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2019-2020人教版九年级上册导学课件-Unit 9 B

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  • 文档编号:96082481
  • 上传时间:2019-08-23
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    • 1、Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. Section B(1a1d),. 词图匹配 music band, movies that are scary, movies that make us feel sad, jacket, books by Mo Yan 答案: 1. movies that make us feel sad 2. jacket 3. books by Mo Yan 4. movies that are scary 5. music band,新知预测,. 句型填词 1. 他喜欢奇异的衣服。 He likes clothes_ _ unusual. 2. 说说你喜欢的每件事情的原因。 Say_ you_ each thing. 答案: 1. that are 2. why; like,1. Write the three things that Michael likes in the first column of the chart. _ 2. Write why Michael likes each thing i

      2、n the second column of the chart. _ 答案: 1. that引导的是定语从句, that是关系代词; 2. why引导的是宾语从句, why是连接副词。,探究学习,unusual adj. 不同寻常的; 独特的 【语境领悟】 *He likes clothes that are unusual. 他喜欢奇异的衣服。 *Why do you look unhappy? 你为何看起来不高兴? Because I failed the exam. 因为我考试没考好。,课本要点点拨,【自主归纳】 (1)unusual为形容词, 意为“不同寻常的; 独特的”。其反义词为: usual。 (2)unusual是由un-(否定前缀)+usual(平常的)构成。un-为否定前缀, 意为“不; 非”。,【归纳拓展】 否定前缀un-的用法 (1)un-+形容词, 表示“相反”的状态, 如unimportant/unhappy/ unhealthy等。 (2)un-+动词, 表示“相反”的动作, 如unlock/unpack等。,【学以致用】 (十堰中考)This is a

      3、 useful dictionary, I think. So it is, and its _unusual one. A. the B. an C. a D. 不填,. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Do you know the_ (direct) of the movie? Yes. Its Feng Xiaogang. 2. Karen had an_ (usual)experience while traveling in Europe. 3. Sam likes movies that_ (be)really funny. 4. The ship_ (sink)quickly after it hit the big iceberg. 5. Please tell me why your mother_ (like)this movie. 答案: 1. director 2. unusual 3. are 4. sank 5. likes,达标检测,. 单项选择 1. Frank wants to be a basketball_, so he practices bas

      4、ketball every day. A. player B. actor C. writer D. singer 2. I like friends_like to do the same things as I do. A. which B. whose C. what D. who 3. My parents got the piano that_very expensive for me on my fifteenth birthday. A. to be B. is C. are D. was,4. Steve likes to wear clothes _look really cool. A. what B. who C. that D. where 5. I dont know why Laura _books about how to keep healthy. A. likes read B. likes reading C. like reading D. like to read,Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.

      5、Section B(2a2e),. 单词填写 1. 感觉到; 意识到(v. ) _ 2. 痛苦(n. ) _ 3. 反映(v. ) _ 4. 表演(v. ) _ 5. lifetime(n. ) _ 6. pity(n. ) _ 答案: 1. sense 2. pain 3. reflect 4. perform 5. 一生 6. 遗憾,新知预测,7. praise(v. ) _ 8. recall(v. ) _ 9. wound(n. ) _ 10. sad(adj. ) _ (n. )悲伤; 悲痛 11. move(v. ) _ (adj. )动人的; 令人感动的 12. pain(v. ) _ (adj. )令人痛苦的; 令人疼痛的 答案: 7. 表扬 8. 回忆起 9. 伤口 10. sadness 11. moving 12. painful,. 短语互译 1. look up _ 2. in total _ 3. 随着; 与一起 along_ 4. 例如 such_ 答案: 1. 查阅 2. 总共 3. with 4. as,. 句型填词 1. 那首用二胡演奏的乐曲特别使我

      6、感动。 The piece_ _ played on the erhu especially moved me. 答案: which was 那首二胡曲听起来就像有人在哭泣, 我听的时候几乎随之哭起来。 The erhu_ _ someone_ , and I almost cried_ _ it as I listened. 答案: sounded like; crying; along with,2. 遗憾的是, 总共仅有六首乐曲录制了下来供后人欣赏, 可是(人们)对他的喜爱一直持续到今天。 It_ a pity_ only six pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear, but his popularity_ _ this day. 3. 它的凄美不但刻画在阿炳自己的生活中, 而且也让人们回忆起来自他们自身悲痛经历的最深伤痛。 Its sad beauty_ _ paints a picture of Abings own life_ _ makes people recall th

      7、eir deepest wounds from their own sad or painful experiences. 答案:2. is; that; continues to 3. not only; but also,1. Who taught Abing to play the different musical instruments when he was young? _ 2. Which piece of music of Abings was the most well-known for the future world? _ 答案: 1. Abings father. 2. Erquan Yingyue.,探究学习,1. look up查阅; 抬头看 【语境领悟】 *Later I looked up the history of Erquan Yingyue, and I began to understand the sadness in the music. 后来我查阅了二泉映月的历史, 才开始理解了音乐中的悲伤。 *My little dog is lo

      8、st. All of my friends are helping me to look for it. 我的小狗丢了。我所有的朋友都在帮我找它。,课本要点点拨,*Have you found the lost dog? 你找到那只丢失的狗了吗? *I found out the phone number by looking it up. 通过查找, 我查到了那个电话号码。,【妙辨异同】 look up/look for/find/find out的用法辨析,答案: up; for; out,【学以致用】 (成都中考)I have _ my watch everywhere. But I cannot find it. A. look at B. looked up C. looked for,2. perform v. 表演; 执行 【语境领悟】 *He performed in this way for many years. 他以这种方式演出了多年。 *Our football teams performance has been excellent this year. 今年我们的足球队表现出色。 *The performers are from all over the world. 表演者来自全世界。,【妙辨异同】 perform/performance/performer的用法辨析,【学以致用】 (枣庄中考)In the last ten months, September Miracle(奇迹)_in CCTV for more than five times

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