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Unit6 Life in the future二 人教通用


Unit6 Life in the future二 人教通用Tag内容描述:

1、 课时作业(二十三) 必修5 Unit 3 Life in the future (限时:35分钟) .单项填空 1________alone in the large house,the little boy had to learn to survive by himself. ATo leave BLeaving CLeft DBei。

2、 课时作业(二十三) 必修5 Unit 3 Life in the future (限时:30分钟) .完形填空 Playwright Bertolt Brecht, known for The Threepenny Opera, once said, “From the start it has been the theatres busines。

3、高二上人教版高二上人教版 Unit6 Life in the futureveral inutes T: N, please reprt ur rG1:e an see a an beside a high-teh ar, hih is ntrlled b an advaned puter and equipped ith high-qualit slar batter This tpe f ar is friendl t the envirnent and ver ppular ith nsuersG2:Here e an find se spae buildings, hih are ade f advaned building aterials There the sientists an arr ut experients, ath ther planets and s nS: In this piture e an see an astrnaut and a spaeship In the near future, re astrnauts fr d。

4、Unit 6 Life in the Future,word study,本单元几个前后缀的用法,前缀 fore:事先;先前 forecast 预报 foretell预知 forefather祖先 re:又,再,重新 reform改革 re。

5、精品资源教育学院 2 20 02 21 1 年年高高 二二单单元元测测试试定定心心试试卷卷 学 校: 姓 名: 班 级: 学 号: 老 师: 分 数: 班 级: 学 号: 2021 年高中单元测试 基础过关能力提升 Book5 Unit3 Life in the Future 能力提升卷能力提升卷 姓名姓名__________。

6、精品资源教育学院 2 20 02 21 1 年年高高 二二单单元元测测试试定定心心试试卷卷 学 校: 姓 名: 班 级: 学 号: 老 师: 分 数: 班 级: 学 号: 2021 年高中单元测试 基础过关能力提升 Book5 Unit3 Life in the Future 基础过关卷基础过关卷 姓名姓名__________。

7、Life In the Future,I.Leadin: Computers are already being used in many fields and will used more and more,In agriculture,。

8、Part 1,1 3044 or 58 AL,2 Mekanica lives on Mars,3 They had to leave because the population was growing too large and the。

9、Unit 3Life in the future.常考单词必背1aspect n方面;层面I shall limit myself to three aspects of the subject.我将从三个方面来讨论这个问题。2impression nC印象;感觉I am going to do all I can to remove the unpleasant impression you have of me.我打算尽最大努力去掉你对我不好的印象。快速闪记(1)have/leave/make a(n).impression on sb 给某人留下印象(2)impress vt.印;压印留下极深的印象impress sth on/upon sb/ones memory使某人铭记某事impress sb with sth (某事)给某人留下印象be impressed with/at/by.对有深刻印。

10、Unit6 Life in the future,Lesson 66,Revision Reading Language points Workbook Homework,Reading,Video Comprehension Retell。

11、Unit 3 Life in the future 核心考点 2 识记阅读单词 1 aspect n 方面 层面 2 jet n 喷气式飞机 3 tablet n 药片 4 capsule n 太空舱 胶囊 5 steward n 乘务员 服务员 6 stewardess n 女乘务员 7 sideways adv 往 向。

12、 温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。 课时提升作业(二十三) 必修5 Unit 3 . 单项填空 1. (2013信阳模拟)Health problems are c。

13、2019 2020年高中英语 人教大纲 第二册上 Unit6 Life in the future 第四课时 Teaching Aims 1 Review the useful expressions learnt in this unit by doing some exercises 2 Do some exercises to consolidate the。

14、2019 2020年高中英语 人教大纲 第二册上 Unit6 Life in the future 备课资料 I 异域风情 l American Teenagers There are more than 35 million Ameri cans between the ages of 13 and 19 They are the nations tee。

15、2019 2020年高中英语 人教大纲 第二册上 Unit6 Life in the future 第五课时 Teaching Aims Summarize the usages of the Noun Clauses Teaching Important Points 1 Let students master the functions of the Noun。

16、2019 2020年高中英语 人教大纲 第二册上 Unit6 Life in the future 第一课时 I Brief Statements Based on the Unit The topic of this unit is about the human being s 1ife in the future This unit is made up o。

17、2019 2020年高中英语 人教大纲 第二册上 Unit6 Life in the future 第三课时 Teaching Aims 1 Review the words and expressions learned in the last two periods 2 Learn and master the Noun Clause used as the 。

18、2019 2020年高中英语 人教大纲 第二册上 Unit6 Life in the future 第二课时 Teaching Aims 1 Learn and master the following expressions in general catch a glimpse of keep in touch with pay attention to lea。

19、Unit 6 Life in the future 一、重难点解析 1.A good example of how transportation is changing is the new maglev train, which is environmentally friendly, energy-saving and travels at an amazing 430km/h. 公共交通正在改善 的一个很好的例子就是新型磁悬浮列车,它环保,节能,而且能以每小时 430 公里的惊人 速度行驶。 2.Scientists are also developing new fuels and engines that will let us travel wothout worrying about whether we are polluting the environment. 科学家们还开发了新型燃料和新式发动机, 使我们旅。

20、2019 2020年高二英语Unit6 Life in the future 人教版 Teaching goals 1 talk about life in the future 2 practise making predictions 3 learn about Noun clauses 2 4 write a definition paragraph Period 1 Ste。

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