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    • 1、六上小范文(1) Diary Sunday, 25th January In the morning , I went to the park with my family. We had a picnic in the park. We brought a lot of nice food. Then we flew kites high in the sky. We went boating, too.In the afternoon, I watched a film with my friends. It was fun.In the evening, I had a big dinner with my family. After dinner, we went shopping together. We bought a lot of things.星期天,1月25日在早上,我和我的家人去了公园。我们在公园里野餐。我们带来了很多好吃的。然后我们飞风筝在天空。我们也去划船。在下午,我和我的朋友看了一场电影。它是乐趣。在晚上,我有一个大的晚餐和我的家人。晚饭后,我们一起去购物。

      2、我们买了很多东西。(二)My National Day holidayIt was National Day holiday last week. I went to Shanghai with my family. First, I visited my aunt. Then, we went to the Bund. It was beautiful. Next, we visited the Shanghai Museum. We saw many interesting things. We had a good time. I had a good holiday.(二)我的国庆假期上周是国庆节假期。我和我的家人去了上海。首先,我拜访了我的姑姑。然后,我们去了外滩。它是美丽的。接下来,我们参观了上海博物馆。我们看见许多有趣的东西。我们有一个美好的时光。我有一个愉快的假期。(三)Then and nowSix years ago, I was six years old. I could read and draw. But I couldnt write. Now I am

      3、twelve years old. I am a student. I can write well. I can play basketball and football. I can help my mother do housework . I can speak English well. I can do many things.(三)过去和现在六年前,我六岁。我可以阅读和画画。但我不能写。我现在十二岁了。我是一个学生。我可以写好。我可以打篮球和足球。我可以帮助我妈妈做家务。我能说好英语。我可以做许多事情。(4) Then and nowTwenty years ago, people used telephone at home and in the office to call people. People listened to the radio for news. People made friends at school. People bought things from shops. Now, we can call people anywhere. We a

      4、lso can write emails. We can read e-books. We can make e-friends from all over the world. We can do shopping on the Internet.(四)过去和现在二十年前,人们使用电话在家里和办公室里给人打电话。人们听收音机新闻。在学校的人做朋友。人们从商店买东西。现在,我们可以称之为人。我们也可以写电子邮件。我们可以阅读电子书。我们可以做网友传达来自世界各地。我们可以在互联网上购物。(5) Keep our city cleanOur city is not clean. Smoke from cars makes the air dirty. Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty too. Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. Rubbish makes the river messy and dirty too.To keep our city clean, we can t

      5、ake the bus and the metro to school. We can walk to school too. We can put rubbish in the bin. We can plant more trees. They help keep the air clean.(五)保持我们城市干净我们的城市不干净。烟从汽车使空气污染。黑烟从工厂使空气污染。垃圾使街上乱和脏。垃圾使河水乱和脏。保持我们城市干净,我们可以坐公共汽车和地铁去上学。我们可以步行去学校。我们可以把垃圾放进垃圾箱里。我们可以种植更多的树木。他们帮助保持空气的清洁。(6) Protect the Earth The Earth is our home. But our home is hot and ill. To protect the Earth, we should save water. We should save energy. We should save trees. We should use paper bags and glass bottles. We shouldnt

      6、waste water. Because water is useful. We drink water and use water to clean things every day. We shouldnt drive so much. Cars use a lot of energy. We shouldnt cut down too many trees. Trees help keep the air clean. We shouldnt use too much plastic. Because plastic is bad for the Earth.(六)保护地球地球是我们的家。但是我们家是热,生病了。为了保护地球,我们应该节约用水。我们应该节约能源。我们应该保护树木。我们应该使用纸袋和玻璃瓶。我们不应该浪费水。因为水是有用的。我们喝的水,每天使用水清洗东西。我们不应该开车。汽车使用了大量的能源。我们不应该砍伐太多的树木。树木使空气清洁。我们不应该用太多的塑料。因为塑料对地球有害。 (7) Chinese New YearChinese New Year is comi

      7、ng. I am very excited. Before Chinese New Year, my family and I are going to buy some new clothes and food. Then, we are going to make some cakes and tangyuan.On Chinese New Years Eve, we are going to have dinner with our family. After dinner, we are going to watch TV together.On Chinese New Years Day, my parents are going to give me red packets.On the second day of Chinese New Year, we are going to visit our family and friends.Were going to have a lot of fun.(七)中国新年中国新年即将来临。我非常兴奋。在中国新年之前,我和我的家人去买一些新衣服和食物。然后,我们要做一些蛋糕和汤圆。在春节前夕,我们会和家人一起吃晚饭。晚饭后,我们要一起看电视。在中国新年的第一天,我的父母会给我红包。在中国新年的第二天,我们去看我们的家人和朋友。我们会有很多的乐趣。


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