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    • 1、本试卷总分100分,标准答题时间120分钟 一 单选题 (本题共102小题,共计0分)1:Whatdidshesay?Shesaidshe_tothestationto_.A. isgoing,seeyouoff B. was going, see off you C. wasgoing,seeyouoff D. isgoing,seeoffyou 2:ThereportersaidthattheUFO_easttowestwhenhesawit. A. wastravelling B. travelled C. hadbeentravelling D. Wastotravel 3:Thenewsecretaryissupposedtoreporttothemanagerassoonasshe_. A. willarrive B. arrives C. isarriving D. isgoingtoarrive 4:Mr.Green_formorethantenyears. A. died B. hasdied C. isdying D. hasbeendead 5:Weareoldf

      2、riends.We_eachotherfor10years. A. know B. haveknown C. recognized D. haverecognized 6:Mybrotherisanactor.He_inseveralfilmssofar. A. appears B. appeared C. hasappeared D. isappearing 7:JamesWatt_thesteamengine. A. wasinventing B. invented C. hadinvented D. hasinvented 8:Agreatnumberoftrees_inthepastfewyearsinthecity. A. haveplanted B. havebeenplanted C. willplant D. planted 9:The volleyball match will be put off if it _. A. willrain B. rains C. rained D. israining 10:I_tenminutestodecidewhetherIs

      3、houldrejecttheoffer. A. gave B. wasgiven C. wasgiving D. hadgiven 11:Agreatnumberoftrees_inthepastfewyearsinthecity A. haveplanted B. havebeenplanted C. willplant D. planted 12:IwonderwhyJenny_usrecently.Weshouldhaveheardfromherbynow. A. hasntwritten B. doesntwrite C. wontwrite D. hadntwritten 13:There is too much snow these days, isnt there?Yes, it _for a few days.A. wassnowing B. hasbeensnowing C. hadbeensnowing D. snowed 14:Idontthinkhelikesyou,_? A. doeshe B. doesnthe C. doI D. dontI 15:Heha

      4、sntcomeyetWhatdoyouconsider_tohim? A. tohappen B. happens C. hashappened D. happening 16:-IhearJanehasgonetotheHolyIslandforherholiday.-Oh,hownice!Doyouknowwhenshe_?A. wasleaving B. hadleft C. hasleft D. left 17:IvewonaholidayfortwotoFlorida.I_mymum. A. amtakingB. havetakenC. take D. willhavetaken 18:Itsverykind_thewarm-heartedwoman_usoutwhenwewereintrouble. A. oftohelp B. oftohavehelped C. fortohelp D. for to have helped 19:Oncewe_todosomething,youwillneverholdusback. A. willmakeupourminds B. m

      5、akeupourminds C. makeupourmind D. madeupourminds 20:Tom_ into the house when no one_. A. slipped;waslooking B. hadslipped;looked C. slipped;hadlooked D. wasslipping;looked 21:The_oflivinginbigcitiesinChinaishigherthanbefore. A. costB. spend C. paid D. use 22:Insummer,thetemperaturesometimes_ashighas39(高考题) A. rises B. rising C. raising D. raises 23:-Myfatherwillbeheretomorrow.-Oh,Ithoughtthathe_today.A. hascome B. iscoming C. hadcome D. wascoming 24:Myfather_toBeijingonbusinesssince1984. A. ofte

      6、ngoes B. hasoftenbeen C. oftenwent D. isoftengoing 25:Theyhavejustdecidedthatthey_upthejob. A. take B. havetaken C. took D. wonttake 26:You should have gone to the show with us yesterday. It was very good. I wish I _ yesterday off. Id have gone with you. A. havehad B. had C. have D. hadhad 27:Theprofessorstoodthere_bymanystudents. A. surrounded B. surrounding C. tosurround D. beingsurrounded 28:“Do you have any clothes_ today, Master?”asked the servant politely. A. towashB. tobewashedC. washing

      7、D. beingwashed 29:Thisnovel_well. A. sells B. issold C. willbesold D. hasbeensold 30:_lastyearandisnowearninghislivingasanadvertisingagent.(广告推销员) A. Hewouldleftschool B. Hehasleftschool C. Hehadleftschool D. Heleftschool 31:-DidyouwritetoGracelastsummer?-No,butIll_heroverChristmasvacation.A. beseen B. beseeing C. haveseen D. havebeenseeing 32:Visitors _ not to touch the exhibits. A. willrequest B. request C. arerequesting D. arerequested 33:Whattheywantedtoknowwaswhichcompanies_latestequipment. A. werelacked B. waslacked C. waslacking D. lacked 34:Itisnotunusualforworkersinthatregion_. A. tobepaidmorethanamonthlaterB. tobepaidlaterthanmoreamonth C. topaylaterthanamonthmore D. topaylatermorethanamonth 35:Yourparents_foryoueverywhere.Gobackquickly! A. looked B. arelooking C. look D. know 36:Hasyoursisterfinishedhercompositionyet?havenoidea.She_itthismorning.A. wrote B. haswritten C. hadwritten D. waswriting 37:We_thatyouwouldfixt


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