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    • 1、必修5Module 4:语言知识运用与写作.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。People go to college or university for many different reasons.I 1 that the three most common reasons are to 2 a career,to have new experiences,and to 3 their knowledge of themselves and the world around them.Good preparation for future careers is becoming more and more 4 to young people.For many,this is the primary 5 to go to college.They know that the job market is 6.At college,they can learn new skills w

      2、hich will 7 them with more opportunities.It is expected that careers in the field of information technology,8,will need a large workforce in the coming years.9,students go to college to have new experiences.This often means having the opportunity to 10 people other than those from their 11.For most students,it is the first time they have been away from home by themselves.In addition,this is the first time they have had to make decisions 12.Making these decisions increases their knowledge of them

      3、selves.Besides 13 self-knowledge,people also go to college to expand their knowledge in subjects they find 14.For many,this will be their last 15 for a long time to 16 about something that does not relate to their career.I think that people going to college should not be so focused on a career.17,they should think of going to college as an opportunity to have 18 experiences and learn about themselves and the world they 19.This may make them better prepared for their 20.【语篇导读】本文是议论文。作者探讨了人们上大学的三个

      4、原因。1.A.expectB.believeC.decideD.doubt答案B解析由下文作者解释的原因可知,他“相信(believe)”人们上大学的原因主要有三个。2.A.followB.open upC.changeD.prepare for答案D解析由下文的“Good preparation for future careers”可知,最常见的原因是为未来职业“做准备(prepare for)”。3.A.spreadB.increaseC.showD.keep答案B解析此处为“增加(increase)”自我认识以及对周围世界的了解。4.A.difficultB.obviousC.importantD.impossible答案C解析由下文提到的“job market”和“need a large workforce”可知,对于年轻人来说,为未来职业做准备变得越来越“重要(important)”。5.A.valueB.opinionC.reasonD.advantage答案C解析这也是人们上大学最主要的“原因(reason)”。6.A.risingB.encouragingC.att

      5、ractiveD.competitive答案D解析因为他们知道工作市场“具有竞争力(competitive)”。7.A.coverB.provideC.combineD.support答案B解析大学所学技能可以给年轻人“提供(provide)”更多的(就业)机会。8.A.in factB.in other wordsC.for exampleD.as a result答案C解析此处的信息技术领域需要大量劳动力是对就业市场的一个举例,故用for example。9.A.AlsoB.AgainC.YetD.Thus答案A解析 “感受新的经历”与上文的“为未来职业做准备”之间是递进关系,故用Also。10.A.callB.meetC.teachD.invite答案B解析由下文的“it is the first time they have been away from home by themselves”可知,上大学给学生提供了 “遇见(meet)”其他人的机会。11.A.collegesB.marketsC.officesD.hometowns答案D解析这些人并不是来自“家乡(homet

      6、owns)”。12.A.now and thenB.all of a suddenC.at an early ageD.on their own答案D解析由下文的“increases their knowledge of themselves”可知,上大学也让学生第一次学会“自己(on their own)”做决定。13.A.looking forB.looking atC.looking intoD.looking up答案A解析由上文学生第一次自己做决定可知,这是一种对自我认识的“探索(looking for)”。14.A.simpleB.ordinaryC.interestingD.similar答案C解析由下文的“something that does not relate to their career”可知,上大学可以让学生学到更多让他们觉得“有趣的(interesting)”课程知识。15.A.needB.momentC.hopeD.chance答案D解析而对大多数人来说,这也可能是他们“学习(learn)”与将来职业无关的知识的最后“机会(chance)”。16.A.h

      7、earB.learnC.speakD.worry答案B17.A.BesidesB.InsteadC.AnyhowD.Therefore答案B解析 “不建议把精力集中放在职业上”与“建议体验新的经历并了解自我和周围世界”之间是转折关系,故用Instead。18.A.commonB.directC.previousD.new答案D解析上大学提供了体验“新的(new)”经历并了解自我和周围世界的机会。19.A.imagineB.createC.live inD.travel around答案C解析由上文的“the world around them”可知,上大学可以让人们认识自我,并对所“生活(live in)”的世界有所了解。20.A.familyB.educationC.experienceD.future答案D解析作者认为对自我和世界的了解才是对“未来(future)”更好的准备。.语篇填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Are you interested in science?What do you thin

      8、k about self-repair technology?In the first Terminator movie,there is a moment 21. the metal machine from the future begins to repair his mechanical (机械的) arm.The ability of non-human things to repair themselves is 22. (surprise) and leaves a deep 23. (impress) on many people.This is perhaps one reason why people began to take 24. interest in the research being done by Professor Duncan Wass and his team at the University of Bristol.They have developed a self-repairing material that could 25. (us

      9、e) to fix the wings and body of aeroplanes.Professor Wass and his team found inspiration in the processes of the human body.As Professor Wass explains,“If you cut 26. (you) finger,there are mechanisms (结构) that repair that damage.Can we put the self-healing (自愈) functions that we have in an airplane wing?If you do that,youre not going to repair a huge hole in the airplane wing.What we should be able 27. (repair) are the tiny cracks that lead 28. the problems later on.”When 29. (ask) about other possible applications,Professor Wass says,“Bicycle frames(框架) are 30. (general) where you can imagine this being used.”答案与解析21.when考查关系副词。设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词


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