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    • 1、浙江省杭州市上城区2021-2023年中考英语一模试题分类汇编阅读单选2023年浙江省杭州市上城区中考一模英语试卷一、阅读单选Whats your homework today? Now homework is not simply about exercises. It can be researches experiments and even work experiences. Take a look at some students special homework.Marios teacher asked them to research different snacks. He bought 10 kinds of them and checked the amount of sugar, fat and so on, in each. “We are told many snacks have high calories (卡路里), but pay no attention to it,” he said. But now he realized it was true

      2、. He said the homework was interesting and helpful.With some plasticine (橡皮泥) and a ping-pong ball, could you make a turnbler (不倒翁)? This is Nancys homework. She cut the ping-pong ball in half and made it the bottom of the turnbler with plasticine. “This homework made me more interested in physics,” she said.Sandy worked as a guide in the museum. In order to do the work better, she did research and added more information to her introduction. It was hard work, but she felt it was a fun and meanin

      3、gful experience. “I learned how to do research, and my communication skills are also improved,” she said.1What was Marios homework according to the passage?ADoing exercises.BMaking a turnbler.CResearching snacks.DDoing volunteering.2Why did Nancy need a ping-pong ball?ATo make a turnbler.BTo learn about physics.CTo have a game.DTo improve her skills.3What did the students think of the homework?AInteresting.BRelaxing.CSurprising.DExciting.My brother and I were driving home together and started ta

      4、lking. Because of this distraction (分心), my brother took a wrong turn.Unfortunately, the wrong turn took us toward a bridge, and we had no way of turning back. My brother had to pay to cross the bridge. He was clearly upset by the mistake.As we drove forward, my brother noticed a car pulled over to the side of the road. A young guy was standing nearby trying to phone someone. I was busy trying to find out which way we went next but my brother pulled over and asked the guy if he needed any help.

      5、And he did. He had a flat tire (轮胎).My brother helped him change the flat. He said that this had been a bad week for him. Earlier he had gotten into a car accident, and now this flat on his way home from work. But he called us “a breath of fresh air” and kept thanking us. After we had finished the job, he thanked us again and pulled out $20 and tried to give it to us. “No,” my brother said. “We were never supposed to even get on that bridge. We took a wrong turn. But now we know why we did. It w

      6、as to help you. Thank you for turning our mistake into an opportunity to serve.”What I loved most was watching my brother throughout this process. He was able to turn his bad mood (心情) over the mistake into positive (积极的) energy. He was able to see a chance to help (which I totally missed!) even in a bad situation. That was the bridge we were meant to cross.4How did the writers brother feel when they took a wrong turn at first?ACalm.BUnhappy.CScared.DExcited.5Whats the right order according to t

      7、he passage?The man tried to give us $20 to thank us.My brother helped the guy change the flat.My brother drove in the wrong direction.We saw a car pulled over on the road.ABCD6What does the underlined word “that” in the last paragraph refer to?ATurning strangers into good friends.BTurning difficulties into happiness.CTurning bad things into the good.DTurning dangers into challenges.How do you deal with plastic bags from the supermarket? Throw them away or recycle them? How about eating them?Some

      8、 of the bags are not harmful to the environment. Humans and animals can safely eat them. Indian company EnviGreen has made a bag with natural materials. It looks and feels just like plastic, but can break down (降解) easily.Ashwath Hedge who set up the EnviGreen company spent four years doing experiments with 12 natural materials. They include potatoes, corn, vegetable oil and bananas. He made the materials into liquid (液体) and used the liquid to make the bag.Although the EnviGreen bag is more exp

      9、ensive than a common plastic bag, it has many advantages. According to the Wall Street Journal it takes 1,00 years for common plastic bags to break down. But an EnviGreen bag can naturally break down in less than 180 days. It also breaks down in less than a day in water, and in less than a minute in boiling water. Hedge was happy to show it in his interview with The Better India. In the interview, he put an EnviGreen bag in water and ate it with a smile.There are more than 15,000 tons of plastic waste every day. But only 9,000 tons are processed. In China, 3 billion plastic bags are used every day. Maybe the EnviGreen bag could be a solution to the world problem of plastic pollution.7Where can you probably find the passage?AIn a history book.BIn a science magazine.CIn a storybook.DIn a book report.8What do we know about the


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