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安卓APP | ios版本




1、Camping复习,play hide-and seek boil water cook a meal pick up rubbish wash outside plant trees,Past tense,I played football yesterday. I washed the dishes yesterday. I planted some trees yesterday.,W。

2、Study Tours Longman 6B Chapter 1 Study tour to the U S Duration n Location n Courses n Accommodation n fee age purpose What can you see in the poster Where will the students go England How many campus。

3、19 登勃朗峰 马克 吐温 字词积累 霓裳羽衣 ch ng 轻歌曼舞 轻松愉快的歌声和柔和优美的舞 蹈 和颜悦色 形容态度和蔼可亲 络绎不绝 人 马 车 船等 前后相接 连 接不断 纷至沓来 连续不断地到来 名副其实 名称或名声。

4、Unit 1Lesson 1,Choosing a pet,dog,cat,bird,rabbit,hamster,turtle,cat,dog,bird,rabbit,hamster,turtle,What is this?,It is ,What is that?,It is ,Unit 1Lesson 2,Choosing a pet,dogs,What are these?,They ar。

5、Unit2 My Family,father,mother,sister,brother,baby brother,fathers father?,grandfather,fathers mother?,grandmother,Look, listen and say,This is my family,This is my si。

6、,Sports we like,.,What do you like doing?,football,basketball,soccer,.,What do you like doing?,volleyball,badminton,.,What do you like doing?,tennis,table tennis,ping pong,.,What do you。

7、Exciting experiences,Chapter 2 Part A,Have you ever fed a dolphin? No, I havent.,“ ever ” means at any time before(in your life),feed the dolphin,feed-has/have fed,Have you ever met a famous pers。

8、Excitingexperiences Chapter2PartA Haveyoueverfedadolphin No Ihaven t ever meansatanytimebefore inyourlife feedthedolphin feed has havefed Haveyouevermetafamousperson No Ihaven t meetafamousperson hav。

9、散文的朗读,散文一种与诗歌、小说、戏剧并称的文学作品,散文的特点: 一、通过某些片段的生活事件的描述,表达作者的思想 感情,并揭示其社会意义(形散神聚)。 二、语言不受韵律限制,接近日常生活口语(口语化)。,散文朗读的特点,叙事散文(荔枝蜜) 抒情散文 (春) 抒情性 议论散文 (野草),走入文境,把握结构和立意理清线索、有序变化、确立文意 深入感知和体验体味入微、描绘实在、人物神似 融合主体和客体调动情感、沉浸作品、震颤心灵,荔枝蜜 杨朔,文意歌颂劳动人民为建设美好的新生活而努力工作和 大公无私的品格。 结构 作者。

10、Chapter3PartAPeriod2Thequantitiesoffoodchildrenhave Eatinghabits Lookandsay Countablenouns可数名词 peas sausages noodles 复数名词 Uncountablenouns不可数名词 rice fish chicken pork uncountable bread beef lettuce b。


12、Chapter4Moreaboutanimals 黄冈中学广州学校实验小学郜盈2016 04 14 PartE Whatareyoudoing Warmingup Sharpeyes eat sleeping fighting swimming hopping running swim run climbing skipping Game TrainTrainTrain eat eating s。

13、沈从文,边城,全文朗诵,作 者 简 介,情 节 梗 概,人 物 个 性,研 讨 探 究,退 出,湘 西 风 情,沈从文先生(19021988),现代作家、历史文物研究学者。原名沈岳焕,笔名小兵、懋琳、休芸芸等。湖南凤凰(今属湘西土家族苗族自治州)人。 1926年出版第一本创作集鸭子,有7O余种作品集,被人称为多产作家。主要代表作有:短篇小说丈夫、贵生、三三,长篇小说边城、长河,以反映湘西下层人民生活的作品最具特色。 他的创作表现手法不拘一格,文体不拘常例,故事不拘常格,尝试各种体式和结构进行创作,成为现代文学史上不可多得的“文体作家”。

14、Chapter3WildAnimalsPartA Whatanimalsareintheforest hippo a snake a Whatisinthetree monkey a Ithasalongnose Ithastwobigears elephant an lion a zebra a snake zebra Let sread hippo elephant lion monkey。

15、Chapter2Ourpetfriends Welcometomyhome Welcometomyfriends home Where Wherearethedogs Oneisinthebox oneisnearthebox Whereisthebird Itisontheshelf Whereistherabit Itisunderthetable WhereisBob WhereisBob。

16、Unit 1 Lesson 1,Choosing a pet,dog,cat,bird,rabbit,hamster,turtle,cat,dog,bird,rabbit,hamster,turtle,What is this?,It is ,What is that?,It is ,Unit 1 Lesson 2,Choosing a pet,dogs,What are these?,They are,cats,What are these?,They are,birds,What are these?,They are,rabbits,What are those?,They are,hamsters,What are those?,They are,turtles,What are those?,They are,cats,dogs,birds,rabbits,hamsters,turtles,Lets chant,What is this? What is this? It is It is What is that? What is tha。

17、Chapter5 PartE 1 Let s review the numbers 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 22 35 48 53 95 87 74 123 115 162 170 152 134 142 one hundred and twenty three 2 158cm I m 158cm tall cm。

18、Chapter 4Chapter 4 More about animalsMore about animals 2016 04 14 Part EPart E 1 What are you doing Warming upWarming up 2 Sharp eyes 3 eat sleeping fighting swimming hopping running swim run climbin。

19、Unit 2 Is it a cat?,hot,cold,hungry,thirsty,happy,sad,scared,angry,excited,bored,a pen,a pencil,a book,a CD,a school bag,an eraser。

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