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    • 1、词汇专项训练 (一)(I)i.词汇测试。i.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。()1. You are weak. Are you ill?Yes, I have a cold.A.not boringB. not happyC. not strong()2. My family arc going to have a trip to Shanghai.Wonderful. You can see many places of interest there.A. travelB. walk C. picnic()3. When will you return home?I have to stay in England for five days, and then I will fly back.A. look upB. come back C. take off()4. There are five minutes for the party to begin, but Lucy is not at the party.She will come s

      2、oon because she is never late.A. very quicklyB. very well C. very slowly()5. Would you like to take part in the activity with us?Sorry, I will be busy on that day.A. join in B. start in C. take inii.根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。()6. If you _ a meeting, you go to have it.A. end B. begin C. attend()7. If something_, no one can see it again.A. returns B. disappears C. works ()8. What do you think of Mary? She is a(n) _ girl. She never talks with others.A. unusual B. important C. friendly()9.

      3、 There is_ wrong with my computer. Can you help me?Oh, let me have a look.A. anythingB. everythingC. something()10. Which season do you like best?_A.Summer is a good seasonB.I like summer bestC.Summer is very hotII.根据汉语提示,补全句子。每空一词。11.如果你去旅行,买二本旅游手册对你来说是有好处的。If you take a trip, its good for you to buy_ _ _.12.上周末你去做什么了?_ _ you_ last weekend?13.不要把这本书扔掉,它还有用。Dont_ _ this book. Its still useful.14.下周六我们班去野餐。Next Saturday, our class_ _ _ _ _.15.地球为我们提供很多有用的东西。The Earth_ _ _ many useful things.(II)i

      4、.词汇测试。i.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。()1. The building is traditional, right?Yes, it is. It was built many years ago.A.not modem B. not old C. not strong ()2. It is snowy heavily. Thirty minutes later, we can make snowmen outside. Great. That must be very interesting.A.rainsB. snowsC. blows()3. Is Jack seldom late?Yes, he is. He often gets to school on time.A.oftenB. neverC. not often()4. Im very surprised at the news.Me too.A.amazed B. excited C. bored ()5. Your elder sister is good at play

      5、ing the piano. What about you?I cant play the piano but I can draw well.A.is interested in B. does well in C is good forii.根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。()6. To_ much time on homework is to use much time to do it.A. pushB.provideC. spend()7. To_ someone is to go after him / her.A. followB.kickC. leave()8. He is a famous singer all over the_.Yes. People from other countries also like him very much.A. villageB.worldC. town()9. How do you go to school?I go to school_ because my home is next t

      6、o my school.A. by busB.by carC. on foot()10. Thank you for helping me._.A.Youre welcomeB.Youre rightC.Of courseII.用所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子完整、通顺。11. Could you make a few_ (sentence) with these words?Yes, I can.12.He_ (usual) gets up at 6 in the morning.13.My grandfather_ (teach) me English two years ago.14.Its_ (snow) heavily. Lets stay at home.15.Im going_ (leave) this country next week.(Ill)i.词汇测试。i.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。()1. Over three hundred people are in the hall. That must be very crowd

      7、ed (拥挤的).A.Both ofB. All of C. More than()2. Look. Your hair is wet. You may get a cold. Thats all right. It will be dry soon.A.not dryB. not clean C. not black()3. What can we do to protect the animals? We can stop people from killing them.A. make . beautifulB.make . safeC.make . dirty()4. A long time ago, people burnt wood to make power.That way polluted air.A.energy B. space C. beauty ()5. There are many places of interest in this city.Yes. We just visited some of them.A.high buildingsB.beaut

      8、iful gardensC.famous placesii.根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。()6. _ are the people in the same family.A.ClassmatesB. Relatives C. Friends()7. If something is_, it is very big.A.largeB. longC. short()8. _ the dog to the tree with a rope, or it will run away.OK, I will.A.LeaveB. TieC. Return()9. Lucy, take the camera with you. OK. We can_ with it.A.go to sleepB.make snowmenC.take photos()10. Whats your hobby?_.A.My hobby is writingB.Im good at writingC.Writing is a good jobII.连词成句。11.bike our you to a club ride how will teach (.)_12.are books these mine new (.)_13.is dog there a cats his family in


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