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    • 1、七年级(上)英语期末试卷二、单项填空考试时间:110 分钟满分:110 分从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16. -When is Lang Langs concert?-Itsthree oclockthe afternoon of January 18th.A. at; inB. at; onC. on; inD. in; on17. -Do you know theof the Confucius institutes(孔子学院)around the world?-More than 300. I guess.A. numberB countryC itemD reason 18.Trainers arefor a long walk.A. matchingB matchC. fitD. fitting19. -Can you help me towho broke the window?OK,I will.A. look forB. look atC. find outD. look out20. -What can you buy with 15

      2、 yuan?-I think I can buy.A. two kilo of appleB two kilos of appleB. two kilo of applesD two kilos of apples21. -does your father run every morning?-For half an hourA How manyB How muchC How oftenD How long22. I dont eat chocolate very often. Eatingsweet food is not good for me. A too manyB many tooC too muchD much too23. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A Please take a look at the menuB She is in a volleyball club C Wish you good luckD We use pum

      3、pkins to make lanterns24. Mr. White asks usfootball in the busy street. Its dangerous. A playB to playC dont playD.not to play25. -Theprice of an iphone8 is more than 6000yuan.-Yes, ittoo much . Its too expensive for me to buy one.A. spendsB. costsC. takesD. pays26. -Alice. please dont play the piano. Ion the phone.- Oh, sorry, mumA. talkedB. talkC talksD.am talking27. We should stress thesyllable(音节)when we read the word “important”.A. firstB secondC. thirdD. last28 .-Do you know the capitalof?

      4、-Of course. Its Tokyo. Its a beautiful city.A.JapanB. CanadaC. the UKD. Russia29. -Howdo you read 10208 in English?- It is “”A one thousand, two hundred and eightB. one thousand , two hundreds and eightC.ten thousand ,two hundred and eightD. ten thousand, two hundreds and eight30 -How cool you look in this jacket!-.This is my favourite jacket.A. All right.B. Thank youB. Thats OK.D. Youre welcome.三、完型填空Driving in the USA can be confusing(困惑的).There are many 31anddrivers must follow the rules .And

      5、 there32also many different driving customs(习惯)。Many people in the USA get to work or school in their 33. Infact, most American workers spend an hour34to work every day. To drive in the USA. you have to take a written test .If you pass this 35,you can practice driving, and then you can pass a road test and 36your license .To prepare for the road test, you can ask a friend37you how to drive or takeclasses at a driving school.If you get your driver s license in one state, you can use it in all par

      6、ts of the USA, but the rules in each state may be a little38.They show the speed limit (限制) on the 39. If you drive too 40 , the police can stop you and give you a ticket.31.A peopleB rulesC booksD. bikes32.A areB IsC haveD has 33.A.bikesB busesC trainsD cars34.A runningB planningC drivingD. walking35.A sportB testC gameD subject36.A buyB knowC borrowD get37.A to teachB teachC to learnD learn38. A popularB differentC friendlyD smart39.A riverB seaC roadD city40.A fastB wellC carefullyD easily非选择

      7、题: 四、语言基础知识A)根据括号中所给的中文、英文释义或音标写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。51. This pen is a(特殊的)present from my father.52. Old people should eat food with less salt and(糖)53. Babies shouldnt play with(刀)54. This kind of mobile phone is very(便宜) and simple to use.55. Sandy likes travelling .She(not often) stays at home during holidays.56. Sorry, Lily isnt at home now. Can I take a(message).57. A babys skin feels(smooth)58. Do you(celebrate) Christmas every day?B 根据句子意思,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每个空字数不限。59. He is always the first one(

      8、come) to school every day.60. Thank you for(plant )the walls for me.61. The(twelve)floor of the building is a big dining hall.62. (millon) of people visit Nanjing every year.63. He enjoys(lie) on the grass and looking at the sky.64. Look! My brother(let) off the fireworks now.65. Eddie always(carry) bags for HOBO. C 按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。66. Mary has a cup of tea after a meal.(改为否定句) Marya cup of tea after a meal.67. There are some shops around our school.( 改为一般疑问句) thereshops around our school?68. He

      9、shares an umbrella with his brother?(对划线部分提问) he share with his brother?69. Mike has a bottle of milk for breakfast every morning. (对划线部分提问) milk does Mike have for breakfast every morning?70. She has a silk blouse(改为同义句) Her blouse is_silk.71. Mums birthday is coming .I want to buy her a present(改为同义句)Mums birthday is coming .I want toa presenther.72. Lets have a football match , OK? 改为同义句 having a football match1?D 根据所给汉语提示完成句子,每空词数不限。73 .如果他们不招待我们,我们就捉弄他们。If they dont give us a treat , we will. 73. 这个购物中心是个见朋友的好地方。The s


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