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    • 1、阅读理解词义猜测题专练(一) (题干加黑的为词义猜测题)A (2016湖南省十三校高三联考) As a star computer scientist, Cristina Fonseca had lots of job offers, but she turned them all down. She decided to start her own business Talkdesk. She lives in Portugal but does business all over the globe by using software.The global economy works well for such people.But the world of work has been less kind to other young folks. Florence Moreau, a young architect in Paris, had the double misfortune to leave university in 2009, when the world eco

      2、nomy was on its knees; and to be French. “I really need a fulltime, permanent job,” she says. Under Frances 3,800page labour code, workers on permanent contracts receive generous benefits and are extremely hard to get rid of. So French firms have all but stopped hiring permanent staff: Fourfifths of new employees are on shortterm contracts. Ms Moreau has had eight jobs, none lasting for longer than 16 months. With a small child at home, she has to keep looking for the next one. “Its tiring,” she

      3、 sighs.Joblessness matters. The longer people are out of work, the more their skills and their selfconfidence atrophy,_the less appealing they look to potential employers and the more likely they are to give up.Trade unions often favour a minimum wage. This can help those who already have jobs, but if it is set too high it can crowd out those with the fewest skills and the least experience, who tend to be young.A labour system where companies can hire and fire easily is urgently needed.Making it

      4、 easier for young people to start their own business is essential, too. They may be full of energy and open to new ideas.Also, there is a huge mismatch everywhere between the skills that many young people can offer and the ones that employers need. Ms Fonseca says she cannot find the right talent for Talkdesk. As economies grow more complex, demand for practical skills will keep rising. The worlds schools are not even close to meeting it.1What can we learn about Cristina Fonseca?AShe does busine

      5、ss only in Portugal.BWhen seeking a job, she was refused many times by employers.CHer company is not related to information technology.DShe cant find the talents she wants.2What does the underlined word “atrophy” in Paragraph 4 mean?AIncrease.BShrink.COvercome. DSurvive.3Why cant Moreau find a permanent job?AEmployers dont want to give workers good welfare.BShe didnt finish university studies.CThe world economy is booming.DThe French government hasnt taken any measures for unemployment.4Which me

      6、asure is actually useless for unemployment?AMaking labour rules more flexible.BTraining students to gain skills.CRaising the minimum wage.DEncouraging young people to start companies.B (2016河南省豫东、豫北十所名校阶段性测试五) I believe in taking action to solve problems around me. Passively accepting the status quo (现状) is something that doesnt even cross my mind.My mother wrote poetry, books, and letters to the editor to try to change the world some were published; others remained manuscripts that she worked a

      7、nd reworked with comments from authors she respected. She did not sit still.When, at ninetythree, illness left her only a short time to live, she told me that she had submitted her recent book of poetry to a publisher but hadnt received a response from them. So I called the publisher, only to learn that the company had stopped operating for lack of money. As my mothers health was slipping quickly, there wasnt time to find a different publisher. After a few weeks of feeling helpless, I began to l

      8、ook for another solution.Luckily, I found a printer, who was touched by my mothers story and quickly moved into action with me. We worked together to complete the book just a few days before I left to see my mother for the last time. I handed it to her giftwrapped. Her pain medication made it hard for her to see and think clearly, and she struggled to read the title of the book I had given her. When she finally recognized her title, her face softened into a smile. “You remembered,” she said and

      9、then passed away with no regret. And then I knew she had expected all along that I wouldnt sit_on_my_hands when in trouble and take action actively.Not finding a solution wasnt an option. And this has guided me through so much of my life. I live in the world of education and opportunity. This is a daily challenge. When faced with a problem, I cant simply shrug my shoulders and say, “I dont know.” While I cant change the world alone, I cant accept the status quo, and I need to take action.5Why did the authors mother receive no response after submitting her recent poetry?AThe readers didnt like her works.BShe was not a wellknown writer.CThe publisher went out of business.DHer illness shocked the publisher.6How did the authors mother react when seeing her book published?AShe passed away without any regret.BShe decide


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