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pep小学英语三年级上册unit4parta lets learn 课件.


pep小学英语三年级上册unit4parta lets learn 课件.Tag内容描述:

1、Unit four,4,Do you like pears?,A lets learn,王爷府中心校大庙小学 陈志勇,人民教育出版社小学英语三年级下册,orange,橙色,橙子.桔子,rnd,tea,eat,i:,peach,pi:t ,ea,ea,ea,bear,pear,p,b,ear,ear,water,melon,mln,wt,watermelon,w:t,meln,pear,peach,orange,watermelon,Practice,Do you like ,pear,peach,orange,watermelon,Yes, I do.,No, I dont.,Acting time,2. Do you like Yes, I do. No, I dont.,pear,peach,orange,watermelon,1. Whats this? Its a ,根据提示自编对话,3. What colour is it? it。

2、Unit 3 Lets learn Head_Shoulders_Knees_And_Toes.mp3Simon says:headbodylegfootarm handlets do .MP3Clap your hands, clap your hands. Snap your fingers, snap your fingers. Wave your arms ,wave your arms. Cross your legs , cross your legs . Shake your body ,shake your body. Stamp your foot ,stamp your foot.Game 1 : Do the actionsGame 2 : Silent Speech小 组123456成 果身体部位单词知识早知道green hand 生手、没有经验的人hand in hand 手拉手,密切相关, 密不可分arm in arm臂挽臂、手挽手 head teacher【英】(。

3、Unit 5 1 Where is the snail It s under the box It s in the box It s on the box It s between Box A and Box B AB 2 It s next to the box It s near the box It s behind the box It s in front of the box Whe。

4、,Unit 4 Where is my car?,人教版(三年级起点)三年级下册,Part A Lets spell,Lets spell 视频, Lets spell,Warm-up/Revision,Oo, Oo, /,a dog,A dog in the box. Oo, Oo, /,a doll,A doll on the box. Oo, Oo, /,an orange,An or。

5、Unit 2Unit 2 MY week B Let s learn What day is it today It s Friday It s Saturday It s Sunday Let s learnLet s learn cat Saturday hamburger sunday Sunday Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 日 一 二 三 四 五 。

6、B Lets learn,Unit5 My clothes,PEP四年级下册,学习内容,It is in the sky.(天空)It is beautiful and colorful.It has seven colours.They are red yellow pink green purple orange and blue .What is it ?,rainbow,white shirt,/:t/,shirt,Lets learn,Whats this ?,What colour is it ?,brown jacket,/dkit/,jacket,coat,/kut/,yellow coat,shorts,/:ts/,orange shorts,What are these ?,What colour are they?,/swet/,red,sweater,sweater,socks,/sks/,white socks,What colour are they?,What are these ?,G。

7、B Lets spell,My school,短音,Guess and say (猜一猜,说一说),garden,I can see many flowers in it. Where is it?,Water the flowers.,library,I can see many books in it. Where is it?,Read a book.,playground,I can do sports on it. Where is it?,Play football.,teachers office,Many teachers are in it. Where is it?,Say hello.,playground,garden,library,teachers office,computer room 计算机房,We can play computer games in it.,art room 美术教室,We can draw in it.,an 一间,music room 音乐教室,We can sing in it.,。

8、1. A:Hello. Im.Whats your name? B: My names.A: Nice to meet you! B: Nice to meet you,too! 2. A: How are you? B: Im fine,thank you.How are you?A: Very well,thanks. 3. A: Look, Whats this/that? B: Its a/an. 4. A: Look, I have a pencil. B: Me too. 5. Touch your nose/face. 6. A:Lets go to school/make a puppet. B:Great!,Free talk,How many pencils?,One (pencil).,How many ducks?,Two (ducks).,How many cars?,Three (cars).,How many erasers?,Four (erasers).,How ma。

9、Hello BLet slearn Let schant Ihavea Metoo Metoo Metoo Metoo Ihavea Ihavean Ihavea abag aruler aneraser apencil acrayon Ihave abag Carryyourbag 背上书包 Carryyourbag Zoom Yourbag Oh no abook一本书 books几本书 Op。

10、Hello!,A Lets learn,Hello!,do oh do.,do oh do.,do oh do.,Hello!,Hello!,Hello!,Lets sing!,Hello !,Hi !,=,Hello.,Im Zoom.,Hi/Hello.Zoom.,Im ______.,I have a_____.,pencil,ruler,I have a_____.,1,。

11、Unit Five Lets eat!,A lets learn,Sarah gets up (起床) at 7:00.,Im hungry. 我饿了,Mum,Im hungry.,OK! Wait a minute.等一下。,Have some bread.,bread,/e/,some bread,red,b,I like bread D. Its a dog.,I like brea。

12、Unit 3 Look at me,A lets learn,Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Xx Yy Zz Now you see I can say my ABC,H,E,G,F,I,g,h,e,i,f,A,D,b,e,c,Look at me. This is m。

13、,Unit 4 Part B Lets learn,sing a song,Zoo,Lets go to the zoo !,Whats that?,Whats this?,Its an elephant,too!,Its an elephant.,Whats that?,Whats this?,Whats that?,Bird Touching,招聘启事,Bird: Hello! E。

14、,Unit 4 Part A Lets learn,Whats this?,Its a cat.,Its a cat.,Whats this? Its a ___.,Whats this? Its a cat.,Look at the cat. It is fat.,I have a big nose. 大的,Whats this? Its a ___.,Whats t。

15、Unit Five Lets eat!,B lets learn,Lets sing,Zoom and Zip are working in a canteen today.,canteen,餐厅,Drinks,饮料,juice,milk,Coke,water,Drink,Can I have,Here you are,Drinks,饮料,juice,milk,Coke,water,Food,。

16、Unit 3 Look at me,B lets learn,head,nose,face,eye,mouth,ear,Look at me!,看我!,This is my face! 这是我的脸!,eyes 双眼,ears 双耳,Hi!Im Ding Dang. Look at me, please!,head,hand,arm,body,leg,foot,body,arm。

17、,Happy birthday!,Unit Six,Hello! My name is Lucy!,Today is my birthday!,I have many gifts!,How many gifts?,Show me six!,six,Whats in the box?,My name is Lily.,Tell me Whats your name?,ven,se,How。

18、Colours,Unit 2,B lets learn,1,2,3,4,What are you going to do?,I am going to the bookstore.我要去书店,Book store 书店,1,2,3,4,Game:Sharp eyes 火眼金睛,I see .,blue,red,I see .,Game:Sharp eyes 火眼金睛,yellow 。

19、,Happy birthday!,Unit Six,Q: 1.What can you see in the picture?,We can see balloons,cards,gifts and a birthday cake.,Q: 2.Who can you see ?,Sarah, John, Mike and Chen Jie .,Q: 3.Can you choose the t。

20、Colours,Unit 2,A lets learn,A: Hello/Hi. Im_____.,B: My name is_____.,whats your name?,A: __C__, this is____.,Free talk,C: Good morning, __A__.,B: Good morning.,Weini,bag,pencil,ruler,crayon,eras。

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