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    • 1、 PingXiang UniversitySchool of Foreign Language StudyTeaching Plan Major : English Class: Class three Number: 13431101 Name: 欧阳金津 Instructor: 刘艳群老师 Title Unit 4 Earthquake TeachingObjectClass 4,Senior OneTeachingSpan6 periodsLesson Duration2rd period45 minsSubjectEnglishTextbookTitleEarthquakePublishing HousePeoples Education PressTeachingObjectivesKnowledgeObjectives1.All students learn the reading articles,understand main information of text for example the situation before earthquake,in earth

      2、quake and after earthquake.2.The damage from earthquake and rescue after earthquake.AbilityObjectives1.Students learn to find main sentences of text,getting detail information,strengthen skills of skimming and scanning.2.Let students predict content of text,divide the paragraph 3.Strengthen students reading skills of prediction and induction.EmotionObjectives1.Learn knowledge about earthquake,know how to escape in emergency situations when earthquake emerged.2.Cultivate the spirit of helping and

      3、 saving.3.Know the damage from the natural disasters,understand the importance of harmonious coexistence between human and nature.MainContent1. Warming up2.Pre-reading3.While-reading4.Post-reading5.HomeworkKeyTeaching Points1. Acquire the knowledge of the cause of earthquake,the sign and damage from earthquake,then rescue after earthquake.2. Exercise the reading skills of students,strengthen their reading abilities.Teaching Difficulties1. Develop the habit of reading,improve their abilities of r

      4、eading comprehension and language levels.2. Learn skill of reading and use them in expanding horizon for outside reading.Teaching MethodsGuiding for learning.TeachingAidsA recorder,a computer and a projector.Teaching ProceduresStepsSpecific Teaching ActivitiesPurpose &Time AllocationStep1Warming upI.Warming up Good morning class. Do you know any natural disasters? Look at the pictures, can you name all the disasters? Floods drought typhoon/hurricane Tornado volcano eruption earthquakeHave you ev

      5、er experienced an earthquake?Can you describe how terrible an earthquake is ?Answers:The earth is shakingAll the building will fall down Many people will die Many children will become orphansArouse the interest of studentsAttract their attentionStep2 Pre-reading Reading :A night the earth didnt sleepII. Pre-reading.Talking and thinkingWhat are the signs of an earthquake? Cows, pigs and dogs become too nervous too eat. The mice will run out of the fields looking for places to hide. The water in t

      6、he wells will rise and fall. Walls of the wells in village will have deep cracks. There will be bright light in the skyGuide students to think about the textPredict the content of textSkimming1:Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei. Beginning2.Everything began to shake. It seemed as if the world was at an end. Beginning 3.Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed. Beginning 4. All hope was not lost. Beginning Scanning1.What happened? 2. When and where d

      7、id it happen? Strange things happenedAt about 3:oo am on July 28,1976It was happened in the countryside of northeast HebiCultivate reading ability of students Improve their reading abilityStep3While-readingParagraph1 Detailed informationWater in the well rose and fellWell walls deep cracks,smelly gas.Paragraph2&3Detailed information Find numbers of this paragrapheight, thirty,two-thirds,75%,tens of thousands ofParagraph4Detailed informationWho/WhatWhatdidtheydo?Whathappened?Hundredsofthousandsof

      8、peoplewerehelped.Thearmyteamsdugoutthetrappers.buriedthedead.10,000minerswererescuedfromthemines.workersbuiltsheltersforsurvivors.Freshwaterwastakentothecity.ThecitybegantobreatheagainFind the details and understand text betterStep4Post-readingRetelling the textFill in the chart together.Discussion Suppose there would be an earthquake, what should we do to keep ourselves safe? (If at school/at home/out on a road)Think how to protect themselves if they suffer earthquake,Cultivate their conscious of self-protection TeachingReflection1.Consider the learning ability and foundation of students,make use of the background knowledge of issues and predict the main idea of text,so that reducing the difficulty of reading and understand text better.2.Concern the hobby o


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