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人教版英语高一必修一Unit2 Using LanguageⅠ课件(共26张PPT)

  • 卖家[上传人]:笑傲****01
  • 文档编号:94408662
  • 上传时间:2019-08-06
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:1.58MB
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Using language,Language points for Reading II Come and eat here (2),1.How id Yong Hui feel when she came to Wang Pengs restaurant ?Why?,She felt angry because she thught WangPeng had come into her restaurant to spy on her .,2._is a balanced diet . A . Mutton kebabs and roast pork B . Cola and ice cream C . Raw vegetables and fruit D . Raw vegetables and fruit,3. According to the text ,which of the following statements is right ? A. Yong Hui didnt like to eat energy-giving food. B. Yong Hui and W

      2、angpeng struggled for a long time . C. YongHui and Wangpeng combined their menus. D . As a result of their cooperation ,Yong Hui might be even slimmer and Wangpeng even fatter.,1. earn ones living 谋生 =earn a living = make ones living =make a living A teacher earns his living by teaching. How do they earn their living ?,2. be in debt欠债(状态) get/ fall into debt(动作) deeply in debt负债累累 His father is deeply in debt. He fell into debt three years ago. How long has he _ _debt? out of debt不欠债 Out of debt

      3、, out of danger. 无债一身轻,been,in,in debt to sb = in sbs debt 欠某人的债,欠某人人情 你救了我的命,我永远感恩不尽 You saved my life, I forever /_,am,in debt to you,in your debt,Although Mr Smith paid most of his debts , he is still _ now. A. in turn B. in danger C. in silence D. in debt,D,3. glare vi 怒目而视,闪耀 n 怒视, 眩目的光 glare at 怒目而视 stare at 盯着 看,凝视 glance at 粗略地看一下 look at “看看”为一般用语,The sun glared. The glare of the lights blinded us. He just stood there glaring at the thief. He glared at his enemies. Please look at the bl

      4、ackboard. He stared at the word trying to remember its meaning. He glanced at his watch.,4. the other day : 前几天, 常与一般过去时连用 I came across my old friend in the street the other day.,5. spy : v 窥探, 秘密监视 n 间谍,侦探 spy on : 暗中监视, 侦察 Have you been spying on me ? From the little hole in the back door he could spy on the whole class.,6. limit : vt 限制,限定 n 界限,限度 limit sb / sth to 限制某人 / 物在范围内 limitless : adj 无限的 limited : adj 有限的, without limit 无限(制)地 within limits 在一定限度内,适当地,The doctor limits the amount o

      5、f food that I eat. There is no limit to mans progress. There is a limit to ones life, but no limit to serving the people.,He limited his speech to 15 minutes. My mother limited my breakfast to one cake. Seating is limited to 300. His knowledge is rather limited . we should keep our spending within limits.,7. benefit : n 利益,好处 vt.&vi. 有益 / 助于, 受益 benefit sth/sb : 有益于 某事/人 be of benefit to benefit from / by 得益于 to ones benefit 对有益的是 for the benefit of 为了的利益,They couldnt enjoy the benefits of moder

      6、n medicine, and they died very young. The experience was of great benefit to me.,This policy benefits the whole country. Such foolish behavior wont benefit your work. The plants benefited from rain.,8 . sigh : v 叹息,叹气 n 叹息,叹息声 sigh about / over / at . 为.叹息/ 悲叹 You can hear the old man sigh at night. You should stop sighing and go to work right now. “I wish I had not failed this test ,” she said with a sigh.,We should combine theory with practice. The good teaching method combines education with

      7、pleasure. The two different schools will combine into one university.,9. combine : v combine with combine into,(使)联合, (使)结合 把与结合 合并为,10. cut down cut in cut off cut up cut out,砍伐,削减, 删节 插嘴,打断 切掉,删去,切断,使孤立 切碎, 粉碎 切掉,删掉,戒除,放弃,They cut the pear tree down . The doctor asked her to cut out smoking,You should cut down what you wrote in your paper. Im sorry to cut in your conversation , but I have something to ask you . You can cut out the unimportant details. The fence cut off our view of the sea.,I was just talking to Mary when Tom _. A. cut in B. cut down C. cut out D. cut up,A,I hope to see you before long . We will know the truth before long. She said that she had known your name long before.,11. before long long before,不久之后, 很快 很久以前,Fill in the blanks : (1) .long before (2) .before long We will see that film _. The story happened _.,long before,before long,Thank you!,

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