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译林英语选修九Unit2 Reading(共26张PPT)

  • 卖家[上传人]:笑傲****01
  • 文档编号:94408703
  • 上传时间:2019-08-06
  • 文档格式:PPTX
  • 文档大小:6.35MB
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、,superb natural scenery/wonders,the Sahara Desert,the Niagara Falls, Canada,Mount. Huang, China,Bondi Bay, Australia,Classical gardens of Suzhou, China,The Colosseum, Italy,Angor Wat, Cambodia,Pompeii City, Italy,cultural & historic sites,People tend to travel either to indulge themselves in the awesome natural landscape or to explore the culture and history behind the tourist sites.,the Acropolis 雅典卫城 Athens,Greece,Read and find out the main idea or topic sentence of each paragraph. Circle key

      2、words to help you.,Skimming:,_of the ancient Greeks on the western civilization _to the Acropolis _to the Acropolis,Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4,Paras. 5-7,Paras.3-4,Para 2,Para 1,_,structure,Influence,Introduction,Damage /Destruction,Preservation /repair,Para1: Influence of the ancient Greeks on the western civilization,1. What is Greeks influence on western civilization? 2. How is this paragraph organized? 1. In philosophy, science, mathematics, art, architecture, theatre, politics and sport. F

      3、or example, the alphabet and the Marathon. 2. point of view reason illustration(example) restatement(emphasis),Para.2: introduction to the Acropolis,status of Acropolis: location: when built: components(组成要素):,symbol a large/flat rock(Sacred Rock) in the centre., rising up. 5th century BCE temples&monuments three main temples,As the greatest symbol of Athena, the Acropolis, a large, flat rock rising up high above the city,was constructed in the 5th century BC. It has three main temples to Athena

      4、, each of which has its own features.,Identify the uniqueness/striking feature of the three main temples.,The Pathenon the largest of all three; a gold statue of Athena,The Temple of Athena Nike smallest among the three; house a 13-metre-high gold-covered statue of Athena,The Erechtheum 6 female statues supporting part of the roof,natural forces,human activities,wars,clumsy repairs,smog, polluted air,acid rain,Paras.3-4: Damage/Destruction,Paras.5-7: Preservation/Restoration,help preserve histor

      5、y/culture Lessons can be learned to face the future, though history cannot be changed.,Why/Who/How/What,indivuduals the government,work in preparation for .after being listed as a World Heritage site by UNESCO,mend poor repair work,conduct a steady cleaning program,remove statues from the open air,educate the public about. teach people how to avoid damaging important historic buildings.,Do you think preserving historic sites is of great importance? And why? What should we do to protect them?,Dis

      6、cussion:,make people who lack cultural knowledge aware of the importance of the historic relics make laws to punish those who destroy them on purpose take feasible measures to preserve/restore them accordingly,left to us by our ancestors, symbol of their wisdom serving as national brand/image/landmark of a city educating young people to learn beyond books,Recap,influence/significance,introduction,damage/destruction,preservation,Material/Tangible Cultural Heritage 物质文化遗产,Intangible Cultural Herit

      7、age 非物质文化遗产,Group Work(Writing),Intangible Cultural Heritage Kunqu Opera; Peking Opera; Yueju Opera; Chinese Paper-cut; Chinese Calligraphy; Chinese Seal Engraving; Dragon Boat Festival; Acupuncture Moxibustion(针灸); Traditional Handicrafts of Making Xuan Paper,1/ introduction/significance 2/ worrying situation 3/ measures taken to preserve(inherit /carry forward) it,1. What is it? Why is it important? 2. What problems does it face now? 3. What measures can we take to help it?,Sample: Nothing has

      8、 had a greater influence on Chinese civilization than Chinese Calligraphy. It is a traditional art unique to China. It is not only a tool of cultural communication but also an artistic treasure with extraordinary splendor. Besides, Chinese Calligraphy is closely associated with Chinese characters, which are universally recognized to be one of the oldest types of writing.,Sample: However, with modern technology everywhere, many people have a blind faith in the latest electronic devices. Meanwhile

      9、, it is pathetic to see elderly people in possession of such legacies pass away without transmitting it to the younger generation.,Sample: Faced with this worrying trend, we should take immediate measures to preserve and carry forward Chinese Calligraphy. First of all, we should strengthen regulations to preserve it and get it well- recognized by the rest of the world. Apart from that, talented children and young people should be found and trained to be inheritors of such legacies.,Assignment,Write an article(150 words) about a cultural heritage site that you are interested in. Your essay should cover the following aspects: a brief introduction, the current situation and measures taken to preserve it. Feel free to copy the sentence patterns or even the original sentences in the text.,

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