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安卓APP | ios版本




1、Section B (1a-1e),Unit 1 How can we become good learners?,九年级英语上册(RJ),.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1You should try to do this thing with your partners (搭档) in the group. 2The population of the city has increased (增加) by 3 percent since 2011. 3Look!The horse is running at a high speed (速度) 4Jim pronounces (发音) Chinese badly. You should help him a lot. 5She often makes lots of mistakes (错误) in grammar.,________,________,_____,__________,_________,.单项选择。 ( C )1.My pen pal 。

2、Unit 2,Unit 2 What time do you go to school?,Section B 1a-1e,1. Learn how to express the time. 2. Everyone should learn how to make full use of the time.,Learning aims,go to bed,do homework,clean the。

3、,Section B 1a1e,Unit4 Why dont you talk to your parents?,.,Do you have any pressure in your life?,study,money,friends,parents,.,have a lot of pressure about school dont get enough sleep dont have eno。

4、Section B 1a1e,Unit4 Why dont you talk to your parents?,Do you have any pressure in your life?,study,money,friends,parents,have a lot of pressure about school dont get enough sleep dont have enough。

5、Section B 1a-1e,To learn to understand and use the passive voice(present tense) be + v(ed). To talk about the international kite festival. If you know more about the international kite festival, yo。

6、Section B 1a-1e,Objectives,To learn the words and expressions. To listen to 1c and 1d, then complete it. To practice your opinion with I agree and I disagree. If you like, you can talk more about yo。

7、Section B 1a-1e,To learn to use used to + verb to write and speak about what you used to like. To learn the new words: ant, insect . If you like, you can compare your life now with the past.,Objec。

8、Section B 1a-1e,Objectives,To learn to listen for the deatails. To learn to use: corner, uncrowded, inexpensive, convenient. To Role-play the conversation.,Look at the following pictures. What qual。

9、Section B 1a-1e,To learn to understand and use the passive voice(present tense) be + v (ed). To learn to liaten for the details. To talk about what products are made of and where they are made.,Obje。

10、Section B 1a-1e,To listen to 1c and 1d, then complete them. To learn new words: pronounce, increase, speed, ability, create, active, attention,Objectives,Do you have difficulties in learning Englis。

11、八年级(上),Go,for,it!,英语教学课件,Section B (1a-1e),Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?,Key words & phrases: Key sentences: Talk about your past events.,学习目标,Key words & phrases:,学习目标,delicious,exciting,terrible,expensive,cheap, boring,Key sentences: 1. Where did Lisa go on vacation? 2. Did she do anything special there? Did she buy anything for her best friend? Did Lisa like her vacation? 3. How was/were.? To express likes and dislikes.,expensive,cheap,Look at the pictures belo。

12、Section B 1a-1e,Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater,学习目标,Key words phrases creative,perer,most creative, the best perer Key sentences 1.Who was the best pererEliza was the best perer. 2。

13、Unit 6Im going to study computer science. Section B(1a-1e),. 单词拼写 1. resolution(n. ) 2. foreign(adj. ) 3. 队; 组(n. ) 4. 锻炼(n. ) 答案: 1. 决心; 决定2. 外国的3. team4. exercise,. 短语连线 1. New Years Resolutio。

14、Unit 6Im going to study computer science. Section B(1a-1e),. 单词拼写 1. resolution(n. ) 2. foreign(adj. ) 3. 队; 组(n. ) 4. 锻炼(n. ) 答案: 1. 决心; 决定2. 外国的3. team4. exercise,. 短语连线 1. New Years Resolutio。

15、Unit 3 Is this your pencil?,Section B (1a1e),自主预习案,1. 棒球 2. 手表 3. 电脑 4. 游戏 5. 卡片 6. 笔记本 7. 戒指 8. 袋,包,一、四会单词,baseball,watch,computer,game,card,notebook,ring,bag,自主预习案,1. 电子游戏 2. 学生卡,二、重点短语,computer ga。

【学练优】九年级英语全册(人教)课件:unit 1 b (1a-1e)
【学练优】九年级英语全册(人教)课件:unit 6 b (1a-1e)
【学练优】九年级英语全册(人教)课件:unit 3 b (1a-1e)
【学练优】九年级英语全册(人教)课件:unit 7 b (1a-1e)
【学练优】九年级英语全册(人教)课件:unit 5 b (1a-1e)
【学练优】九年级英语全册(人教)课件:unit 4 b (1a-1e)
人教版七下unit 2 Section B (1a-1e)课件
八年级下Unit44 (1a-1e)ppt课件
八年级下Unit4课件4 (1a-1e)
[人教版]九年级英语上册Unit 5 Section B 1a-1e优质课件
[人教版]九年级英语上册Unit 7 Section B 1a-1e优质课件
[人教版]九年级英语上册Unit 4 Section B 1a-1e优质课件
[人教版]九年级英语上册Unit 3 Section B 1a-1e优质课件
[人教版]九年级英语上册Unit 6 Section B 1a-1e优质课件
[人教版]九年级英语上册Unit 1 Section B 1a-1e优质课件
八年级上册Unit 1 Section B (1a-1e) Section+B+(1a-1e)+教学课件
Section B (1a-1e) 教学课件
Unit_6:I’m going to study computer scienceSection B(1a—1e)课件
第三课时Section B(1a—1e)课件
第三课时SectionB(1a~1e) 课件
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