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    • 1、各专业 英语I(1)试题2004.9(由于没有相关的录音带,并且图片过多,不易保存、拷贝,故此试卷电子版文件不包含听力部分)第一部分:英语知识运用(40分)四、选择填空:(20分) 阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选项的序号。16.Im a lawyer. I work_insurance. A.inB.onC.at 17.A: What do you do?B: _.A: I do my work every dayB: Im an accountantC: Im cooking18._your grandfather got a car? _he drive?A. HasCanB. HasIsC. DoesCan19.A:_?B: Ive got an earache.A. How are you ?B. How ill are you?C. Whats the matter?20.Frank is_French than me.A.better atB.good at C. more good at21._ orang

      2、es would you like?A. How muchB. What manyC. How little22.Tell me about London. _is it like?A. HowB. WhatC. Why23.A: _.B: So do I.A. I like using the computers.B. I dont like using the computer.C. How about using the computers?24.A: How often_take the medicine?B: You should take it three times a day.A. I shouldB. I should toC. should I25.When is Jane_for Paris?A. flyingB. flyC. flies五、完型填空(20分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选项的序号。 It is Friday afternoon. Xiao Yan wants 26 Mary and h

      3、er boyfriend, Tim, to dinner. She sends Mary 27 email. Here is the email. Hi Mary, I 28 to invite you to dinner 29 Saturday. I would 30 like to invite your boyfriend Tim. I hope you like Chinese 31. I will perhaps 32 prawns and rice. I will do three other Chinese dishes. I have most of the things I need now, but I 33 to go shopping today. I need to buy four oranges, two cartons of 34 and a watermelon. I also need to get 35 vegetables for next week. Xiao Yan. 26.A. inviteB. to inviteC. inviting27

      4、.A. anB. theC. x28.A. would likeB. wouldC. will29.A. inB. forC. on30.A. alsoB. andC. too31. A. eatB. foodC. vegetable32.A. workB. takeC. cook33.A. shouldB. mustC. need34.A. creamsB. creamC. a cream35.A. muchB. any C. some第三部分:阅读理解(20分)六、词汇匹配(5分)从右栏所给选项中选出与左栏各项意义相符的选项,并在答题纸上写出所选项的序号。36. walkA) You go to it to learn to read and write.37.gardenB) people can sit on it comfortably.38.schoolC) you go to it go buy vegetables and fruits39.armchairD) you grow flowers, plants and vegetables in it.40.kitch

      5、enE)people can cook and eat meals in it.F) people buy and drink alcohol in it.G) you go somewhere on foot.七、短文理解 (15分) 阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个正确答案,并在答题纸上写出所选项的序号。短文理解1 (5分)Dear Sir/ Madam,Im writing in response to the advertisement in the Guardian newspaper on the 1st July. I would like to apply for the post of Technology Sales Representative in your company.I am 28 years old and I am a graduate from Dangston University . I have a degree in Business Technology. I am working currently as a secreta

      6、ry in Polymer Ltd. In my current job I am responsible for arranging the presentations of the Technology Sales Representatives to foreign clients. I enjoy working in Business Technology, but I am now looking for the opportunity to develop my own skills and to be a Technology Sales Representative myself. I am interested in traveling and I am keen to use my language skills in your foreign companies. I speak French and German fluently. I am happy to live abroad for my work.I am available for intervi

      7、ew at any time in the next two weeks because I am on holiday. I am sending my CV with this letter. I look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfullyJane Simson41 .Jane simson is a _now.A. studentB. secretaryC. sales representative42.Jane Simson is applying for a job as _.A. studentB secretaryC. sales representative43.Jan Simson was a student of _ at Dangston University.A. Business Technology.B. Foreign LanguagesC. English Language44.Jane Simson is on holiday for the next two weeks and _A. cann

      8、ot go for an interviewB. can go for an interview at anytimeC. can go abroad at anytime45.Jane is sending her _ with the application letter.A. CVB. photoC. ID短文理解2 (10分)Alice is my sister. We live in different cities in the United States. We dont see each other very often, but were in touch (保持联系) all the time. I often write to Alice and tell her about things that are happening at the company. Im the office manager. And Alice often writes to me about her work at the hospital. She is a nurse there. We talk on the telephone once a week, either on Saturday or Sunday morning. There are also other ways we communicate (联系) with each other. Sometimes I call her on her car phone (汽车电话), or she faxes me on my fax machines. We also send emails to each other. Were really lucky. In this new age of communication, there are so many ways we can keep in touch with each other. We feel closer to each other.46.Alice and I don


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