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1、Book3 Module3 Revision Learning aim to review what we have learnt in Module 3 Important and difficult points some language points that the students haven t mastered Learning methods group work discus。

2、Module7 Revision 教案Period I Vocabulary PartAim:To revise the words that we have learned Part I Step 1:Greetings Good morning, everyone. Today , lets revise the new words we have learned in the last six modules. Now, lets look at three sentences. We study at ________.( school ).If you are sick, youll go to the______. (Hospital).If you want to see a film, youll go to a_______.( cinema)Now, try to think of whats the places. Ok ,lets try to revise the placesnames in the six modules.Step 2。

3、Revision Module 11 学案词汇:1:写出下列词的形容词形式:sun ________ (比较等级)________/__________ wind__________(比较等级)________/__________ cloud_________ rain_________ snow___________ fog____________ ice______________ storm____________ shower___________wet (反义词)_________, (比较等级)________/__________ cold(反义词 )_________ ( 同义词) __________, cool (反义词) ____________2:写出下列词的 - ly 形式 : true (adv.)________ (n.)________ possible__________ live_________ love_________, wide_______。

4、1Revision Unit3 Topic3 导学案What were you doing at this time yesterday?Learning aims: (学习目标)1.知识目标:a. 复习并掌握重点词汇及短语. b:复习过去进行时. 2.能力目标: 提高学生运用目标语言进行口语交际的能力 .3.情感目标:学会用过去进行时描述过去某一时间内所发生的事情 . Study by yourselves 自主学习. 动词(v.) 写出下列动词的现在分词。1. wash 8.take 13.sit2. read 9.skate 14.put3. clean 10.practice 15.begin4. sleep 11.make 16.run 5. learn 12.give 17.swim6. listen。

5、Teaching aims: Review all the letters: Aa-MmLanguage focus: Using nouns to identify itTeaching aids: tape recorder, word cards.Teaching procedure: Produces Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task prepara。

6、1Revision Module 12 学案1.词汇运用1. Eating too much c_______ is bad for your health.2. Asians eat something with c_______ ,but Europeans with knives and forks.3. Someone says a d_______ is the best teacher in learning English.4. Put the money in your p________5. Yesterday I received a gift, but didnt a_______.6. In Britain, people must open the presents which others gave i________.7. In some public, you usually see the sign “No S_______”.8. “Wear your uniform every day” is a r______ in our 。

7、Teaching Plan for Oxford English 1B M2 Revision教学设计说明:复习课教学设计本课时教学目标:1. 在情境中复习单词:ball, doll, bicycle, kite, jelly, ice cream, sweet, biscuit, cola, juice, milk, water, 巩固其音、形、义,并进一步学会运用。2. 在情境中复习句型:What do you like? I like Do you like ? Yes, I do./No, I dont. 能正确区分可数名词和不可数名词的不同用法,能对他人的询问做出正确的回答,能简单描述自己喜欢的食物、饮料或玩具的特征。3. 通过学习,了解同学间的不同喜好,养成相互谦让及分享的习惯;增进。

8、1Revision Module 1 学案1. 对话再现Ms James: Welcome back, everyone! Now, because its a new term, Im going to give you some __________. Why dont you write it down? Ready?All: Yes, Ms James.Ms James: you should speak English in Class. And you should write down your __________ in your notebooks. And why dont you write down the __________ spelling and grammar next to mistakes? What __________?Lingling: Its a good idea to __________your vocabulary notebook every day.Ms James: Thats a good idea. Tha。

9、1Revision Module 6 学案I 词汇1.sudden (adv.)__________2.across (v.)__________,(n)__________(和 through 有什么区别) 3staff (pl.)__________4.gold (adj.)________ 5.follow (n) _________6.clap (过去式)______ ( 现分)_________7.stop(过去式)______8.fall______/ ________ 9.strange(n.)_________ 10.once 一次, _________两次________三次 11.under(反)________ 12.storm(adj.)________ 13.outside(反)__________14.jimp(n.)______15.wear_____/______ 16.cheer(adj.)_________17.perform(n.)___________II 短语:Unit 1: 翻。

10、1Revision Module5 学案Unit 1:Step1:单词拼写1) All the boys in your class are super football_________(迷) , arent they ? 2) Some people think classical music sounds too_________ (严肃的).3) Cities are always __________(吵闹的) than countryside .4) Students all like her , because her classes are __________(生动的)and interesting .5) Andersens fairy tales always have _____________ (悲伤的) endings.6) Many famous____________(作曲家) are from Austrian .7) What _________ (有趣的事) it is !8) The rest。

11、1Revision Module 3 学案1写出下列动词过去式和过去分词:1.prefer:_________________2.take:_____________3.build:____________4.study:______________5.cost:________________6.return:____________ 7.show:_________________8.grow:_______________9.teach:____________ 10.hear:______________11.find:______________12.discover:__________13.go:________________14.do:________________15.know:______________ 16.see:_______________17.try:_____________18.come:_______________ 19.speak_____________20write:____________21.fin。

12、1Revision Module 2 学案1写出过去式和过去分词1.see:____ _____ 2.be:________ ____3.eat:___ ____4.break:____ _____ 5.go:____ ____ 6.take:____ ____ 7.send:____ ___8.find:____ ____ 9.make:___ ____ 10.have:____ 2.阅读 unit1 完成句子:1.你曾经参加过竞赛吗?没有____you ever_______ a ___________?No,I _______.2.在这之前他们参观过中国.They ____ _____China before.3.她非常的喜欢关于在北京我生活的信息.She has_______ my_______ ______my life here in Beijing.4.你的哥哥曾经想去周游全世界吗?____your brother____ wan。

13、1Revision Module 7 学案Step 1 Revise the new words and expressions of Module 7.根据首字母写出单词:1.I like Beijing roast duck very much,it t___________delicious.2.Dont sit on that chair,its not very s____________3.The air in my hometown is very f______. People in the city like going there.4.Yesterday I i_______________my friend Bob to my parents.5.She looks very p_____________in her photo.6.I hope youll r_______ me from my photo when I arrive at the airport.7.Im so e________ about coming to Chi。

14、Revision Module 4 学案Unit 1 How long have you studied English?1.到达___________/___________/__________ 2.和某人相处融洽_________________3.听说_____________ 4.希望学校______________________ 5.希望工程___________6.遍及全中国__________________ 7.相当了解某人________________________8.分析下面的句子:(1) That sounds interesting. Tell me more.(2)Its easier to learn a foreign language when you visit the country.(3)What do you find difficult in learning English?(4)If you are poor, how much do you have?。

15、1Revision Module 8 学案Step 1.根据汉语写出其对应的英语单词或根据英语写出汉语意思。角落_______ 转向,转弯_______ 在之间_____纪念物_______ 主席______ opposite (prep)______(adj)_____(adv)____广场______ 游泳池______ 超市______ market____旅行_____ 旅客______ 手册,指南______ 宗教的______国会_____tower ____ off_____ clear______ gallery ______ painting _____ along _____Step 2 Revise Unit 1 of Module 8A. 根据 Unit1 对话内容把句子补充完整。between,next to, on the corner of, opposite (1)Tiananmen Square 。

16、配 位 化 学 基 础,第 13 章,coordination chemistry,13.1 配合物的基础知识 13.2 配合物的空间构型和异构现象13.3 配合物的价键理论13.4 配合物的晶体场理论13.5 配位平衡13.6 配合物在生物医药上的应用,基本内容 :配合物的定义、组成和命名,配合物的价键理论和晶体场理论(简介),内轨型和外轨型配合物,配合物的空间构型,配位平衡与稳定常数,配位平衡的移动(多种因素的影响)。,重点 配合物的组成和命名,配合物的价键理论,以及配位平衡的有关运算。 难点 配合物的价键理论;配位平衡的有关运算。,一、配合物的组成,Cu2+SO42- H2。

17、1Revision Module 9 学案Step 1.Revie the new words.1.The sick womans life is in great d_______.2.We need__________(protect)the animals in danger.3.All of use know an orange is _________(orange).4.Lions are tigers c_________.5.The bad news makes me m______.6.The____________(surprise)thing was to hear he has been dead for 2 years.7.Its hard to stop the _______(kill).8.T______these chairs away-we dont need them.9.Sheep ________(main)live on grass.10.You must wash your d_____ hands before you hav。

18、学案(Revision of the vacation)Unit 7 (9) Unit 3(8a) Unit 9(8b) Unit 10(7b)2009.3.13 灵山卫一 课前作业。1. 单词复习,将本部分重点单词归类记忆。名词动词形容词副词2. 完成下面的词形变换。beach (复数)______ friendly(形容词)________ crowd(形容词)_________eat(过去分词)_______ education(形容词)______ tour(名词)_________babysit(现在分词)______ cheap(反义词)______ lively(最高级)________west(形容词)_______ peace (形容词)_______ trek(过去式)_________3. 翻译下列词组。去观光 去度假 以-结束 导游四分之三 。

19、第 1 页 共 3 页外研版七年级英语(上)英语导学案Revision module A一、基础知识万丈高楼平地起1.party(复数) 2.them(主格) 3.parents(名词所有格) 4.horse(复数) 二、重点拓展樯橹间灰飞烟灭1. on the table 2.birthday party 3. healthy food 4.in the library 5. in front of 6.ride a horse 7.Theyre all really healthy food,so there arent any hamburger.8.Is there a television in your c。

20、英语 科学案 高三 年级 2 班 教师 宋惠卿 学生 Book5 Unit 2 The United KingdomRevisionLearning goals: to revise and use the key words and useful expressions in the unit.Learning key points: puzzle, attract, leave out, convenience, accomplish, break away from, to ones credit, clarify, divide intoLearning difficulties: convenience, attract, divide into, break away fromStep 1: Previewing case 1. Complete these questions or answers using vocabulary from this unit. . Q: What is the ____。

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