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1、UnitUnit 2 2 FitFit forfor lifelifeReadingReading 1 1TeachingTeaching aims:aims:After this class, the students will be able to: 1. gain the gist through first and second reading; 2. practice students listening ability; 3. improve students thinking ability through discussion; 4. understand some medical terms.TeachingTeaching procedures:procedures: StepStep 1 1 lead-inlead-in 1. Fill in the blanks A good _________ tastes bitter. Laugh is the best ____ in the world There is no ______。

2、UnitUnit 2 2 TheThe universaluniversal languagelanguageReading 2 TeachingTeaching aims:aims: After this lesson, students will be able to know meaning of some of the words and phrases and how to use them.TeachingTeaching procedures:procedures: StepStep 1 1 RevisionRevision Ask students questions about the opera Turandot, mainly focusing on the main aspects of the play. 1. Where does the story happen? 2. Who are the main characters? 3. What is Calaf like? 4. What is Turandot like? 5。

3、UnitUnit 2 2 TheThe universaluniversal languagelanguageReading 1 TeachingTeaching aims:aims: After this lesson, students will be able to read a review of an opera. TeachingTeaching procedures:procedures: StepStep 1 1 Lead-inLead-in (PPT4-8)(PPT4-8) 1. Show the students a picture of Zhang Yimou. And ask them the following questions. Who is the person in the picture? What does he do? (Zhang Yimou. He is a famous director in China and also in the world.) What has he directed? (Bid for。

4、本课栏目开关,话题导入,本课栏目开关,话题导入,本课栏目开关,话题导入,本课栏目开关,话题导入,B,本课栏目开关,话题导入,B,本课栏目开关,话题导入,答案 C,本课栏目开关,话题导入,Chronic Diseases:the Worlds Leading Killer,To limit the marketing of alcohol and tobacco to young people;to urge healthy eating and more physical activity.,本课栏目开关,Period One,本课栏目开关,Period One,本课栏目开关,Period One,本课栏目开关,Period One,to,from,D,本课栏目开关,Period One,B,本课栏目开关,Period One,本课栏目开关,Period O。

5、The Acropolis now,Reading,Witnessing time,Brainstorming,When we talk about Greece, what do you think of? Do you know anything about Greece? What is the greatest symbol of Athens?,Brainstorming,The Aegeon Sea,Athena,Brainstorming,The First Olympics,The Overview of the Acropolis,Elgin Marbles埃尔金石雕,The Parthenon 帕台农神庙,The Temple of Athena Nike (雅典娜胜利女神庙),The Erechtheum 厄瑞克修姆神庙,ereki:m,The Colosseum, Rome, Italy, built in the first century.,Yuanmingyuan in China,What is th。

6、英语 Unit2 Witnessing time Words教案 1 译林牛津版选修9 课 题 M9U2 课时 9 1 New words 1 主备人 授 课 时 间 教 学 目 标 1 Let students read the new words correctly 2 Get students master some important。

7、UnitUnit 2 2 FitFit f foror lifelifeProjectProjectTeachingTeaching aims:aims:After this class, the students will be able to: 1. Know the history of Chinese acupuncture; 2. Use some words and phrases such as sharp, let out, point, addiction, eventually, take ones place, involve and so on; 3. Do a research on Chinese medicine and report findings to the class.TeachingTeaching procedures:procedures: StepStep 1 1 lead-inlead-in A small quiz on the knowledge of Chinese acupuncture.StepStep。

8、英语 Unit2 Witnessing time Welcome to the unit教案 1 译林牛津版选修9 课 题 M9U2 课时 9 2 Welcome to the unit 主备人 授 课 时 间 教 学 目 标 1 Get students know something about historic sites 2 Encour。

9、UnitUnit 2 2 thethe universaluniversal languagelanguageProject Teaching aims: After learning the article, the students will be able to know some basic ideas about different styles of music and the development of music. They are expected to take this article as an example to do some research on a singer or a band to make a web page by working together. Teaching procedure: StepStep 1 1 LeadLead inin Show title and lead in: how many types of music do you know in the world。

10、Unit2Colour ComicstripWelcometotheunit What syourfavoritecolour Why blue White black green red yellow purple Listen Let slistentotheconversationbetweenEddieandHobo Thenfinishthefollowingexercises What。

11、教师用书独具演示,教学目标 (1)熟记学案中所列出的单词和短语。 (2)通过学案中所给出的重点单词和重点短语的学习,让学生能够正确理解和使用这些单词和短语。,(3)通过对这些词汇的学习能够更深层次的理解课文,再通过课文加深对这些词汇的理解,更加熟练的运用这些词汇。 (4)通过对本课文的理解,让学生能够用英语简单描述所读过的歌剧作品并介绍自己喜爱的剧作家和音乐家,以提高学生的口头及书面表达能力。,教学地位 单词和短语是构成句子的最小单位,在语言学习中起至关重要的作用,所以理解和正确使用英语单词和短语是英语学习的重点。

12、教师用书独具演示,教学目标 (1)理解课文,掌握本学案中所给出的词汇,能够理解并能熟练运用。 (2)听懂课文中所给出的听力材料。 (3)能够用英语描述人们的日常生活。 (4)掌握介绍人物的文章的写法。,教学地位 本课时的主要内容是了解著名的音乐家及其他们的音乐创作风格;同时要求学生掌握介绍人物的文章的写法,因为介绍人物是高考作文中以及日常生活中常见的一种应用文体。,新课导入建议 问题导入法: Question 1: How many musicians do you know? Who are they? Whose music do you like best? Why? Question 2: Are you interested in。

13、When tones hit with one another, it is not in harmony. But this hit is often full of meaning. What we call melody is given meaning by its rising or falling or moving straight ahead. It is also given meaning by its rhythm of beats and phrasing, its speed and how loud or soft it is at any moment. All of this sounds very technical. But it doesnt have to be understood or thought about for us to enjoy music. What music means to us often can not be put into words. We can feel that the music。

14、第二单元 Word power & Grammar,Word Power,Greek in English,the vast majority of 大量的 This is because 这是因为 in everyday/ daily English 在日常英语 prefix 前缀 / suffix 后缀 anti: opposite antimatter 反物质;anti-slavery; antisocial; anti-virus software; Anti-Japanese War; anti-biotics; antibody; antibacterial; antitrust 反垄断的; auto: self automatic; automation自动化; automotive 汽车的;自驱推进的;autorun自动播放;autobiography bio: life biology; bio filter生物滤池;biotechnical; biochemist。

15、M9U2,Witnessing time,What can witness time?,human beings books/stories historic sites(历史遗迹) ,Do you know the following historic sites?,The Colosseum,Classical gardens of Suzhou,Angkor Wat (吴哥窟),St Basils Cathedral (圣巴索教堂) ki:drl,kl sim,k:wa:t ,古罗马竞技场罗马斗兽场,Where and when was it built? What was it used for? How large was it?,What do you know about the historic sites?,The Colosseum, in Rome, Italy, was built in the 1st century BC. It was used for displays of combat。

16、Word power,Guessing Game,a large musical instrument with a row of black and white keys which are pressed to play notes,piano,a wooden musical instrument with four strings which is held against the neck and played by moving a bow across the strings,violin,a musical instrument with six strings and a long neck which is usually made of wood, and which is played by pulling or hitting the strings with the fingers,guitar,a wooden musical instrument with four strings, that is held vertical。

17、Fast reading,Unit 2,The Acropolis now,Step 1 Leading in Which country?,Brainstorming,The Aegeon Sea,Athena,Brainstorming,The First Olympics,The Overview of the Acropolis,Elgin Marbles埃尔金石雕,The Parthenon 帕台农神庙,The Erechtheum 厄瑞克修姆神庙,The Temple of Athena Nike (雅典娜胜利女神庙),Scanning: Part A (page 18): Answers: It started in the 5th century BC. They were made of marble. It was listed as a World Heritage site in 1987 by UNESCO.,Step 2 Fast Reading,Activity 1: First reading: R。

18、The Acropolis now,Reading,Module 9 Unit 2,the Acropolis,Fast Reading,Answer the following questions. 1. When did the construction of the Acropolis start? It started in the 5th century BC . 2. What were the buildings of the Acropolis made of? They were made of marble. 3.When was the Acropolis listed as a World Heritage site? It was listed as a World Heritage site in 1987 by UNESCO,Match each paragraph with the main idea:,Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 Para.5 Para.6 Para.7,Great influence,Poor re。

19、M9 Unit2 Reading- Grammar,Witnessing time,1. have an influence on(L1) =have an impact on =have an effect on 2. make advances in(L3) =make progress in 3. in honour of(L8) 4. in particular(L16) 5. associate with (L16) 6. rise up(L20),1. 对有影响 2. 在方面取得进步 3.为了纪念;为了向表达敬意 4.尤其,特别 5. 把和相联系 6. 升起;起义,key phrases,P18-19,7. of the time(L22) 8. is no different(L42) 9. natural force(L43) 10. seize control of(L46) 11. pack with(L48) 12. cause sb. to do sth.(L50) 13. turn s。

20、superb natural scenery/wonders,the Sahara Desert,the Niagara Falls, Canada,Mount. Huang, China,Bondi Bay, Australia,Classical gardens of Suzhou, China,The Colosseum, Italy,Angor Wat, Cambodia,Pompeii City, Italy,cultural & historic sites,People tend to travel either to indulge themselves in the awesome natural landscape or to explore the culture and history behind the tourist sites.,the Acropolis 雅典卫城 Athens,Greece,Read and find out the main idea or topic sentence of each paragraph. Circle。

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