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1、Unit 3 Holiday fun,Bund,Shanghai Museum,Tianan men square,Summer Palace,Palace Museum,Great Wall,Do you know them?,bund,Shanghai Museum,Summer Palace,Great Wall,Palace Museum,Tiananmen Square,外滩,故宫,颐和园,上海博物馆,Listen and choose,What did Liu Tao and Mike talk about ?,B. Planning for the weekend,A. National Day holiday,C. May Day holiday,the National Day holiday,n()n()l,hlde; -d,Watch and answer,1.Where did Liu Tao go for the National Day holiday? 2.Where did Mike go。

2、,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your hol。

3、Unit 3 Holiday fun (Sound time/ Culture time Cartoon time),Review and check: On the National Day holiday, Liu Tao and Mike ___________(not) stay at home. Liu Tao ______(go) to _________and ________(visit) __________. Mike____ __(go) to _________. He ________(pick) __________and _________(go) fishing. He ________(catch) a big fish and ________(call)Liu Tao. He ________(want) to give the fish to Liu Tao. But Liu Tao _______(not) at home. Mike _______(eat) the fish. They_______(be) very happy.,Tea。

4、Unit 3 Holiday fun (story time),National Day,Bund,Shanghai Museum,Watch the story time and answer,Where did Liu Tao and Mike go for the holiday? Liu Tao went to Shanghai and visited his aunt. Mike went to a farm near Star Lake.,Read the story quickly and finish the exercises (伴你学 我交流2 T or F),during 在.期间 pick-picked 摘 catch-caught 抓 give-gave 给 eat-ate 吃,Listen and complete the exercises(听录音完成伴你学的我交流3),1.He went to Shanghai. 2.Yes, he did. 3.He 。

5、,Holiday fun,Period 1,Story time,Unit,3,Tip:找出动词对应的过去式。,come,pick,go,watch,want,eat,see,visit,Lets play,Tip:选择单词或词组组成一句话。,Lets play,A,K,J,I,X,W,V,U,T,S,R,Q,C,L,D,E,F,G,H,M,N,O,P,B,Who,did,when,National Day,the National Day holiday 国庆节假期,Lets learn,Lets talk,You went to last National Day holiday.,金鸡湖 Jinji Lake,Lets remember,Where did I go last National Day holiday?,Did you there?,Lets guess,Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.,did- do的过去式,Work in pairs,watched TV f。

6、,Unit3 Holiday fun,The students came back to school after the National Day holiday.Mike: Hello,Liu Tao! Where did you go for the holiday?I called you, but you weret at home. Liu Tao: I went to Shanghai and visited my aunt. Mike: What did you do there? Liu Tao: We went to the Bund and visited the Shanghai Museum. I saw many interesting things. How was your holiday, Mike?,国庆节,do的过去时,weret=were not,Mike: It was great fun. Our 。

7、,Holiday fun,3,Unit,Culture time and Cartoon Time,Brain storming,Lets say the past tense verbs one by one, please say as more as we can!开火车说说动词的过去式(如果能说出不规则动词的过去式就更好啦!),Guess: What did he / she do for the holiday?,Did she ?,Did he ?,Guess: What did he / she do for the holiday?,Did she ?,Guess: What did he / she do for the holiday?,Did they ?,Guess: What did he / she do for the holiday?,Holiday,How was your holiday?,Where did you go for the holiday?,What did you do。

8、+,Unit 3 Holiday fun (Sound time&Cartoon time) 东台市实验小学 汪佳子,Enjoy the rhyme,Hey! October is National Day in. Lets cheer together. It sounds wonderful. December is Christmas in. Another holiday is coming. Yes, yes, New Years Day is coming.,你能猜出小诗的题目吗? Can you guess the title of the rhyme?,main 主要的/e/,Christmas holiday is a main school holiday in the UK.,Culture time,How many main school holidays are there in the UK?,What are they?,Culture time,Listen and answer,Culture 。

9、Unit 3 Holiday fun,The first period,Bund,Shanghai Museum,Tianan men square,Summer Palace,Palace Museum,Great Wall,National Day holiday,I called you ,But you __________at home. Liu Tao: I__________________ and _______________ Mike : What _______ you do there? Liu Tao: I ______________and _______ Liu Tao : Is that Mike ? Mike : This is Mike speaking. Hi, Liu Tao. Where_______ you _______. ________ Mike : Great! Wish you a fun holiday.,1.自读第一段文字,完成填空。,自主学习,Tip: 小组内表演这。

10、Unit3 Holiday fun,Why didnt Liu Tao have the big fish?,What does Mike want?,Watch and answer,I know how to use falling intonation. 我知道怎么使用降调,Ticking time,Three main holidays in China and the UK. ( what, when),Discussion,主要的,英国,Easter 复活节,在英国,复活节是仅次于圣诞节的重大节日。复活节是每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日,节期大概在三月二十二日至四月二十五日之间。学校里通常在这个期间放假两周,也叫春假。制作复活节彩蛋是复活节期间最重要、最有趣的习俗。复活节前,孩子们都会与家人一起将各种。

11、,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your holidays in Sihong,enjoy your hol。

12、,Holiday fun,3,Unit,Story time,Shizong Primary School Qiu BeiBei,Bund,Shanghai Museum,Tianan men square,Summer Palace,Palace Museum,Great Wall,National Day holiday,Mike and Liu Tao talked in the classroom. What did they talk about ? Can you guess ?,What did they talk about ? A: National Day holiday B: Planning for the weekend C: May Day holiday,U301,What did they talk about ? A: National Day holiday B: Planning for the weekend C: May Day holiday,Liu Tao : Is that Mike ? Mike : T。

13、Unit 3 Holiday fun,执教者:滨海县五汛实验小学 刘海芹,(Story time),Try to learn,May Day,holiday,五一节假期,十月,National Day holiday,国庆假期,Try to learn,The students came back to school after the National Day holiday.,The students came back to school after the National Day holiday.,Task1:Try to say something about the,Task1:Watch and judge,Task2: Read and find,快速浏览本文, 帮这些事情找出他们的主人吧!,catch-caught,Bund,(上海)外滩,Shanghai Museum,上海博物馆,(,(,Try to learn,1.What else did Liu T。

14、,义务教育教科书 译林出版社六年级上册,Sound time & Checkout time,镇江中华路小学 居佳,Unit 3 Holiday fun,Daily reports,Tips:(30秒准备) .went to . He. It was great fun.,intonation 语调 falling intonation 降调,Ticking time,我知道怎样运用降调。,went to the car museum,watched a film,visited,had a birthday party,played with.,cleaned,What did they do for the National Day holiday?,Tips: 不要忘记使用一般过去时。,Mike and Liu Tao went to the Car Museum. They many cool cars.,saw,Yang Ling and Helen 。

15、,Unit 3 Holiday fun ( Song time, Culture time&Cartoon time),Intonation(降调朗读),1,The one read,the others listen and help him or her.(一个同学读,其余听,并纠正)2,NO.1 read it. 3,NO.3 evaluate(NO.3评价),New Years Day 新年May Day 劳动节Childrens Day 儿童节National Day 国庆节Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Spring Festival 春节,There are many holidays in our country. They are ,Do you know the schlool h。

16、,Unit3 Holiday fun,What do you think is fun ?,Tip:你认为什么是乐趣?,fun?,What do you think is fun ?,Tip:你认为什么是乐趣?,fun?,What do you think is fun ?,fun,What is fun?,Unit3 Holiday fun,National Day,How about their National Day holiday?,fun ?,fun or boring?,Read Part 1and underline,Where did Liu Tao go?,What did he do?,How to read :关注细节,划出答案。,saw many interesting things.,went fishing,visited the Shanghai Museum,picked oranges,went to the Bund,visited his aunt,He went to _____。

17、Unit 3 Holiday Fun (Story time),the Great Wall,the Yellow River (黄河),the Changjiang River,the Bund (外滩),上海,Bund,Shanghai Museum(上海博物馆),A: Where did you go this National Day holiday? B: I went to A: What did you do there? B: I ,Lets talk,国庆节假期,Who is in the story?,1.What holiday are they talking about ? A. summer holiday B. National Day holiday C. Mid-Autumn Festival holiday2.Where did Liu Tao and Mike go for the holiday?,Watch and choose,A.,B.,C.,中秋节假期,1.What holiday are。

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