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    • 1、国家开放大学管理英语 2边学边练参考答案Unit 1Building RelationshipsListening and Speaking 1听一听 Melinda 和 George 关于招聘秘书岗位基本要求的谈话,看看你对他们的谈话了解了多少。Qiaoxiang Community Service Center is going to launch a physical exam program for the staff this year. On behalf of the Community Service Center, Melinda will discuss the matter with John, who is the representative of Sunshine Medical Center.Melinda: Hello, Im Melinda, from the ( Administration ) Department ofQiaoxiang Community Service Center. Nice to meet you!John: Hi, Im

      2、 John Waters, the representative of Sunshine Medical Center. Nice to meet you too!Melinda: Our center is going to launch a physical exam program for the staff this year. Weve(heard)very much about your good services.John: Its a great ( honor) for us to have the chance to work with you. Ourcenter will try our best to(provide)good service for your center.Melinda: Could you suggest what physical exams we need to(consider)?John: The physical should include examination of the heart and(Stomach)as wel

      3、l as X-rays.Melinda: What else should we consider?John: It also could include a look at the lungs, blood pressure and blood(sugar).Melinda: Do you have any suggestions before our staff have their physical exams in your center?John: Well, we will(prepare)a notice for everyone before they have the examin our center.Melinda: That would be helpful. Thank you very much. Then how about theprice for each person .Listening and Speaking 2复习一下刚才学习过的材料,看看能不能针对以下问题选出最佳答案。1. Melinda and her colleagues will s

      4、end thank-you cards to their business partners . A.to celebrate the New YearB. to express thanks for their cooperationC. to apologize for their carelessness2. How do the colleagues react to sending cards?A. They agree with Melindas idea.B. They dont care at all.C. They disagree with Melindas idea.3. The task of sending thank-you cards is .A. stressful and tiringB. very interestingC. quite relaxing4. What information does Melinda want to know first when they decide to send cards?A. The numbers of

      5、 the enterprises and organizations.B. The names of the enterprises and organizations.C. The products of the enterprises and organizations.5. Which statement is NOT true according to the dialog? A.They have already booked some cards. B.Melindas colleagues will help her.C.Different sentences will be written on each card.6. The working atmosphere in Melindas office is. A.dullB. excitingC. Friendly Reading 1turn intodeliverconsiderateemotionalmutual选词填空,学习关键词汇的用法。1. What he has told us is an(emotion

      6、al)story.2. Marx was a loving, gentle and(considerate)father. 3.One day, our dream will(turn into)reality.4.They soon discovered a(mutual)interest in music. 5.John was asked to(deliver)a speech on the graduation. 6.She behaved foolishly but with good(intent).再读一读短文,回答下列问题,看看你对文章了解了多少。1. Information can be presented through poor communication. A.exactly and clearlyB. wrong and discouraginglyC. understandingly and correctly2. What are the incorrect steps for good communication skills?A. Go on talk

      7、ing without stopping to listen to others.B. Know the content and the way of communication. C.Listen carefully and get to understand each other.3. Which is the proper way of communication when you finish your talking? A.Try to argue with your partner.B. Wait for your partners opinions and understanding.C. Present more information to your partner.4. When you face different suggestions, you should do the following things EXCEPT .A. considering and appreciating different opinionsB. refusing any chan

      8、gesC. being open-minded to different views5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Before speaking you need take time to consider your position.B. Dont pay much attention to othersbody language.C. Open-mindedness will not gain you more understanding and cooperation.Reading 2再读一读上面的文章,看看下面的表述是否正确。1. The only way to build a good relationship is by understanding its features.()2. In a good relationship, if one side is willing to change, then their relationship will be perfect.()3. In a good

      9、relationship, both sides admit the faults they make and correct them together.()4. In a good relationship, both sides are willing to understand their partners position after trying to be understood.()5. Changing others is as difficult as changing oneself.()6. If you want to have a good relationship with your partner, you should start with changing yourself first.()Writing回想一下生活或者学习中,谁帮助、关心和支持过你,你最想感谢谁呢?为他她写一封感谢信吧。Dear(Smith),I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for(taking such good care of me)( 感谢的原因). If it had not been for your assistance in ( to give me academic guidance) (对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been(without what Ive achieved)(没有对方帮助时的后果).Every one agrees that it was you who(a loving teacher)(给出细节).Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please


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