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1、英语应用语言学(0139)英语应用语言学测试题二四大形成性测评系统 课程代码:5110139 参考资料 、单项选择题(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。)1. Language and thought may be viewed as two independent circles overlapping in some parts. When language and thought are identical or closely parallel to each other, we may regard thought as subvocal speech, and speech as _______.A. vocal thoughtB. subvocal thoughtC. covert thought D. overt thought参考答案:D2. The term _______ linguistics may be defined as a way 。

2、英语应用语言学(0139)英语应用语言学测试题三四大形成性测评系统 课程代码:5110139 参考资料 、单项选择题(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。)1. In a speech community people have something in common __________a language or a particular variety of language and rules for using it.A. sociallyB. linguisticallyC. culturallyD. pragmatically参考答案:B2. The function of the sentence “Water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade.” is __________A. interrogativeB. directive C. informative D. performative参考答案:C3. Lang。

3、英语应用语言学(0139)英语应用语言学测试题三四川电大形成性测评系统 课程代码:5110139 参考资料 、单项选择题(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。 )1. In a speech community people have something in common __________a language or a particular variety of language and rules for using it.A. sociallyB. linguisticallyC. culturallyD. pragmatically参考答案:B2. The function of the sentence “Water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade.” is __________A. interrogativeB. directive C. informative D. performative参考答案:C3.。

4、英语应用语言学(0139)英语应用语言学测试题二四川电大形成性测评系统 课程代码:5110139 参考资料 、单项选择题(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。 )1. Language and thought may be viewed as two independent circles overlapping in some parts. When language and thought are identical or closely parallel to each other, we may regard thought as “subvocal speech,“ and speech as “_______“.A. vocal thoughtB. subvocal thoughtC. covert thought D. overt thought参考答案:D2. The term _______ linguistics may be defined。

5、英语应用语言学(0139)英语应用语言学测试题四四川电大形成性测评系统 课程代码:5110139 参考资料 、单项选择题(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。 )1. A phoneme is a group of similar sounds called __________.A. minimal pairs B. allomorphs C. phones D. allophones参考答案:D2. An aspirated p, an unaspirated p and an unreleased p are __________ of the p phoneme.A. analogues B. tagmemes C. MORPHEMESD. allophones参考答案:D3. Which vowel is different from the others according to the characteristics of vowels?A. i。

6、英语应用语言学(0139)英语应用语言学测试题一四川电大形成性测评系统 课程代码:5110139 参考资料 、单项选择题(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。 )1. “Can I borrow your bike?“ ___ “You have a bike.“A. is synonymous withB. is inconsistent withC. entailsD. presupposes 参考答案:D2. Of all the speech organs, the ___ is/are the most flexible.A. mouthB. lipsC. tongueD. vocal cords 参考答案:C3. The semantic components of the word “gentleman” can be expressed as __.A. +animate,+male,+human,-adultB. +animate。

7、英语应用语言学(0139)英语应用语言学测试题四四大形成性测评系统 课程代码:5110139 参考资料 、单项选择题(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。)1. A phoneme is a group of similar sounds called __________.A. minimal pairs B. allomorphs C. phones D. allophones参考答案:D2. An aspirated p, an unaspirated p and an unreleased p are __________ of the p phoneme.A. analogues B. tagmemes C. MORPHEMESD. allophones参考答案:D3. Which vowel is different from the others according to the characteristics of vowels?A. i: 。

8、英语应用语言学(0139)英语应用语言学测试题一四大形成性测评系统 课程代码:5110139 参考资料 、单项选择题(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。)1. Can I borrow your bike? ___ You have a bike.A. is synonymous withB. is inconsistent withC. entailsD. presupposes 参考答案:D2. Of all the speech organs, the ___ is/are the most flexible.A. mouthB. lipsC. tongueD. vocal cords 参考答案:C3. The semantic components of the word “gentleman” can be expressed as __.A. +animate,+male,+human,-adultB. +animate。

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