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Extensive reading Unit 4 Book 2,The Lady on Pemberton Street,by Albert DiBartolomeo,Learning objectives,In this unit you will: learn how we can help p


1、Extensive reading Unit 4 Book 2,The Lady on Pemberton Street,by Albert DiBartolomeo,Learning objectives,In this unit you will: learn how we can help protect the environment through the moving story o。

2、Dreams:making them work for usseveral nights a week Joseph woke up screaming from the same terrible dream.Joseph could never recall his whole dream,though.He only remembered that someone was running after him.Joseph was trying to get away,but in his dream he could not move。he continued having this nightmare for months。he was so tired in the morning that it was hard for him to go to work。Joseph,you see,is not a frightened child,but a grown man。Milton Kramer is a psychiatrist and dream r。

3、Extensive reading Unit 6 Book 2,Fathers & Sons: the Bonding Process,by Bill Hanson,Learning objectives,In this unit you will: appreciate two stories about father-son relationship learn how to und。

4、泛读 41Unit 1Text 天才与工匠许多人羡慕作家们的精彩小说,但却很少有人知道作家们是如何辛勤笔耕才使一篇小说问世的。以下的短文将讨论小说的酝酿过程,以及作家是如何将这小说雕琢成一件精致完美的艺术品 。1.有一次,我在暮色中来到小树林边一棵鲜花盛开的小桃树前。我久久站在那里凝视着,直到最后一道光线消逝。我看不到那树原先的模样,看不见曾穿透果核,能崩碎你的牙齿的力量,也看不到那使它与橡树和绿草相区别的原则。显现在我面前的,是一种深邃而神秘的魅力。2. 当读者读到一部杰出的小说时,他也会这样如痴如狂,欲将小说字。

5、睡眠够吗?继续做梦吧。睡眠够吗?继续做梦吧。 威廉 C德门特 克里斯托弗沃恩八小时的睡眠是不是对每个人都充裕?你听说过“睡眠债”吗?下面这篇文章提醒我们睡眠不足的后果,建议我们如何偿还睡眠债。 我曾经有过一位病人,她由于睡眠严重不足,竟把脏碟子放进了干衣机,而不是放进洗碗机里面。她扭开干衣机的开关,哗啦啦,瓷器和玻璃器皿撞成了碎片。还有一位病人费了九牛二虎之力才弄到一张五十码线门票,观看旧金山 49 淘金人协会举行的一场至为关键的加时赛,但他实在太疲倦了,头一段比赛就在座位上睡着了,一直睡到比赛结束才醒。

6、一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻 1 Dreams:making them work for us several nights a week Joseph woke up screaming from the same terrible dream.Joseph could never recall his whole dream,though.He only remembered that some。

7、一 寸 光 阴 不 可 轻 Dreams:making them work for us several nights a week Joseph woke up screaming from the same terrible dream.Joseph could never recall his whole dream,though.He only remembered that someon。

8、学 海 无 涯 Dreams making them work for us several nights a week Joseph woke up screaming from the same terrible dream Joseph could never recall his whole dream though He only remembered that someone was 。

9、学 海 无 涯 Dreams making them work for us several nights a week Joseph woke up screaming from the same terrible dream Joseph could never recall his whole dream though He only remembered that someone was 。

10、新视野大学英语(第二版)泛读教程2Unit 2PASSAGE AIs Education Still an Important Part of Youth Athletics?Education is an important part of youth athletics in the US. Young kids, cooped up in class, long for the relative freedom of the football field, the basketball court, the baseball diamond. They long to kick and throw things, and the fields of organized play offer a place in which to act out these impulses. Kids are basically encouraged, after all, to beat each other up on the football field. 。

11、新视野大学英语(第二版)泛读教程 2http:/weibo.com/u/2101936514Unit 2PASSAGE AIs Education Still an Important Part of Youth Athletics?Education is an important part of youth athletics in the US. Young kids, cooped up in class, long for the relative freedom of the football field, the basketball court, the baseball diamond. They long to kick and throw things, and the fields of organized play offer a place in which to act out these impulses. Kids are basically encouraged, after all, to beat each oth。

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大学英语泛读教程2【第二版】UNIT1 课文翻译(2020年8月整理).pdf
大学英语泛读教程2【第二版】UNIT1 课文翻译.pdf
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