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译林英语选修九Unit2 reading课件 (共28张PPT)

  • 卖家[上传人]:笑傲****01
  • 文档编号:94626527
  • 上传时间:2019-08-09
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:1.35MB
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Fast reading,Unit 2,The Acropolis now,Step 1 Leading in Which country?,Brainstorming,The Aegeon Sea,Athena,Brainstorming,The First Olympics,The Overview of the Acropolis,Elgin Marbles埃尔金石雕,The Parthenon 帕台农神庙,The Erechtheum 厄瑞克修姆神庙,The Temple of Athena Nike (雅典娜胜利女神庙),Scanning: Part A (page 18): Answers: It started in the 5th century BC. They were made of marble. It was listed as a World Heritage site in 1987 by UNESCO.,Step 2 Fast Reading,Activity 1: First reading: Read each paragraph and find

      2、out a key noun word or phrase.,The main idea and structure,Great influence,Ancient Acropolis,Various damage,Poor repair,Professional repair,Organized programme,Education,Activity 2: Second reading: Read the whole text, and check the key words. Get the structure of the text.,The main idea and structure,Great influence,Ancient Acropolis,Various damage,Poor repair,Professional repair,Organized programme,Education,Part 1,Part 2,Part 3,Part 4,Step 3 Detailed reading,Read Part 1&2 in details, trying t

      3、o answer the following questions. 1. What is the great impact on Western civilization? 2. Try to get information about the three main temples and their functions.,Answers to question 1,1. What is the great impact on western civilization?,In philosophy, science, mathematics, art, architecture, theatre, politics and sport, the Roman alphabet, marathon,Answers to question 2,2. Try to get information about the main three temples.,the Parthenon:,the Erechtheum:,the Temple of Nike:,the largest,contain

      4、ed a gold statue of Athena.,the smallest,a 13-metre-high gold-covered statue of Athena,using six female statues to support ,A game: Identify the temples,The Pathenon,A game: Identify the temples,The Erechtheum,A game: Identify the temples,The Temple of Athena Nike,Step 3 Detailed reading,Activity 3: Read part 3, and fill in the form in pairs.,explosion, warehouse,theft,war,chemical,stole stones, marbles,stole the best sculptures,smog, polluted air, acid rain,clumsy reconstruction,millions of tra

      5、vellers the traffic of ,Natural forces,Mankind,earthquake,plant roots,Activity 4: Read part 4, trying to fill in the form in groups.,Step 3 Detailed reading,Measures,Poor/bad repair,_2_ of a committee,Repair,Education,_3_ the poor repair,a cleaning programme,_4_ statues,Teaching the_6_ of avoiding,Appointment,Mending,Removing,Committee,assessment,Step 4 The Last reading,Read the text again, trying to find out four words to summarize the whole text.,f_tion,c_tion,d_ ge,r_,func,onstruc,dama,repair

      6、,Part C1: Answers: In the fields of philosophy, science, mathematics, art, architecture, theatre, politics and sport. It has been damaged partly by natural forces like earthquakes, but the greatest damage of all has been caused by man.,3. The last major damage occurred with the theft of many of the best sculptures in 1801, when an Englishman cut them off the face of the Parthenon and took them to London. 4. Its aim is to undertake a complete repair of the Acropolis. 5. To teach people how to avoid damaging important historic buildings so that they can enjoy these buildings for generations to come. 6. More important historic buildings would be damaged.,Part C2:,a steady cleaning programme; removed statues from the open air and stored them in a protective museum,to be mended a steady cleaning programme,to be mended,ask for return educational work educational work,

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