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2019届高考英语一轮复习 unit 24 society课时练1 阅读理解提速练 北师大版选修8

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  • 上传时间:2019-08-23
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    • 1、Unit 24 Society课时练1阅读理解提速练 阅读理解A(2018河北衡水中学高三一调)International Studies(BA文学士)Key featuresRecognizes the “global community”Has close connections with practical researchMuch of the teaching is done in small discussion groupsAbout the courseThe course focuses on the complex relations between nation states.It will provide more opportunity to study specific issues such as relationship among countries in the European Union,third world debt, local and international disagreement, and the work of internat

      2、ional bodies such as the United Nations, the European Union, NATO, and the World Bank.The course applies theories to the working of the international system with close attention to particular countries.It provides students with a better knowledge of ways to solve international problems.Related coursesBA (Hons) Community ManagementBA (Hons) Public Policy and ManagementEmployment possibilitiesInternational organizationsInternational businessEarth Science(BSc理学士)Key featuresBased on key courses and

      3、 the latest research findingsPays much attention to practical skillsOffers chances for fieldworkAbout the courseThe demand and competition for natural resources is becoming an increasingly serious problem for the future of mankind.Graduates in Earth Science will play an important role in meeting this demand, and in how these natural resources will be used.The course covers geography and geology(地质学)You will carry out fieldwork in the UK and possibly abroad, and in your final year complete a rese

      4、arch project in an area of interest to you.Related coursesBSc (Hons) GeographyBSc (Hons) GeologyEmployment possibilitiesMineral, oil, water or other related engineering industries【解题导语】本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了两种学位课程的相关信息。1International Studies is a course in_Ainternational politicsBinternational businessCinternational bodies Dinternational relationsD解析:细节理解题。根据课程一About the course部分第一段第一句The course focuses on the complex relations between nation states.可知,International Studies课程的内容主要是关于国际关系的。故选D。2After tak

      5、ing the course of International Studies, the students will_Abecome practical and openmindedBhave a greater ability to discuss theoriesCknow ways to settle problems between countriesDhave good jobs in any international organizationC解析:细节理解题。根据课程一About the course部分第二段第二句It provides students with a better knowledge of ways to solve international problems.可知,学完International Studies这门课程后,学生可以学会解决国际问题的方法。故选C。3Earth Science, as described in the second text,_Ais attractive because of the chance for fiel

      6、dworkBpays more attention to theories than practical skillsCis built on important courses and the results of recent studiesDencourages students to play a role in using natural resourcesC解析:细节理解题。根据课程二Key features部分的Based on key courses and the latest research findings可知,Earth Science课程建立在重要的课程和近期的研究成果之上。故选C。4The above two texts are most probably written for the students who_Aare first year college students Bhave not yet chosen their courseCwant to study in the UK Dare interested in practical stu

      7、dy abroadB解析:推理判断题。纵观全文可知,文章除了介绍两种课程的特点之外,还介绍了课程概述以及具体科目;由此可推知,本文应该是为了给还没有做出具体选择的学生提供参考。故选B。B(2018长郡中学新高三实验班选拔考试)While beach vacations may be a great way to take your mind off work,lakes surrounded by mountains make for an even grander experience.If you are looking for peace on your vacation,we have some recommendations for you in the Caucasus(高加索)Lake SevanLake Sevan is situated in the central part of Armenia,in the Gegharkunik Province.It is the largest lake in Armenia,located 6,234ft above se

      8、a level.Along the lake shore,there are various accommodations such as resorts and hotels with plenty of activities to partake such as windsurfing,swimming and sunbathing.While there,do not forget to visit one of the famous cultural monuments,the Sevanavank monastery,and it offers a great view of the lake as well.Paravani LakeParavani Lake,located 6,801ft above sea level,is in the south of Georgia,near the Javakheti Plateau.At this level,altitude sickness can occur and it is a good idea to be pre

      9、pared to adapt to it properly,or bring medication for altitude sickness.Being a volcanic lake makes for a more interesting experience.The lake is best known for fishing.Do not come home during the winter months when the lake freezes.Lake CildirLake Cildir is located in the Ardahan Province,east Turkey,near the borders with Georgia and Armenia.It is a large freshwater lake of eastern Turkey,and many tourists are not aware of this beautiful attraction.Lake Cildir is surrounded by mountains of the Caucasus.The lake freezes during late November.If the winter is not extremely cold,you can try some lake activities like ice skating and ice fishing.Lake VanLake Van is the must visit of all lakes in this list,the largest lake in Turkey.Lake Van is located on the eas

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