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(贵阳专用)2019中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材同步复习 grade 8 book 1 units 1-3课件

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  • 文档编号:93398123
  • 上传时间:2019-07-21
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:1.57MB
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    • 1、教材同步复习,第一部分,Grade 8 Book 1,Units 13,2,中考考点 精讲,3,重点突破,enough的用法,4,1Dont worry.My mother will look after your baby _. Aenough carefully Bcareful enough Ccarefully enough 2There isnt _ in the basket. Aenough apple Benough meat Cenough breads 3Mike is only 14 years old.He is not _ to get a driving license. Aold enough Benough old Cyoung enough,活学巧练,C,B,A,5,重点突破,decide的用法,6,4They have decided on _ a few trees on the hill to protect the environment. Aplant Bto plant Cplanting 5The skirt was too expens

      2、ive for her, so she decided _ it. Abuy Bto buy Cnot to buy 6I cant decide _. Ato choose which present Bchoose which present Cwhich present to choose,活学巧练,C,C,C,7,重点突破,常见频度副词辨析(always, usually,often, sometimes,hardly与never),8,9,7Children _ use body language to show their parents how they feel before they can talk. Aoften Bhardly Cnever 8I dont think fast food is good for our health, so I _ eat it. Ausually Bhardly Calways,活学巧练,A,B,10,9I cant swim.So I _ go to the river to swim. Ausually Bnever Ca

      3、lways 10My sister _ goes to bed early because she needs a lot of sleep every day. Aalways Bsometimes Chardly 11I often cook for myself, but I _go to the restaurant to eat. Ausually Bhardly Csometimes,B,A,C,11,重点突破,辨析how often, how soon, how far与how long,12,12“_ can we get to the airport?” “In five minutes.” AHow often BHow far CHow soon 13“ _ have you lived there?” “Since 1970.” AHow long BHow far CHow soon,活学巧练,C,A,13,14“_do you go to see a film?” “Once a week.” AHow long BHow often CHow soon 1

      4、5“How far is your home from your school? ” “_.” ATwo BTwo kilometers CTwo hours,B,B,14,重点突破,mind的用法,15,16“Do you mind if I close the window?” “_ .We should let in more fresh air.” AYes, go ahead BOf course not CI would like not to close it 17Would you mind _(make) a little room for me to put my bike? 18He has made up his mind _(learn) hiphop, because he likes it so much.,活学巧练,C,making,to learn,16,重点突破,asas句型,17,(2)not so/asas结构通常可以与比较级进行同义转换。eg. This book is not so/as interesting as that one.Tha

      5、t book is more interesting than this one.这本书不如那本书有趣。 (3)若有修饰成分,如twice, three times, half, a quarter等,则须置于第一个as之前。eg. Your bag is twice as expensive as mine.你的包比我的贵一倍。,18,19“Who did it better, Kate or Lily?” “I think Kate did just _ Lily.” Aas well as Bas good as Cas better as 20Your classroom is _ clean _ ours. Aso; as Bas; as Cas; than,活学巧练,A,B,19,21Jim is as _ as Jack.Because they both made no mistakes. Acareless Bcareful Ccarefully 22This dictionary is not so _(use) as you think.,B,useful,20,重点突破,辨析win与beat,21,23We _ them and_ yesterdays basketball match. Awon; beat Bbeat; won Cbeat; beat 24Jack, you should practice as often as you can _ the piano competition. Ato win Bto beat Cwin,活学巧练,B,A,22,25“Can you guess which team will _ the match tomorrow?” “No, I cant.Its too hard to predict.” Abeat Bwin Cget 26Their team _(beat) ours with a high score.Its a long way for us to improve our skills. 27He _(win) first prize in the surfing competition.,B,beat,won,

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