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    • 1、The Lion King,Main actor: 主演: Matthew broderick,James earl Jones,Jeremy irons,Nathan lane,Moira kellyBella, erin,Director: 导演: Roger marcel alers,Rob minkoff Robert.,Introduction 电影简介,Film mainly tells the story of the little lion king simba in many enthusiastic friends accompanied, not only has experienced the most glorious moment in life, have suffered the most difficult challenges, and finally became the king of the forest, also thrives in the cycle of nature in to experience the true meaning

      2、 of life. 影片主要讲述了小狮子王辛巴在众多热情的朋友的陪伴下,不但经历了生命中最光荣的时刻,也遭遇了最艰难的挑战,最后终于成为了森林之王,也在周而复始生生不息的自然中体验出生命的真义。,Piece of long: 89 minutes 时长:89分钟 Release time:On June 15, 1994 上映日期:1994年6月15日 box office:1100 million dollar 票房:11亿美元,Character 角色介绍,Simba Simba naughty, noisy, not afraid of everything, !Once made him but his fathers death, disoriented, deported him and Timon and pumbaa lived as xanadu .Until nana, father and the mages advice, the young. grasped the significance of his responsibility, and returne

      3、d to the kingdom, challenge uncle scar.,Mufasa Simbas father, the glory of the kingdom of the king smart, brave, he is a true leader, for the “life cycle“ has the profound understanding. He ruled glory holy love, also loves his family .But he can never thought her brother scar means to obtain the throne.After death became the patron saint of the kingdom of glory, and in simba gave him new courage when most in need of help.,Scar Mufasas younger brother, simbas uncle .Ambitious he acted in collusi

      4、on with the elephant graveyard hyenas, set the plot in an attempt to kill the young samba To save his son, mufasas death in the beasts run (is actually died in his hand).He blames on unwitting simba, expelling the glory of countries, which, of course, to sit on the throne.But he wan unexpectedly will come back one day.,名句介绍 Logion Im only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesnt mean you go looking for trouble. 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。 This is my kingdom. If I dont fight for it, who will?

      5、这是我的国土,我不为她而战斗,谁为呢?,when the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 如果这个世界 对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。,My view,The lion king is a film can grow up with people, it brings the touched, is deep and long aftertaste. When I was a child, of course, perhaps more is fascinated by the vivid image, but as the growth of the age, multiple reviews, found that the lion king gives me is not only a sound, color is rich, and the impressed of mind. All in all, the lion king is so important for me a movie, I hope one day can really get a sense of the African savannah, finish the story. When faced with setbacks in my life, said 1: HAKUNA MATATA.,


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