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1、galit 公平Libert 自由Fraternit 博爱La Tour Eiffel 埃菲尔铁塔LArc de Triomphe 凯旋门Le Palais du Louvre 卢浮宫Notre-Dame de ParisLa Tournesol 向日葵La Seine 塞纳河Le Mont Blanc 勃朗峰Dior 迪奥 Chanel 香奈儿Herms 爱马仕Vin 葡萄酒Baguettes 长棍面包 Croissants 羊角面包Colimaons 蜗牛Fromage 奶酪 Langouste 龙虾法语的特点:字母方面: 同英语 26 个字母发音:除个别音素外,总体较容易语序:主谓宾结构,注意部分形容词和代词的位置阴阳性:名词形容词均有阴阳性的区分动词变位:规则变化和不规则变化Why French?A 兴趣。

2、code:SignatureDoesNotMatch,message:The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.,requestId:bcc5d72b-9577-442f-8e05-9421decae512。

3、第 十二 次 课 第一组(10) 响嘣,这个东西肯定很响很响的,老师做害怕的动作。 声这是声音的声,这个定西会发出“叮叮当、叮叮当”的声音,这是声音,那 这也是声音(图、映、字) 祖祖就是祖国,我们的祖国是什。

4、【寒假二百字作文素材】作文素材 200 字 “放寒假喽”伴随着一声声的欢呼,我们迎来了最爱的寒 假。下面是的关于寒假二百字作文素材的内容,希望对您有所帮助! 寒假的一天,我和妈妈爸爸一起去动物园玩,我们来带车站上了车。在车上我看见了许多美丽的风景。 在车快拐弯的时候我突然看 到一辆面包车撞到了一位老者,老爷爷便倒在了地上,要是 __ 猜错的话,老人已经 70 多岁了,手里拿着拐杖。

5、作文素材 (500字)三年级写作素材积累(写事篇)(一)洗手帕我先端来一盆清水,拿了一块肥皂,把脏手帕放在盆里浸泡,再把手帕捞起来,挤掉一些水,在手帕上擦了一些肥皂。接着,我把手帕前后左右上下全都搓了一遍,脏的地方,就多搓几下。没一会儿,顽皮的小泡泡就从我的手指缝里钻出来,顿时脸盆里撒满了白白细细的泡沫。不一会儿,手帕上的肥皂泡变成了灰色,越搓越黑。然后,我把手帕放进清水里漂洗,直到手帕上闻不到肥皂的味道,才把手帕那起来拧干。最后,我把手帕晾在铁丝上,用夹子夹住,不让风吹走。看着干干净净的手帕,迎风起。

6、作文素材 (5000字)【素材积累】1、闻一多舍生取义的弘扬者当日寇的铁蹄跨过了长城,当锦绣的山河遍遭蹂躏,当祖国各地哀鸿遍野,当无情的地火将人们灼烧,幽静的书斋再也压不住你心中的怒火。你闻一多,拍案而起,孤愤高吟。有一句话说出就是祸,有一句话点的着火,突然晴天里一个霹雳,爆一声:“咱们的中国!”这样的一句话,震撼了多少麻木的心,这样的一句话点燃了多少熄灭的灯。你高举红烛照亮漆黑的夜空,你低吟七子之歌穿透漫漫碧海。面对日寇来袭,面对*的*与迫害,你从未低下高昂的头颅,不惜以一篇篇锋芒毕露的檄文去抗争,以一。

7、43 寒潮相关素材什么是寒潮寒潮是冬季的一种灾害性天气,群众习惯把寒潮称为寒流。所谓寒潮,就是北方的冷空气大规模地向南侵袭我国,造成大范围急剧降温和偏北大风的天气过程。寒潮一般多发生在秋末、冬季、初春时节。我国气象部门规定:冷空气侵入造成的降温,一天内达到10以上,而且最低气温在 5以下,则称此冷空气爆发过程为一次寒潮过程。可见,并不是每一次冷空气南下都称为寒潮。 造成寒潮的主要原因在北极地区由于太阳光照弱,地面和大气获得热量少,常年冰天雪地。到了冬天,太阳光的直射位置 越过赤道,到达南半球,北极地区的。

8、用心 爱心 专心 1Stephen HawkingStephen Hawking was born on the 300th anniversary of Galileos death. He has come to be thought of as the greatest mind in physics since Albert Einstein. With similar interests - discovering the deepest workings of the universe - he has been able to communicate arcane matters not just to other physicists but to the general public.Hawking grew up outside London in an intellectual family. His father was a physician and specialist in tropical diseases;。

9、桂林的山 象鼻山 位于桂林市东南漓江右岸,山因酷似一只大象站在江边伸鼻吸水,因此得名,是桂林 的象征。由山西拾级而上,可达象背。山上有象眼岩,左右对穿酷似大象的一对眼睛,由 右眼下行数十级到南极洞,洞壁刻“南极洞天”四字。再上行数十步到水月洞, 高 1 米, 深 2 米,形似半月,洞映入水,恰如满月,到了夜间明月初升,象山水月,景色秀丽无比。 宋代有位叫蓟北处士的游客,以水月为题,写下这样的绝句:“水底有明 月,水上明 月浮。水流月不去,月去水还流” 。象鼻山有历代石刻文物 50 余件,多刻在水月洞内外崖 壁上,其。

10、用心 爱心 专心 1路德维希冯贝多芬全世界最伟大的作曲家路德维希冯贝多芬 1770 年生于德国波恩市。他从小就表现出了音乐天赋,他的处女作是在 1783 年发表的。他年轻时访问过维也纳,在那儿结识了莫扎特,不过他们的交往如过眼烟云,转瞬即逝。1792 年,贝多芬返回维也纳,在一段时期里求教于海顿当时维也纳首屈一指的作曲家(莫扎特在此年去逝)。贝多芬在维也纳当时世界音乐之都度过余生。贝多芬作为钢琴家所具有的娴熟技巧给所有的人都留下了深刻的印象。他不仅是一名成功的演奏家,也是一位优秀的教师。他不久就成为一名多产的作曲家。

11、用心 爱心 专心 1Deaf-Blind Awareness Week海伦凯勒周Every year the last week of June June 27, 2000, is the 120th anniversary of the birth of Helen Keller, and each year the week in which her birthday falls is recognized as Deaf-Blind Awareness Week. In honor of Helen Keller - and other members of the deaf-blind community, this week is dedicated to the deaf-blind. Every year the last week of June is devoted to one thing-recognition of the deaf-blind people in our midst. While the purpo。

12、Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking was born on the 300th anniversary of Galileos death. He has come to be thought of as the greatest mind in physics since Albert Einstein. With similar interests - disc。

13、用心 爱心 专心 1Biography of Helen KellerThe story of Helen Keller is the story of a normal child who, at the age of 18 months, was suddenly shut off from the world but, against overwhelming odds, waged a slow, hard but successful battle to re-enter that same world. The child grew into a highly intelligent and sensitive woman who wrote, spoke and labored incessantly for the betterment of others.Helen was born in Tuscumbia, Alabama on June 27, 1880. However, her real life began one day i。

14、用心 爱心 专心 1贝多芬路德维希范贝多芬 Ludwig Van Beethoven(1770-1827)是维也纳乐派最后一位,也是最伟大的代表人物。贝多芬 1770年 12月 16日生于莱茵河畔离法国国境不远的小城市-波恩。父亲是个宫廷乐团的男高间歌手,母亲是个厨娘。他的祖父是波恩宫廷乐团的乐长。贝多芬自幼便已显露出他的音乐天才,父亲很早已洞察儿子的音乐天份,为了急于把他培养成为一个象莫扎特那样的神童,四岁即开始逼着他学习钢琴和小提琴,八岁时他已开始在音乐会上表演并尝试作曲,但是,他在这段时期中所受的音乐教育一直是非常零乱和没有系统的。贝。

15、用心 爱心 专心 1Ludwig van BeethovenLudwig van Beethoven was baptised on December 17th 1770 at Bonn. His family originated from Brabant, in Belgium. His father was musician at the Court of Bonn, with a definite weakness for drink. His mother was always described as a gentle, retiring woman, with a warm heart. Beethoven referred to her as his best friend. The Beethoven family consisted of seven children, but only the three boys survived, of whom Beethoven was the eldest. At。

16、用心 爱心 专心 1Stephen HawkingStephen Hawking was born on the 300th anniversary of Galileos death. He has come to be thought of as the greatest mind in physics since Albert Einstein. With similar interests - discovering the deepest workings of the universe - he has been able to communicate arcane matters not just to other physicists but to the general public.Hawking grew up outside London in an intellectual family. His father was a physician and specialist in tropical diseases;。

17、Biography of Helen Keller The story of Helen Keller is the story of a normal child who at the age of 18 months was suddenly shut off from the world but against overwhelming odds waged a slow hard but。

18、用心 爱心 专心 1新课标模 7Unit1资源链接Sophia Fowler Gallaudet was the deaf wife of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, who founded the first permanent public school for the deaf in Hartford, Connecticut. She did not allow her deafness to prevent her from leading a full life. She was educated, raised a family, ran busy household, and helped to found Gallaudet College.Sophia Fowler was born deaf near Guilford, Connecticut, on March 20, 1798. At that time, there were no schools for the deaf in America. Ho。

19、新课标模7Unit1资源链接 Sophia Fowler Gallaudet was the deaf wife of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, who founded the first permanent public school for the deaf in Hartford, Connecticut. She did not allow her dea。

作文素材 (5000字).doc
作文素材 (500字).doc


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高中英语 unit 1《Living Well》文本素材——Stephen Hawking 新人教选修7


    上传时间: 2018-05-15     大小: 46.50KB     页数: 6

高中英语 Unit 1《Living well-路德维希_冯_贝多芬》文字素材9 新人教版选修7
高中英语 Unit 1《Living well-海伦_凯勒周》文字素材10 新人教版选修7
高中英语 unit 1《Living Well》文本素材——Stephen Hawking 新人教选修7.doc
高中英语 unit 1《Living Well》文字素材——Biography of Helen Keller 新人教选修7
高中英语 Unit 1《Living well-贝多芬》文字素材8 新人教版选修7
高中英语 unit 1《Living Well》文字素材——Ludwig van Beethoven 新人教选修7
高中英语 unit 1《Living Well》文字素材——Stephen Hawking 新人教选修7
高中英语 Unit 1《Living well》文字素材12 新人教版选修7
高中英语 Unit 1《Living well》文字素材12 新人教版选修7.doc
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