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安卓APP | ios版本




1、Remember your homework last time?,Written :Ex 5 in P6 Oral: Ex6 in P5. Write some example sentences. ( about tense in English),6/9 review:1,Check the homework: -oral (2-3) Whom did you interview? And the result? Eg: I interviewed Mary. Her idol is Review some new words: Culture Corner attitude idiot communication role model idol favorite actor,6/9 review:2,Remember these new words in Chinese? adjective personal pronoun modal verb the word “to be” Present Simple Presen。

2、Grammar : Present Perfect and Past Simple,现在完成时和一般过去时,Review (1),champion,compete against,Review (2),1. She is happy because she is_______________ in her sales. 2. I hurt my arm playing basketball but ___________ the bone is not broken.,fortunately,3 .The meeting finally _______________. Everyone felt tired.,came to an end,making progress, The first time Venus played in a big event was in 1996., In 1992 and 2002, she won the US Open., In 2002 and 2003, she was the womens singles champ。

3、Unit 1 Lifestyles,基础知识自测,1. _________ vi 要紧,有重大关系 2.____________vt. 认为,猜想 3. ____________vi. 抱怨;投诉 4.____________vt. 转换,转变. 5. ____________ vi 遭受痛苦,感到疼痛 6. ____________ vt 减少,降低 7. ____________ vt 组织 8. ____________ vt. 更喜欢,宁愿 9. ____________ vt. 忍耐,忍受 10. ____________ vi 毕业 11. ___________vt&n. 支持 支撑,核心单词,matter,suppose,complain,switch,suffer,reduce,organise,prefer,stand,graduate,support,1. _________平静的,和平的 2. _________ 轻。

4、本课栏目开关,Unit 2 Heroes Period One Period One Warmup & Reading,话题导入,本课栏目开关,话题导入,本课栏目开关,话题导入,本课栏目开关,B,A,话题导入,本课栏目开关,A,话题导入,本课栏目开关,本课栏目开关,Period One,本课栏目开关,Period One,silent,calm,still,quiet,本课栏目开关,Period One,本课栏目开关,Period One,calm,down,本课栏目开关,Period One,本课栏目开关,Period One,It was generous of you to lend,your generous help,without,本课栏目开关,Period One,本课栏目开关,Period One,本课栏目开关,Period One,out of cha。

5、11频率与概率12生活中的概率,1在一定条件下,事先就能断定发生或不发生某种结果,这种现象就是确定性现象,在一条件下,某一种现象可能发生,也可能不发生,事先不能断定出现哪种结果,这种现象叫________;对于某个现象,如果能让条件实现一次就是进行了一次试验,而试验的每一种可能结果,都是一个________.事件有________,________,________.,2在相同的条件下重复n次试验,观察某一事件A是否出现,称n次试验中事件A出现的次数m为事件A出现的频数,事件A出现的比例f(A) 为事件A出现的________;在大量重复试验的情况下,事件A发生的频。

6、2013-2014学年第一学期高一英语导学案 编号: 编制人: 审核人: _____________ 审批人: ____________ 使用时间:2013。08. 13导 学 案 装 订 线 M1U1 Grammar Class: Group: No. Name: 组内评价: 教师评价:______【Instructions】1. 根据初中所学时态语态及初高中衔接所复习知识,完成预习部分(20分钟)2. 课上订正预习答案(10分钟)合作探究时态的特殊用法并拓展练习(15分钟)【Learning Aims】 1. To review the structures and functions of Present Simple,。

7、Unit 7 The Sea 系列丛书系列丛书 进入导航 Unit 7 The Sea 系列丛书系列丛书 进入导航 Unit 7 The Sea 系列丛书系列丛书 进入导航 Unit 7 The Sea 北师大版 英语必修3 Unit 7 Lesson 1 The Spirit of Explorer。

8、.8 学 案 装 订 线 M1 Unit 3 Lesson 2 Parties 听说导学案Class: Group: No._____ Name: 组内评价: 教师评价: 【使用说明与学法指导】自学: 10分钟课前自学,记忆重点单词及句型并独立完成相关的应用练习正课: 5分钟检查预习情况,核对答案并回答学生预习存在的问题;20分钟完成听力问题并填写有关词汇;10分钟小组合作,运用所学知识输出对话;10分钟巩固整理,并尝试完成加油站的训练,互相点评并更好应用新授知识。【Learning aims】1. Learn about different kinds of parties.2. Get to know what we should pay attention to 。

9、Unit 2-Lesson4-1,Superhero,Reading,What happened to him?,Answers to the questions in Ex1 on P28,1. Superman. 2. He fell off his horse and broke his back. 3. He promoted medical research and made speeches all over the USA about his experiences.,Read the first three paragraphs,P29 Ex. 2 Match the headings with the paragraphs. a) the riding accident b) his marriage c) his feelings after the accident d) his death e) his parents f) his belief g) how he got involved with charity work h) his work i。

10、Lesson 3 Period I Sports Stars,Vocabulary & Reading,Venus Williams United States,Li Na was defeated by her opponent(对手) in WTA(Women Tennis Association) on Oct 28th, 2013.,女子职业网球联赛,Serena Williams She has a elder sister Venus Williams,Venus Williams 1980,Serena Williams 1981,Write down the words or phrases according to the explanations. (amazing, train, look back,champion, compete against),1. to make sb. professional by practice 2. think of the past 3. surprising greatly 4. try to win 。

11、高一北师大版模块一,Unit 2 Heroes Lesson 2 History Makers,How much do you know about them?,____________fought for the rights of black people in the USA. 2. ____________led the 1911 revolution and founded the first republic of China. 3. _________ invented the light bulb, the moving picture camera and many other things. 4.__________ worked to help poor people in India.,Match these descriptions with the photos,Task III: Read and translate them into Chinese 1.revolution_________2.creat_________ 3.inv。


13、学 案 装 订 线 M1 Unit 1 communication workshop -writing a personal letter写作导学案Class: Group: No._____ Name: 组内评价: 教师评价: 【使用说明与学法指导】自学: 10分钟课前自学书信部分,按照导引充分预习书信格式及语言,独立完成课前预习。正课: 3分钟认真阅读信件内容,完成课内探究部分1,10分钟合作探究部分2,理解信件内容,解决疑难,15分钟巩固整理,记忆基础部分,并尝试完成探究部分3. 7分钟合作探究,互相点评并更好理解信件内容。【learning aims】 1. to be able to write a personal letter of informal s。

14、表达未来信息,Talking about future information,do / does,be going to do,be doing,Intentions (意图,打算),personal arrangements (个人具体安排),scheduled (排定的) events,tomorrow,Im meeting my friend at the air- port tomorrow.,example:,Her plane arrives at 11 a.m.,tomorrow evening,Jim,Gone with the wind,after work,my parents,Opening Hours 9 am9 pm,-Hello, Would you like to play tennis with me this Sunday?,-Sorry, but ______,Mike,Susan,Tom,on Saturday,the students,Opening Hours,What。

15、Lesson2 Relaxing,Uni1 Lifestyles,【learning aims】 to be able to take some key words and information to get the key words and detail information by selfstudy and group discussion. to learn how to face and deal with stress,Task I: memorize the following words and use them to complete the sentences. (见课本练习2 P10) studio, expert, suffer from, stress, pressure, social, reduce, organize,1. ______ can cause headaches and other illnesses. 2. The interview took place in a ________. 3. I am shy and。

16、北师大版 高一 (必修 1) Unit 1Lesson 2 RelaxingThink about situations in your life. Use the key words to say how relaxing or stressful they are for you.quite relaxing, very relaxing, a little stressful, very stressfulKey wordsa) studying for an examb) lying on a beachc) waiting for exam resultsd) giving a talk to your class in your own languagee) giving a talk to our class in Englishf) shopping with a friendrelaxingrelaxingrelaxingstressfulstressfulstressfulstressful?relaxingYou will hear the f。

17、导学提纲 北师大版 必修 1 1To students and Learning to learnExpressions1. Welcome to2. senior high school3. English textbooks4. turn up5. with your new book in hand6. by doing7. get familiar with8. find out about9. at the beginning of10. be designed to do sth被设计用来做某事: 目的是11. develop useful ways in doing12. build up your confidence13. participate in14. practice with15. cooperate with16. step by step 逐步地17. work hard on18. be afraid of doing19. take every opportunity to do20. make pro。

18、北师大必修一单词表Learning to learn questionnaire /kwest ne /n. 问卷,调查表matter /m t / vi. 要紧,有重大关系partner /pa:tn /n. 搭档,合作者Unit 1 Warm-up lifestyle /laifstai/n. 生活方式*shepherd/ep d/ n. 牧羊人relaxing /ril ksi / adj. 轻松的,放松的stressful /stresf l/ adj. 充满压力的,紧张的suppose /s p uz/ vt. 认为,猜想Lesson 1 *series /si ri:z/n. 连续,系列,丛书TV series 电视连续剧cartoon /ka: tu:n/n. 卡通片,动画片talk show 谈话节目,现场访谈complain /k mlein/vi. 抱怨,投诉couch /k au t/。

19、1北师大版必修一 Unit 1 A 卷.单项填空1If you go to Xian, you will find the palaces there more magnificent than commonly .A supposing Bsupposed Cto suppose Dsuppose2I cant stand with Jane in the same office.She just refuses talking while she works.A working; stopping Bto work; stopping Cworking; to stop Dto work; to stop3The incomes of skilled workers went up. , unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.A Moreover BTherefore CMeanwhile DOtherwise4。

20、第一学期末统考模拟(数学) 测试范围:数学 必修 5+选修 11一、选择题(本大题共 10 小题,每题 5 分,共 60 分,每小题给出的 4 个选项中,只有一选项是符合题目要求的)1等差数列 中, = 2 ,则该数列的前项的和为 () na3A32 B20 C16 D10 2抛物线 y = -2x2的准线方程是 ( ) Ax= x= Cy= Dy=。

unit2 lesson 7 vocabulary 课件 (北师大必修1)
u2-l7 grammar 课件 (北师大必修1)
unit1 lesson2 relaxing 课件 (北师大必修1)
unit1  lifestyles grammar 课件 (北师大必修1)
unit2 lesson6 history makers 课件 (北师大必修1)
u2 l8 suoerhero reading 课件 (北师大必修1)
unit 2《heroes》课件1(北师大版必修1)
unit 1 lifestyles revision课件(北师大版必修1)
北师大版 高一 (必修1) Unit 1
unit 1 writing 导学案  (北师大必修1)
北师大版必修一  映射1  教案
unit 3 celebrations lesson10 学案  (北师大必修1)
unit1 grammar 导学案   (北师大必修1)
北师大必修1 单词表
北师大版必修一Unit 1
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