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外教社2023大学跨文化英语视听说教程 第4册 PPT课件04_Unit 01

  • 卖家[上传人]:AZ****01
  • 文档编号:360922579
  • 上传时间:2023-09-18
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    • 1、大学跨文化英语大学跨文化英语大学跨文化英语大学跨文化英语Listening,Viewing and Intercultural Communication视听说教程视听说教程 4 4URBANCHALLENGESUNIT1ACADEMIC TRACKUrban studiesACADEMIC SKILLSLISTENINGSPEAKINGCRITICAL THINKINGINTERCULTURALCOMMUNICATIONUnderstanding theIntroduction to a LectureUsing AbbreviationsSignaling AdditionalAspects of a TopicPredictingCommunicating inIntercultural Relationships1 What challenge are green buildings intended to solve?In addition to windows,in what other ways can buildings be made“green”?_ _ _ _ _

      2、 _ Would you move to a city that is dealing with challenges such as overcrowding?Explain._Answers will vary.Green buildings are intended to solvethe challenges of urban pollution andenergy waste.In addition to specialwindows,many green buildings catchand store rainwater in big containersto be used to water plants or flush toilets.A worker in Washington,D.C.,installs a triple-glazed windowin a building designed to meet strict green building standards.Think and Discuss 2ContentsVocabularyBefore Li

      3、steningWhile ListeningAfter ListeningLISTENING BA Conversation about SingaporeVocabularyBefore ListeningWhile ListeningAfter ListeningLISTENING AA Lecture about Venice,ItalyEXTENDED LISTENINGLecture 1Lecture 2Lecture 3VIDEO Urban Solution:Farmingon RooftopsBefore ViewingWhile ViewingAfter ViewingSPEAKING AND PRESENTATIONGrammar for SpeakingSpeaking SkillSpeaking TaskPresentation TaskExitLISTENING ABefore ListeningWhile ListeningAfter ListeningVocabulary MEANING FROM CONTEXT Listen to the informa

      4、tion and then fill in the blanks with the words you hear.A1.1URBAN CHALLENGES Todays urban areas face a variety of challenges.One challenge is a 1 _ of land for housing.To address this problem,some residents of Tokyo,Japan,have found a unique solution:they are having homes constructed on pieces of land as small as 344 square feet(32 square meters).These“micro-homes”allow residents to live close to central Tokyo and are much more 2 _ than traditional homes in that area.Despite their size,many mic

      5、ro-homes have several floors and big windows that 3 _ sunlight.Many urban areas also suffer from poor air quality due toscarcityaffordablemaximizeLISTENING ABefore ListeningWhile ListeningAfter ListeningVocabularypollution and smog.What can these cities do to 4 _ the amount of chemicals from cars and factories?One 5 _ _ solution has been developed by an Italian company:smog-eating cement.The cement contains a substance that converts pollution into harmless chemicals that are then washed off road

      6、ways when it rains.The smog-eating material has also been effectively used in roof tiles in Los Angeles,California,where air-pollution control is 6 _.Another urban challenge is finding creative ways to build public parks,gardens,and outdoor areas when space is limited.In 2002,the city of New York,for example,7 _ a project to transform the High Line,an unused railroad line,into an elevated urban park.The 8 _ necessary for this 9 _ project were provided through donations,and it wasregulateinnovati

      7、veprioritizedauthorizedrenovationfundsLISTENING ABefore ListeningWhile ListeningAfter ListeningVocabularymoney well spent.The High Line has become one of the most invitingpublic spaces in the city.Visitors can 10 _ through the gardens,relax on the sundeck,or attend public art exhibits and special events.strollLISTENING ABefore ListeningWhile ListeningAfter ListeningVocabulary1.When there is a scarcity of something,_2.Something that is affordable _3.If you maximize something,_4.To regulate someth

      8、ing means _5.An innovative idea is _6.If a project is prioritized,_7.If a project is authorized,_Match each sentence beginning to its ending to complete the definitions of the italicized words from exercise A.Bcfihgeda.it requires repairs or improvements.b.to walk slowly in a relaxed way.c.there isnt enough of it.d.it is given special importance.e.it is given official approval.f.you increase it as much as possible.g.new and creative.h.can be bought at a reasonable price.i.to control it.j.to allo

      9、cate money to it.LISTENING ABefore ListeningWhile ListeningAfter ListeningVocabulary8.To provide funds for a project means _9.If a building is in need of renovation,_0.To stroll means _jbaa.it requires repairs or improvements.b.to walk slowly in a relaxed way.c.there isnt enough of it.d.it is given special importance.e.it is given official approval.f.you increase it as much as possible.g.new and creative.h.can be bought at a reasonable price.i.to control it.j.to allocate money to it.1LISTENING A

      10、VocabularyWhile ListeningAfter ListeningBefore ListeningPREDICTING Look at the photo.How many tourists do you think visit Venice each year?How do you think tourists help the city?How do they hurt it?Discuss your ideas with a partner.CPossible answers:Around 25 million tourists visit Venice each year.Tourists help the city by generating a lot of revenue that can be used to address some of the citys problems.Tourism also creates many jobs.Tourists hurt the city by leaving trash,filling public park

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