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    • 1、2017 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)决赛 高二年级组试题参考答案及评分标准 听力部分(共三大题, 计 3园 分) I. Sentences(句子听写) (共 5 小题; 每小题 1 分,计 5 分) 1. comforted; thought 2. fortunate; lecturer 3. gradually; involved 4. separated from 5. ever since II. Dialogues(对话理解) (共 10 小题; 每小题 1 分,计 10 分) (A)610 ACCBD (B)1115 CBABD III. Passages(短文理解) (共 10 小题; 1620 小题每小题 1 分, 2125 小题每小题 2 分; 计 15 分) (A)1620 ACBBD (B)21. large part / area 22. to support 23. worked; planted 24. small businesses 25. in families 笔试部分(共七大题,计 120 分) I. Knowledge and Usag

      2、e(知识与用法) (共 20 小题; 2635 小题每小题 0.5 分, 3645 小题每小题 1 分; 计 15 分) (A)26. determination / resolution 27. eager / anxious / keen 28. completely / totally / absolutely / thoroughly / entirely 29. decided on / upon 30. Now that 31. To be honest 32. choice 33. on her own 34. one by one 35. make use of (B)3640 DCABC 4145 BCBDA II. Cloze(完形填空) (共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分,计 15 分) (A)46. wherever 47. led to 48. rather than 49. quantities 50. natural (B)51. of 52. divided 53. caring 54. but 55. Since 56. greatly 57. str

      3、onger 58. relationships 59. Americans 60. what III. Reading Comprehension(阅读理解) (共 20 小题; 6165 小题每小题 1 分,6680 小题每小题 2 分; 计 35 分) (A)6165 CDDAA (B)6670 ECGBD (C)71. Yes, it is / Yes. 72. In (a range of) mountains. 73. Five / 5. 74. His / The parents / grandparents / teachers. 75. Because they don蒺t think the poet蒺s ambitions are realistic / achievable. / Because the poet doesn蒺t want to be any of the persons they want him to be. / Because they want the poet to be at least one of the persons they

      4、want him to be. (D)76. (isolated) tribe 77. mainly / mostly / primarily 78. three / 3 79. sexes / genders 80. to count / counting IV. Translation(翻译) (共 6 小题; 8182 小题每小题 1 分, 8386 小题每小题 2 分;计 10 分) 7- (A)81. 这种画通常在新年到来时才被更换, 故称 “年画” 。 82.(中国) 年画是中国民间艺术中一个大的门类, 它源于中国的 “门神画” , 据说贴在家门上可以辟 邪。 (B)83. This kind girl made a good impression on Mrs Brown. 84. Those machines are also called robots, although they cannot move around. / Although those machines cannot move around, they are also called robots.

      5、 85. It was in this small classroom that we began to have our high ideals. 86. Not only do these students study hard, they also take an active part / participate actively in school activities. V. Error Correction(短文改错) (共 10 处错误; 每处错误 1 分, 计 10 分) Dear Jackie, I haven蒺t written to you recently because I蒺ve been working hardly. When I received your last letter, I was busy acted in a play at college. When I finished that, I went 夷 a two-week holiday with some friends. I had meant to send you a pos

      6、tcard, since I forgot to take your address with me. What are things going at your new high school? You didn蒺t say much about this in your letter. I hope you蒺ll be happy all the times. I蒺m starting work in Shanghai after I graduated from the college in July. I know you蒺re busy, but by the time your term finish, I蒺ll have started my job. Do you want to come and stay with me for a few days? I蒺ve just learned to drive. My parents sometimes lend me his car, so I often go out with friends to the count

      7、ryside. Maybe I蒺ll drive you to Hangzhou to see you one day. I look forward to your next letter. All the best wishes! Yours, Alice 87-96: hard; acting; on / for; but; How; time; graduate; finishes; their; you VI. IQ Test(智力测试) (共 5 小题; 每小题 1 分,计 5 分) 97. 68. 梯形左右两侧的数字的积加上下两边的数字的商后便可得到梯形内部的数字。 98. An egg. 99. EYE. 100. RACE. The others form words when read backwards. 101.第五个图是在第四个图基础上添加一笔完成; 第四个图是在第三个图基础上添加一笔 完成。 VII. Writing(写作) (共 2 题; A 题满分 10 分, B 题满分 20 分,计 30 分) (A)One possible version: Las

      8、t weekend I went to the Alps with my family, because I had never been to a snow-covered mountain before. We first took a cable car to reach the top. On the way to the top, I could see a lot of pine trees with thick snow. I also found an attractive lake which seemed like a mirror and it was shining in the sunshine. When we got to the top, the view of the Alps really surprised me. It was white and bright everywhere. I enjoyed making footprints in the snow with my parents. I was so excited that I s

      9、oon forgot I was cold. I wished that time could stand still at that moment. It was a wonderful trip that I蒺ll never forget. (125 words) (B)One possible version: Different people hold different opinions about the teenage years. On the one hand, most teenagers are free from many responsibilities. All they have to do is to concentrate on their studies, gaining new knowledge, and enjoy 8- their hobbies. The teenage years are also a time for dreaming about the future. These are some of the joys of growing up. On the other hand, the teenage years also bring stress. We often hear teenagers蒺 complaints about their endless lessons and homework. Many of them are also worried about their grades because they think their future only depends on getting good grades. Without doubt, these are the stressful aspects of growing up. In my opinion, being a teenager brings both happiness and stress, which everyone must experience. So teenagers should bravely confront the challenges and enj


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