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    • 1、广东省惠州市华罗庚中学2018-2019学年高二英语上学期中段考试题(无答案)试卷分数:150分 考试时间120分钟 命题教师:杨伟静 吴姗姗 万金花 钟晓燕 审题教师:陈凤仰本试卷分选择题和非选择愿两部分。满分150分,考试用时120分钟。 第卷第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Londonstransportservicesofferyouaspecialexperienceofthecity.Heresaround-upofthetransportchoicesavailabletoyou. LondonUnderground Thereare11colour-codedUndergroundlines.Servicesrunregularlyfromaround05:00to00:30(Sunday07:30to23:30)onmostroutes. Visittfl.gov.uk/tubeformoreinformation.

      2、Tip: Alwaysstandontherightwhenusingtheescalators(电动扶梯)atTubestationsItcangethotandbusyontheTubeduringpeak(s高峰)traveltimes,soyoumayprefertotraveloutsidethesehours. Buses AcheapandeasywaytotravelaroundLondon.Theygenerallyrunfrom05:00to00:30.Nightbusesoperateonmanymajorroutesfromaroundmidnightto05:00,andsomeoperatea24-hourservice. ItisnotpossibletopayforyourLondonbusfareincash.InsteadyoucanpaywithaVisitorOystercard,Oystercard,TravelcardorUK-issuedcontactlesspaymentcard.Asinglebusjourneyis1.50withan

      3、OystercardorUk-issuedcontactlesspaymentcard. Tohelpyougethome,ifyoudonthaveenoughcreditonyourOystercard,youwillbeabletomakeonemorebusjourney. Afterthisyouwillneedtop upthecreditonyourcardbeforeyouuseitagain.IfyourcontactlesspaymentcardhasbeenissuedoutsidetheUK,pleasecheck tfl.gov.uk/contactlessbeforeyouuseyourcardtotravelonourbusservices.Foranyinternationaltransactionfees(手续费)thatmayapply,pleasecheckwithyourcardissuer. Formoreinformationvisittfl.gov.uk/buses. Tip: Somebusroutesareespeciallygoodf

      4、orsightseeing tryroutes9,14,15and22.TheNewRoutemasterbusfeaturedintheJamesBondfilmSkyfallandrunsonroutes9,11,4,38and390. IfyourunoutofcreditonyourVisitorOystercard,itseasytoaddmoreat: TouchscreenticketmachinesinTube,DLR,LondonOvergroundandsomeNationalRailstations. Around 4,000 Oyster Ticket Stops cross London(Find you nearest one at ticketstoplocator. tfl.gov.uk). Travel&Visitor information Centres. London Overground station ticket offices.1. During the rush hour, visitors at Tube stations are a

      5、dvised to _.A. stand side by sideB. avoid using the escalatorsC. take the tube at fixed timesD. take advantage of off-peak hours2. The underlined part top up can best be replaced by_.A. add B. use up C. think about D. balance3. If visitor wants to find the nearest Oyster Ticket Stop, he should visit_.A. tfl.gov.uk/tube B. tfl.gov.uk/busesC. tfl.gov.uk/contactless D. ticketstoplocator.tfl.gov.uk B A ten-year-old from Howell, Michigan is being praised as a hero thanks to his persistence(坚持)that le

      6、d to saving the life of an elderly neighbor. The event happened late in an evening whenDanny Dipietro was being driven home from hockey practice by his mom. That s when the young boy noticed an open garage(车库) and a figure that he believed was adog outside an apartment building near his house. Given the freezing cold weather, the young boygot a feeling that something was not right. But instead of dismissing it like most kids his agewould have, he insisted that his mother, Dawn, find out what was

      7、 going on. Dawn tried to makeDanny believe that no one would leave a dog out in such cold weather, but he refused to take nofor an answer. Dawn finally gave in and decided to drive to the area with the family dog and see if there wasany truth to Dannys hunch(直觉). Sure enough, as she got closer to the apartment building shenoticed a garage that was wide open and someone waving madly for help. Upon getting there, sherealized that it was not a dog the young boy had seen, but Kathleen St. Onge. The

      8、80-year-old hadfallen down on some ice in her garage and had been lying there for two hours, unable to get up. Dawn rushed home to get her husband to help and called 911. The two then returned withsome blankets to cover Ms St. Onge, while they waited for the ambulance(救护车)to arrive.Though still in hospital, the elderly woman is recovering well and forever grateful to Darry forfollowing up on his hunch!4. When seeing a figure in an open garage, Danny_.A. recognized it was an old man B. realized something was wrongC. thought it was a homeless dog D.believed it was nothing important5. When Dawn got closer to the garage,she _.A. noticed the dog had gone away B. found an old lady waving for helpC. knew Dannys hunch was wrong D. felt something must have been stolen6. Which of


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