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    • 1、梁丰初级中学2018-2019学年第二学期期中考试初一英语试卷二、选择填空 21. Here is _ watch Dad bought me. I think its _ useful thing to me.A. the; a B. the; an C. a; aD. a; an答案:A 第一个空表示特指,意为“这是爸爸买给我的表”,第二空表示泛指,意为“一件对我来说有用的东西”。22. Can you hear someone _ for help? Yes, and I can see a boy _ towards us.A. shout; runB. shouting; runningC. shouting; run D. shout; running答案:B hear/see sb. doing意为“听到/看到某人正在做某事” hear/see sb. do 意为“听到/看到某人干某事(的全过程)”23. This is Jims _ time to China. He hopes he _ China some day.A. the first, to visit B.

      2、 first, to visit C. the first, can visit D. first, can visit答案:D 序数词前有修饰成分时不用加定冠词the,hope sb. to do是错误用法。24. Excuse me, how can I get to the cinema? Go _ the bridge and walk _ the supermarket. Youll see the cinema on your left.A. across; pastB. along; pastC. over; toD. to; past答案:B go along 意为“沿着.走”,walk past 意为“走路经过”。25. In my class some students love singing, _like drawing, and _enjoy dancing.A. some, the otherB. others, the otherC. others, the others D. some, others答案:D some.others意为“一些.另一些.”

      3、,固定用法搭配。26. Is your best friends name Tom? - Yes , _ is. He teaches _English.A. it, my B. he, my C. he, me D. it, me答案:D 第一个空用it指代“你好朋友的名字”,第二个空teach的固定用法:teach sb. sth.。27. Would you please tell me something about _ neighbourhood, Teddy? Sure. Would you please tell me something about _ first?. your; yoursB. yours; yourC. yours; yoursD. your; your答案:A 第一个空用形容词性物主代词,修饰neighbourhood; 第二个空没有要修饰的词,用名词性物主代词yours。28. Lu Xun is famous _ a great writer _ his great works.A. for; as B. as; forC. to; as D.

      4、 as; to答案:B be famous as 意为“作为.(职业)而出名” be famous for 意为“因.而出名”。29. Classmates in our grade _ a big family. Everyone really _ living in a place _ that.A. are like; likes; like B. like; likes; is likeC. are like; like; likes D. like; is like; likes答案:A 句意:我们年级的同学们就像(are like)一个大家庭,每个人真喜欢(likes)生 活在像(like)这样的环境中。30.-Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the Summer Palace? -_. You can ask the policeman over there.A. Have a good time B. Sorry, Im new here C. No, thanks D. Im glad to hear that答案:B

      5、 句意:对不起,我是新来的。你可以问问那里的警察。3、 完形填空。 A young man often says that he is very 31 and has nothing. One day, an old manwalks 32 . He hears the young mans words and says, Hello, young man! What are you 33 about?You have nothing? Thats not true! You have the most expensive things in the world, 34 you are a rich person. The young man is very surprised and asks, 35 do you say that? You can see I have nothing? What are these expensive things? Then 36old man says, If you sell your eyes to a rich blind man, y

      6、oull 37a lot of money and can get everything you want. Would you like to sell them? The young man doesntwant to be blind, so he says, NO. The old man asks again, Then what about 38 your hands for somegold? The young man shakes (摇) his 39 for the second time. Finally, the old man says, Now you understand. You have the most expensive things in the world. So, the old man teaches both the young man and us alesson - 40 is the most important for us.31. A. poor B. rich C. healthy D. strong32. A. across

      7、 B. past C. through D. away 33. A. talking B. drawing C. singing D. telling 34. A. but B. and C. so D. however35. A. What B. When C. Why D. How36. A. the B. a C. an D. / 37. A. save B. buy C. make D. collect38. A. putting up B. washing C. turning D. selling39. A. eye B. leg C. hand D. head40.A. gold B. time C. health D. money答案:ABACC ACDDC4、 阅读理解 AMy daughter Maria is a girl of nine years old, She is in Year Four. Every evening we get into homework battles(争执)Three afternoons a week, she has act

      8、ivities (net-ball, singing) after school and by the time we get home, homework is the last thing she feels like doing. The other two days, she gets home early and we argue(争论)about whether she should do her homework right after school, or if she should have some time to rest and play first. When Maria at last sits down to do her homework, she seems to want me there helping all the time. I do want to help her, but Im sure that she is going to need to be able to do it on her own. And in fact, most of the time, I have other things I need to be doing. It seems that children these days have much more homework than we did, and some of it is really beyond(超越) their abilities(能力)As you can see, Im really worried about homework and I really dont know what I should do. Any ideas?41. Mari


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