Folks Were queer fol ks here. Wel l tal k about the weather, The good ti mes we have had together, The good ti mes near, The roses buddi n, an the bees Once more upon thei r nectar sprees; The scarl et fever scare, an who Came mi ghty near not pul l i n through, An who had l i ght attacks, an al l The thi ngs that i ntrest, bi g or smal l ; But here you&。

8、英文原著英文原著TATTINE(TATTINE(塔廷塔廷) )TATTINE 1 TATTINE by Ruth Ogden Mrs. Charles W. Ide TATTINE 2 CHAPTER I. TROUBLE NO. 1 W hether you happen to be four or five, or six, or seven, or even older than that, no doubt you know by this tim e that a great m any things need to be learned in this world, everything, in fact, and never m ore things than at seven. At least, so thought little Tattine, and what troubled her the m ost was that som e of the things seem ed quite wrong, and yet no one wa。

9、1SLEEPING BEAUTYRevised Narrative 7/13/2006This is the story of Sleeping Beauty which begins “once upon a time” once upon a time long ago. It was so long ago that even the oldest people now alive like grandmothers and grandfathers cannot remember it. In a special kingdom there was a King and Queen who lived in a beautiful palace. The palace had great walls made of white marble that shined in the darkest night. And around the walls were high towers with golden roofs that glowed in the。

10、The Cash Boy 1 The Cash Boy BY Horatio Alger, Jr. The Cash Boy 2 PREFACE The Cash Boy, by Horatio Alger, Jr., as the name implies, is a story about a boy and for boys. Through some conspiracy, the hero of the story when a baby, was taken from his relatives and given into the care of a kind woman. Not knowing his name, she gave him her husbands name, Frank Fowler. She had one little daughter, Grace, and showing no partiality in the treatment of her children, Frank never suspected。

11、读原版书的三个误区读原版书的三个误区1. 觉得自己词汇量不够觉得自己词汇量不够. . 事 实上, 这个是最大的误区. 我可以随手写下几个单词, 你是否知道它 们的意思? antihistamine? placebo? 好吧, 基本上大多数人不会知道 第一个词. 现在我告诉你, 这个词是“抗组胺剂“的意思. 你是否知道这 是什么? 第二个词可能有人背过, 这个词是“安慰剂“的意思, 你是否也 知道它具体是什么呢? 所以我认为, 一个词, 就算告诉你汉语你也不知道是什么, 那么和直接 看英文有什么区别呢? 你可能费了半天劲, 最后得出的只是这一个词的一个中文镜像而已.另。

12、英文原著英文原著asas youyou likelike ititAS YOU LIKE IT 1 AS YOU LIKE IT William Shakespeare 1601 AS YOU LIKE IT 2 D RAM ATIS PERSO N AE. D U KE, living in exile FRED ERICK, his brother, and usurper of his dom inions AM IEN S, lord attending on the banished D uke JAQ U ES, “ “ “ “ “ “ LE BEAU , a courtier attending upon Frederick CH ARLES, wrestler to Frederick O LIVER, son of Sir Rowland de Boys JAQ U ES, “ “ “ “ “ “ O RLAN D O , “ “ “ “ “ “ AD AM , servant to O liver D EN N I。

13、英文原著英文原著-Kansas-Kansas WomenWomen inin LiteratureLiteratureKANSAS WOMEN I N LI TERATURE 1 KANSAS WOMEN IN LITERATURE BY NETTIE GARMER BARKER KANSAS WOMEN I N LI TERATURE 2 TO MY NEAREST AND DEAREST- MY SI LENT PARTNERS- MY HUSBAND AND MY MOTHER. We are proud of Kansas, the beauti ful queen, And proud are we of her fi el ds of corn; But a nobl er pri de than these I ween, I s our pri de i n her chi l dren, Kansas born! -El l en P. Al l erton- -Or adopted. I n thi s gal ax。

14、翻译作业京华烟云 林语堂著 张振玉译Moment in Peking Mannians(曼娘)(曼娘) Wedding Day Lin Yutang The next day, May the twenty-fifth, was Mannias wedding day. While her mother was getting things ready with the assistance of Coral(珊瑚) and Mulan(木兰), and they were waiting for the sedan(轿子)chairs to come at the proper hour, the Tseng house(曾府) was in a great turmoil(混乱) . There were a thousand things to prepare for the bride, and red sashes((妇 女、儿童用的)饰带,腰带)and color。

15、A Brief History of the Internet The Bright Side: The Dark Side1A Brief History of the InternetThe Bright Side: The Dark SideMichael Hart with Max Fuller (C)1995, Released on March 8th.A Brief History of the Internet The Bright Side: The Dark Side2CHAPTER 00PrefaceThe Internet Conquers Space, Time, and Mass Production. Michael Hart called it NeoMass Production TM in 1971. and published the U.S. Declaration of Independence on the and no one was listening.or were they? ?careful! If the。

16、The Dhammapada A Collection of Verses Being One of the Canonical Books of the Buddhists1The Dhammapada A Collection of Verses Being One of the Canonical Books of the BuddhistsTranslated from Pali by F. Max Muller From: The Sacred Books of the East Translated by Various Oriental Scholars Edited by F. Max Muller Volume X Part IThe Dhammapada A Collection of Verses Being One of the Canonical Books of the Buddhists2Chapter I The Twin-Verses1. All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it。

17、The Grey Brethren1The Grey BrethrenThe Grey Brethren2The Grey BrethrenSome of the happiest remembrances of my childhood are of days spent in a little Quaker colony on a high hill. The walk was in itself a preparation, for the hill was long and steep and at the mercy of the north-east wind; but at the top, sheltered by a copse and a few tall trees, stood a small house, reached by a flagged pathway skirting one side of a bright trim garden. I, with my seven summers of lonely, delicate childhood, f。

18、A. V. Laider1A. V. LaiderBy MAX BEERBOHMA. V. Laider2I UNPACKED my things and went down to await luncheon. It was good to be here again in this little old sleepy hostel by the sea. Hostel I say, though it spelt itself without an “s“ and even placed a circumflex above the “o.“ It made no other pretension. It was very cozy indeed. I had been here just a year before, in mid-February, after an attack of influenza. And now I had returned, after an attack of influenza. Nothing was changed. It had 。

19、Sight Unseen1Sight Unseenby Mary Roberts RinehartSight Unseen2IThe rather extraordinary story revealed by the experiments of the Neighborhood Club have been until now a matter only of private record. But it seems to me, as an active participant in the investigations, that they should be given to the public; not so much for what they will add to the existing data on psychical research, for from that angle they were not unusual, but as yet another exploration into that still uncharted territory, t。

20、THE GATHERING OF BROTHER HILARIUS1THE GATHERING OF BROTHER HILARIUSTHE GATHERING OF BROTHER HILARIUS2PART I - THE SEEDTHE GATHERING OF BROTHER HILARIUS3CHAPTER I - BLIND EYES IN THE FORESTHILARIUS stood at the Monastery gate, looking away down the smooth, well-kept road to the highway beyond. It lay quiet and serene in the June sunshine, the white way to the outer world, and not even a dust cloud on the horizon promised the approach of the train of sumpter mules laden with meats for the bellies。

英文原著--kansas women in literature
英文原著--the raven(乌鸦)
[英文原著]as you like it
英文原著系列-just folks
呼啸山庄 英文原著
英文原著《波斯人》:the persians
英文原著moment in peking


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