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1、Samples,Peer Editing & Rewriting,Knowledge Bank,Editing & Revising by Yourself,Part I,Part II,Part III,Part IV,Lesson 12 Teaching Reflection,Writing Task,A good ending makes next better beginning.As we know, Teaching Reflection helps teachersspecialty development, improves teaching quality, promotes new curriculum and so on. It is considered to be the core factor of teaching professional development and self-growth. When you finish a period of teaching, summarizing properly is very。

2、Samples,Peer Editing & Rewriting,Knowledge Bank,Editing & Revising by Yourself,Part I,Part II,Part III,Part IV,Lesson 11 Syllabus,Writing Task,“Successful leaders not only have a great vision, but are able to develop a plan to reach their goal successfully.”So making a teaching plan for one term is very important. How to map out a strategy is a big problem for a teacher at the beginning of a teaching process or a new semester.Imagine that1. you were an English teacher for Grade 3 of。

3、Samples,Peer Editing & Rewriting,Knowledge Bank,Editing & Revising by Yourself,Part I,Part II,Part III,Part IV,Lesson 13 Speeches,Writing Task,Task 1At the beginning of each new semester, you, on behalf of teachers, will be invited to address the students at the opening ceremony. The beginning of a new semester is challenging, frightening and stressful. You should mention some suggestions and encouragements in your speech to help students make his/her school life go smoothly and dec。

4、Task 任务:1. 将商务英语写作的Chapter 12 (Notices)和Chapter 13(Minutesl) 仔细复习一遍。2. 完成两篇小作文, 根据不同题目要求,严格按照不同应用文格式进行写作。3. 作文和题目均需输入在这篇文档里Exercise 1: A Notice 通知(100 words)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a notice according to the following information. Suppose you are a secretary of the HR Department. You need to help the manager notify others to show up at a conference. Wr。

5、Task 任务: 1. 将商务英语写作的Chapter 12 (Notices)和Chapter 13(Minutesl) 仔细复习一遍。 2. 完成两篇小作文, 根据不同题目要求,严格按照不同应用文格式进行写作。 3. 作文和题目均需输入在这篇文档里 Exercise 1: A Notice 通知(100 words) Directions: This part is to test your。

6、Samples,Peer Editing & Rewriting,Knowledge Bank,Editing & Revising by Yourself,Part I,Part II,Part III,Part IV,Lesson 10 Transcript of Class Introduction,Writing Task,Recently, presenting how to design a class is more and more popular because it is easy to test a teacher s theory level, professional basis and the skills of teaching in this way. It is used widely in the competition of teaching skills or Teacher Certification Exam. It is necessary for the students majoring in English。

7、Basic Writing商务英语写作 1,Teaching Content:,1. Complete Sentences and Sentence Fragments;(句子片段)2. Types of Sentences;,What is a complete sentence?,A complete sentence is a meaningful unit in which a complete idea is conveyed by means of the essential components of Subject and Predicate, which are logically and grammatically combined.,subject,The subject is the word or words that name the person, thing, or place that the sentence is about. It is usually a noun or its equivalent such as a pr。

8、1商务英语写作Unit 2 InvitationLesson PlanBy Faith Liu (刘婕)广州市旅游商贸职业学校外语科一、教学内容分析1课题:商务英语写作UNIT 2 -PART 2“INVITATION” ,本课是介绍如 何写商务邀请信。 2课型:写作课 3课时:一节课(45 分钟)二、教学对象分析安徽黄山中华职业学校旅游专业职二的学生。学生们英语基础较差,从未 接触过商务英语专业课程,也未曾上过写作课。因此,在授课时应注意深入浅 出,循序渐进,通过小组比赛和各种活动鼓励班上每个学生都积极参与学习, 并从做中得学,最后达到完成教学目标的目的。三、教学目标1认知。

9、Chapter 7 Shipment Learning Objectives: Identify the difference between shipping instructions and shipping advice. Understand the necessity of booking shipping space in advance. Know the c。

10、Chapter 9 Sales Letters,Purpose: to persuade,Usually written in the indirect order. You should make the readers realize that product or service is good.,AIDA principles,To get the customers attention。

11、Samples,Peer Editing & Rewriting,Knowledge Bank,Editing & Revising by Yourself,Part I,Part II,Part III,Part IV,Lesson 3 Letters of Invitation & Letters of Thanks,Writing Task,Letter writing is a way of communicating messages in written words. It is a very important skill in daily life. If you are not able to produce well-written and effective letters, it will hinder you in your personal and career life. Even in the age of the Internet-driven communications, when emails are more p。

12、Samples,Peer Editing & Rewriting,Knowledge Bank,Editing & Revising by Yourself,Part I,Part II,Part III,Part IV,Lesson 8 E-mails & Memos,Writing Task,Task 1An E-mail is very common in modern society. It is a method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more recipients. Modern email operates across the Internet or other computer networks. Everyone who has an e-mail address may send and receive letters within a short time. It is more popular than the handwritten le。

13、Samples,Peer Editing & Rewriting,Knowledge Bank,Editing & Revising by Yourself,Part I,Part II,Part III,Part IV,Lesson 1 Notes & Telephone Messages,Writing Task,In workplace or in our daily life, we may find it very useful to leave a message when you want to express apology, thanks, invitation or to ask for a leave and when you just received a call for another person, but he/she that we are looking for isn t available at the moment. The message that you leave can be called a note。

14、商务英文写作技巧商务英文写作技巧商务英文写作技巧商务英文写作技巧 Business English Writing Skills Why and What Is it “Ms Lady” or “Dear Madam”; Is it “ I would appreciate it if ” or “I would。

15、Business Writing,Hu Yingkun August 12 , 2007,Outline,Part I Fundamentals of Business Writing Part II Criteria for Effective Business Writing Part III Sample Lesson Part IV Problems to Be Tackled in This Course Part V Requirements for Teachers,Books that has influenced me,Basic Business Communication (1991) by Raymond V. Lesikar Business communication ( 1998) ( 2005) by Carol M. Lehman (Thomson publishing house; 东北财经大学出版社),Part 1 Fundamentals,Theories related to communications 1.1 Human 。

商务英语写作      Lesson 10
商务英语写作    Lesson 13
商务英语写作  Lesson 11
商务英语写作       Lesson 12
商务英语写作 chapter 9
商务英语写作  Lesson 3
商务英语写作    Lesson 8
商务英语写作  Lesson1
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