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    • 1、摘 要摘 要在建筑工程中,混凝土的主导地位不断增强,对建筑物的成本及质量起着决定性的作用,但由于混凝土性能问题引发的建筑质量问题却屡见不鲜。6Sigma作为当今比较流行的质量改进方法在许多行业得到了不同的应用,于是本文在6Sigma管理法中DMAIC改善模型基础上构建了混凝土-POE模型及改善流程,并对混凝土抗压强度进行改善和控制,对提高混凝土质量、企业形象以及降低建筑成本具有重大的现实意义。本文首先论述了6Sigma国内外的应用以及研究情况,并对6Sigma相关管理理论进行了详细的介绍,接着应用本文构建的混凝土-POE模型及改善流程对安徽X建筑股份有限公司Y项目部混凝土抗压强度改善及控制。在实施准备阶段分析了项目目前混凝土的情况,收集了相关强度数据,并对强度数据从受控状态及过程性能两方面分析目前混凝土的实际控制状况;在优化阶段,主要是利用因果图分析了强度影响因素,并应用MINITAB软件对抗压强度重要影响因素进行了全析因分析,分析出影响混凝土抗压强度的关键影响因素,提出改善方案;最后对实施方案的结果进行控制及财务效益评估。从经济效果分析结果来看,利用DMAIC构建的混凝土-POE模型

      2、及改善流程图运用于该项目部取得了明显的效果。解决了混凝土抗压强度不稳定、强度值过高、达不到标准等一系列问题,并为项目整个周期节约了一百多万的成本费用。本文将理论紧密的与实际应用联系在了一起,为更好地解决其它建筑工程实践中遇到的问题提供了一套切实可行的方法。关键词 6Sigma;混凝土抗压强度;DMAIC;析因设计69AbstractIn construction, the growing dominance of concrete on the building cost and quality play a decisive role, but because of concrete quality problems caused by the construction of quality problems are not uncommon.6Sigma has been different applications in many industries as a quality improvement of todays more popular method. So this

      3、paper ,a concrete-POE is built on the basis of the DMAIC improvement model of 6Sigma Management and to improve the flow, and improvement of concrete compressive strength and control, to improve the concrete quality, corporate image and reduce the cost of construction is of great practical significance.This paper focuses on the application and research situation home and abroad and it has a detailed analysis on some related management theories in 6Sigma.the concrete-POE model is used to improve t

      4、he compressive strength of concrete and control in the process X Construction Co.Ltd of Anhui Province Ministry of Y projects . In the implementation of the project preparation phase analysis of the present concrete situation, to collect the relevant strength data, and intensity data from the controlled process performance both state and analyze the current status of de facto control of concrete.In the optimization stage, mainly the use of cause and effect diagram analysis of the factors influen

      5、cing the strength and the application of MINITAB software, an important influence factors on the compressive strength of a full factorial analysis, analyze the influence of concrete compressive strength of the key factors to improve the program. Finally, control the results of the program and assesses financial benefit.From the analysis of its economic effects, the application of concrete-POE improvement model has brought obvious results. It also solves a series of problems like the instability

      6、of concrete compressive strength, high intensity value, not being up to the standard and so on. And it saves the project over one million cost during a whole cycle. This paper closely connects theories with practical applications, and it provides a set of applicable methods to better solve other problems met in the construction practice.Key Words 6Sigma ;compressive strength of concrete; DMAIC; factorial design目 录目 录摘 要IAbstractII目 录IContentsIII第1章 绪论11.1研究背景11.2 研究的目的和意义21.3国内外研究概况回顾21.3.1国外6Si

      7、gma应用概况及趋势21.3.2国内6Sigma应用情况及趋势31.4 本文的研究思路及主要研究方法51.4.1研究思路51.4.2主要研究方法61.4.3本文主要创新点7第2章 6Sigma概述82.1 6Sigma的兴起与发展82.1.1 6Sigma的兴起82.1.2 6Sigma的发展92.1.2 6Sigma推行的意义92.2 6Sigma的含义102.2.1 品质管理122.2.26Sigma的管理定义122.2.3 6Sigma的统计含义132.2.46Sigma常用的度量指标142.3 6Sigma的质量经济特性152.4 6Sigma的基本思想172.5 6Simga模型及常用工具192.5.1 6Simga与其他质量管理的比较192.5.2 6Simga改进的步骤202.5.3 6Simga各阶段中应用的工具212.6 MINITAB软件222.7本章小结23第3章 混凝土-POE模型构建243.1混凝土简介243.1.1混凝土的分类243.1.2混凝土的性能253.2 构建混凝土-DMAICF253.2.1 DM-准备阶段P263.2.2 AI-优化阶段O273.

      8、2.3 CF-评估阶段E293.3 整合混凝土-POE改善模型313.4 本章小结32第4章 抗压强度稳定性改进的定义及测量334.1项目公司及试块334.1.1项目确定公司简介334.1.2混凝土抗压强度试块334.2 定义阶段354.2.1 问题的描述354.2.2识别顾客需求354.2.3确定改善目标364.3测量阶段374.3.1混凝土生产流程SIPOC图374.3.2抗压强度数据收集374.4过程能力分析394.4.1受控状态分析394.4.2过程性能分析404.5本章小结42第5章 影响因素分析及改进435.1分析阶段435.1.1确定影响质量特性的因素435.1.2影响因素在过程中的特异性455.2改进阶段475.2.1析因设计分析简介475.2.2确定关键影响因素485.2.3提出改善强度方案505.3本章小结51第6章 质量结果分析及控制526.1改进后过程分析526.1.1 受控状态分析526.1.2过程能力分析546.2控制阶段556.2.1规范混凝土生产流程556.2.2配合比设计管理556.2.3材料的管理566.2.4试块制作及养护控制566.3经济效益分析

      9、566.4本章小结58第7章 总结与展望597.1总结597.2展望59参考文献61攻读硕士学位期间发表的学位论文64致 谢65ContentsContentsAbstract(Chinese)IAbstractIIContents(Chinese)IContentsIIIChapter1 Introduction11.1 Background of the research11.2 The objective and significance of the research21.3 Researching status of domestic and abroad21.3.1 The application and trends of abroad in 6Sigma21.3.2 The application and trends of domestic in 6Sigma31.4 Researching ideas and the main researching methods in the papers51.4.1 Researching ideas51.4.2 The main researching methods61.4.3 The innovation point in this paper7Chapter2 Summarizing on 6Sigma82.1 The rise and development


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