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1、Unit 8 Fashion(第八课时)Pronunciation学案【学习目标】1.了解音节及其相关知识。2.掌握音节的特点。【重点难点】能数出单词的音节数【预习指导】1、你能写出下列单词的音节数吗?(1) house_______ (2) master_______ (3)shopping_______ (4)December_______ (5)school_______2、你能将下列单音节片段组成一个双音节单词和一个三音节单词吗?ring, ite, fa, bo, vour (1)__________ (2)__________通过预习你一定已经了解了许多新知识吧?检验一下预习效果,听课就会有的放矢啦!判断下列单词的音节数相同吗?相同的在方框内打,不同的。

2、英语牛津译林八上Unit5:课时练习(1)及答案(Welcome)8A Unit5 Birdwatchers课时练习1 (Comic strip & Welcome to the unit)一、词组翻译1去观鸟_________________________ 2在市场上_________________________3烤鸡___________________________ 4给我们看一些图片_________________5不同种类的鸟___________________ 6飞往北方国家_____________________7长而尖的翅膀___________________ 8长彩色的羽毛_____________________二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1Sandy_________(go)to the zoo if she________(be)free2A lot of visitors___。

3、英语牛津译林八上Unit5:课时练习题(5)及答案一、翻译下列词组 1.对他人有礼貌 2. 在将来 3. 一个受保护的地方 4. 在那丢垃圾 5.走很长的路 6. 回到学校 7. 对鸟类感兴趣 8. 舒服的运动鞋 二、单项选择( )1. He ______much food_______the poor family during the hard time.A.provided,to B. provides,with C.provided, with D. provides, for( )2.I want to put the bookshelf here. Can you make_______for it?A.a space。

4、英语牛津译林八上Unit5:课时练习题(4)及答案一、根据汉语提示写出句中所缺的单词。1.Its _______________ (必要) to take an umbrella with you. But its ______________ (没有必要) to do this in Beijing.2.Its not good to be a ____________ (不诚实) boy.3.Nothing is ______________ (不可能) if we put our minds into it.4.Its ________(不礼貌) to look at foreign tourists with eyes wide open.5.The new T-shirt makes him feel _____________ (不舒服).二、写出下列词汇的反义词。polite common welcome_______popular。

5、英语牛津译林八上Unit5:课时练习题(7)及答案一、根据汉语意思写出正确的单词1. Fujian is in ____________(东南部) China.2. The bushes in the wetlands _______(提供) shelter for the birds.3. Hongshan Zoo is the home of a lot of plants and animals, _________ (包括) awide variety of birds.4. We will go ___________ (观鸟) this summer holiday.5. We must do something to __________ (防止) the weather getting hotter and hotter.6. There is going to be a _____________ (暴风雪) tonight.二、完成下列同义句1. The。

6、英语牛津译林八上Unit5:课时练习题(1)及答案一、请写出下列鸟类的英文名称。1.__________ 2.______________ 3.________________4. ____________ 5.________________ 6._________________二、Complete the conversationHobo: What are you going to ___________ tomorrow?Eddie: I am _________ _____________ at the _____________ .Hobo: At the ___________ ?Eddie: I like the ________ at the market. Beijing _______ and roast __________. Yummy.Hobo: But I think birds are our。

7、英语牛津译林八上Unit5:课时练习题(6)及答案一、写出下列各词的副词形式。1.angry_____2.good ____ 3.gentle______ 4.bright _______5.slow ______ 6.soft______7.close______8.clear______9.heavy 10.neat 11.nice 12. noisy ______13.dangerous__________14.different 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. He stopped his car _________ (slow) in front of me. 2. Jim answered the question ____________ (correct), and he won the first prize.3. I have poor eyesight. I cant see the words on the blackboard __________ (clear。

8、英语牛津译林八上Unit5:课时练习题(3)及答案一、根据汉语提示写单词:1. Taiwan is in the ___________(东南的) China.2. Shanghai is one of the ___________(大的) ___________(城市) in China.3. I will travel to different ___________(国家).4. Find out how ___________(多) they know about the whole story.5. Some people want to _____(改造) the wetlands to make more ____(空间) for farms and buildings.6. The ___________(少) you eat, the thinner you will become7. Who came and ___________(使) them cry?8. The C。

9、英语牛津译林八上Unit5:课时练习(3)及答案(Vocabulary)8A Unit5 Birdwatchers课时练习3(Vocabulary)一、写出下列各词的反义词和副词(1-12反义词13-24副词) 1useful_______________ 2honest_______________ 3important_________________4happy_______________ 5welcome_____________ 6possible__________________7comfortable__________ 8common_____________ 9regular___________________10necessary__________ 11polite________________ 12friendly_________________13angry_____________ 14noisy________________ 15heavy________。

10、英语牛津译林八上Unit5:课时练习题(8)及答案完成下列有关丹顶鹤的文章We are red-crowned cranes. We like living in _____________. We live in Zhalong _________ ____________. It ____________ us with food and ____________. Every year many _________ came to see us. We had a happy life there. But there was a big fire in our ideal home three years ago. Then some farmers wanted to change our home into __________. The number of us is getting __________ and ____________. Now there are only about 500 in Chi。

11、英语牛津译林八上Unit5:课时练习(2)及答案(Reading)8A Unit5 Birdwatchers课时练习2(Reading)一、翻译词组1世界上最重要的湿地之______________ 2为野生生物提供食物_______________3住得舒服__________________________ 4一整年___________/________________5在那里作短暂逗留__________________ 6为留出更多的地方________________7保护这些濒危鸟类__________________ 8它们数量的变化____________________9统计鸟____________________________ 10懂得湿地的重要性_________________11使他们积极采取行动保护野生生物____________。

12、英语牛津译林八上Unit5:课时练习题(9)及答案Write an application letter.You also want to join the Birdwatching Club. Use Amys letter as a model. Replace the underlined words with your own information. Then read your letter in your group。

13、distincttranscendsovertcomplexethnicconverselysufficientdemonstratescorrespondhas been granted5/19assimilatingphysical characteristichoweverloose-fitting blousenon-native American women6/19distinguishappearanceshareformerConverselyencompassethniccasesdifferenceimpossiblerelocationglobalizationidentitycostumeremote12/19may also vary with the level of ethnic ide。

14、新时代交互英语视听说4答案完整版 Unit1 Unit2 Unit3 Unit4 Section A Must yourself Unit5 Uunit6 Unit7 Unit8 Section B Try It to a Exciting relief Unit9 Unit10 massage points anatomy Unit11 Unit12 Section C x 5 depends。

15、distincttranscendsovertcomplexethnicconverselysufficientdemonstratescorrespondhas been granted5/19assimilatingphysical characteristichoweverloose-fitting blousenon-native American women6/19distinguishappearanceshareformerConverselyencompassethniccasesdifferenceimpossiblerelocationglobalizationidentitycostumeremote12/19may also vary with the level of ethnic identitycame under the domaination of one or two of the more powerful ethnic groupFor the sake of brevitysome African-Americans would be iden。

16、注:注:1 第八单元的改错题最后两第八单元的改错题最后两个没截上个没截上 2 翻译不用做翻译不用做3.有不清楚的地方大家见谅有不清楚的地方大家见谅了了第四单元第四单元1.Neither2. 3.4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 第五单元第五单元1. 第六单元第六单元1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.1. 2. 3. 4.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.1. 2. 3.4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.第七单元第七单元1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.7. 8. 9。

17、时代新课程初中英语八年级下册答案xx时代新课程初中英语八年级下册答案 问题补充: xx年时代新课程初中英语八年级下册答案,八年级,英语,河海大学出版社 网友答案: 答案共71页。提供此答案是为了帮助大家做完题后对照答案,请勿直接抄袭,请认准:答【案】网下载答案,点击图片可以查看大图。 注意:限于篇幅,继续查看zq n f【c o m】其它页答案,请自行点击下面链接打开。。

18、关注公众号:南通升学百科(QQJJNTSX)获取更多升学资讯、试题资料 更多问题可咨询:南通小轻老师(18068643316) 关注公众号:南通升学百科(QQJJNTSX)获取更多升学资讯、试题资料 更多问题可咨询:南通小轻老师(18068643316) 关注公众号:南通升学百科(QQJJNTSX)获取更多升学资讯、试题资料 更多问题可咨询:南通小轻老师(18068643316) 关注公众号。

七年级英语上册《Unit 8 Fashion》(第八课时)Pronunciation学案(无答案)
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