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Unit5 Music 新课标 人教 必修3通用


Unit5 Music 新课标 人教 必修3通用Tag内容描述:

1、高考总复习一轮用书,立体设计走进新课堂,英 语,Unit2 Healthy eating,话题:1.Problems with diet(饮食问题) 2.Balanced diet and nutrition(平衡膳食与营养) 功能:1.Suggestions and advice(建议和劝告) 2.Seeing the doctor(看医生) 3.Agreement and disagreeme。

2、Reading: Advertisements 1st Period,Leadin:What kind of product or service is being advertised,Water protection,Sales of 。

3、Unit 1 Reading,Fog,Step 1 Fast Reading,Read the story quickly and answer the following questions,1. Why did Polly leave 。

4、Unit5Music,8 while的用法,1引导时间状语从句,表示当时候,与同时,强调主句的动作发生在从句所发生的动作范围内,从句的动作必须是延续性动词。 2引导让步状语从句,表示尽管语气较轻;一般放在句首。 3引导并列句,前后表示对照对。

5、高考总复习一轮用书,立体设计走进新课堂,英 语,Unit5 Canada-“The True North”,话题:1.Geography of Canada(加拿大的地理) 2.Multicultural society(多元化社会) 功能:1.Direction(方向)2.Position(位置)3.Emotions(情绪) 语法:Noun clauses as the appositive(同。

6、1高一英语本试卷分为第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)。第一部分 选择题一、听力(共两节)第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1. What does the woman mean?A. She will not go to the concert tonight.B. She doesnt think the concert is interesting.C. She wants to go to the concert alone.2. What does the woman think about Jack?A. He might not really like dancing.B. He cant dance at all.C. He often dances.3. What will the woman probably do?A. Sit down and have a rest B. Re。

7、unit 2 healthy eating,Food,Functions of food,Nutrients in food,Menu recipe食谱,Kinds of food,Eating culture habits,The Foo。

8、高中英语必修二unit5 music说课稿 各位老师 大家好 作为一名新课标下的英语老师 让学生愉快地 充满自信地走进我的英语课堂 是我最大的愿望 让学生在我的英语课堂上享受快乐和成功是我孜孜以求的 多年来 我为实现自己的梦想和追求不懈地努力着 今天 借此平台 希望各位老师指导我的说课 是我更加自信的完成老师的使命 一 说教材内容和学情 我说课的内容选自人教版普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语必修二第。

9、 Unit 5 Music 教案 Contents 1 Enable students to appreciate and classify different kinds of music by doing the exercise in Warming up 2 Developing their abilities to express their feeling on music and e。

10、Period 3 Listening and ReadingThe General Idea of This Period:This period aims at training students two skillslistening 。

11、Period 3 Listening and ReadingThe General Idea of This Period:This period aims at training students two skillslistening and reading skills.Students have to get the general idea of Freddys story and get detailed information by reading the rest of Freddys story.Having the general idea of the whole story,students are expected to sum up the advantages and disadvantages of being famous.Whats more,students are encouraged to express their opinions on whether they would enjoy being famous 。

12、Period 3 Listening and ReadingThe General Idea of This Period:This period aims at training students two skillslistening and reading skills.Students have to get the general idea of Freddys story and get detailed information by reading the rest of Freddys story.Having the general idea of the whole story,students are expected to sum up the advantages and disadvantages of being famous.Whats more,students are encouraged to express their opinions on whether they would enjoy being famous an。

13、Period 4 WritingThe General Idea of This Period:This period aims at getting the students to be familiar with the steps t。

14、Period 5 SpeakingThe General Idea of This Period:This period aims at getting the students express themselves what they t。

15、Unit 5 Music,漫画欣赏,画面描述 A Western young man,sitting at a table,is ready to eat a bowl of noodles.He is holding two forks the same way as we Chinese hold chopsticks.He is trying so hard to pick up the noodles that he is sweating a lot.,寓意理解 We dont need to copy others ways of thinking.Sometimes a simpler way of doing things may be a better way.,你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?,短文填空 根据课文THE BAND THAT WASNT完成下列短文。 If we are with ourselves,most of us have dr。

16、Period 5 SpeakingThe General Idea of This Period:This period aims at getting the students express themselves what they think of some kinds of music and musicians.Teaching Aim:Enable the students to express what they think of some kind of music and some musicians.Teaching Important and Difficult Points:1.How to express their feelings towards different kinds of music.2.How to express their dislikes or likes.Teaching Methods:1.Group work to practise speaking.2.Task-based ac。

17、Period 1 Reading The General Idea of This Period: This period includes Warming up,Reading and Comprehending of Unit 5.It introduces different kinds of music and a band called “The Monkees”.Students wi。

18、Period 4 WritingThe General Idea of This Period:This period aims at getting the students to be familiar with the steps to write an e-mail and how to ask for advice.Teaching Aims:1.Get the students to be familiar with the steps to write an e-mail.2.Enable the students to write an e-mail to ask for advice.Teaching Important Points:1.How to write an e-mail.2.How to ask for advice.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to write an e-mail.2.How to ask for advice.Teaching Methods。

19、Period 4 WritingThe General Idea of This Period:This period aims at getting the students to be familiar with the steps to write an e-mail and how to ask for advice.Teaching Aims:1.Get the students to be familiar with the steps to write an e-mail.2.Enable the students to write an e-mail to ask for advice.Teaching Important Points:1.How to write an e-mail.2.How to ask for advice.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to write an e-mail.2.How to ask for advice.Teaching Methods:。

20、Unit 5 Music,Song Zuying Folk music,Zhou Jielun Hip hop and rap,S.H.E Pop music,Zero Point Rock and roll,Do you know any。

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