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    • 1、 AEC - Q100-011 Rev-C1 March 12, 2013 Component Technical Committee Automotive Electronics Council ATTACHMENT 11 AEC - Q100-011 Rev-C1 CHARGED DEVICE MODEL (CDM) ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE TEST AEC - Q100-011 Rev-C1 March 12, 2013 Component Technical Committee Automotive Electronics Council Acknowledgment Any document involving a complex technology brings together experience and skills from many sources. The Automotive Electronics Council would especially like to recognize the following significant

      2、 contributors to the revision of this document: Charged Device Model ESD Sub-Committee Members: Alan Righter Analog Devices Lynn Norman AMRDEC Wolfgang Reinprecht AMS Ron Wantuck Autoliv Jim Peace Continental Automotive Systems Mark Kelly Delphi Corporation Nick Lycoudes Freescale Michael Stevens Freescale Drew Hoffman Gentex John He Grace Semiconductor Reinhold Gaertner Infineon Technologies Gary Fisher Johnson Controls John Baker Lattice Semiconductor Richard Aburano Maxim C.K. Barlingay Micro

      3、chip Nick Martinez Microchip Theo Smedes NXP Semiconductors Zhongning Liang NXP Semiconductors Robert Ashton ON Semiconductor Hugo Van Hove ON Semiconductor Thomas Stich Renesas Electronics Francis Classe Spansion Bassel Atallah STMicroelectronics Marty Johnson Texas Instruments Scott Ward Texas Instruments Larry Dudley TRW Automotive Ted Krueger Vishay Cesar Avitia Visteon Dean Tsaggaris Xilinx Paul Hsueh Xilinx AEC - Q100-011 Rev-C1 March 12, 2013 Component Technical Committee Automotive Elect

      4、ronics Council NOTICE AEC documents contain material that has been prepared, reviewed, and approved through the AEC Technical Committee. AEC documents are designed to serve the automotive electronics industry through eliminating misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchasers, facilitating interchangeability and improvement of products, and assisting the purchaser in selecting and obtaining with minimum delay the proper product for use by those other than AEC members, whether the standard

      5、 is to be used either domestically or internationally. AEC documents are adopted without regard to whether or not their adoption may involve patents or articles, materials, or processes. By such action AEC does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the AEC documents. The information included in AEC documents represents a sound approach to product specification and application, principally from the automotive electronics syste

      6、m manufacturer viewpoint. No claims to be in conformance with this document shall be made unless all requirements stated in the document are met. Inquiries, comments, and suggestions relative to the content of this AEC document should be addressed to the AEC Technical Committee on the link http:/. Published by the Automotive Electronics Council. This document may be downloaded free of charge, however AEC retains the copyright on this material. By downloading this file, the individual agrees not

      7、to charge for or resell the resulting material. Printed in the U.S.A. All rights reserved Copyright 2012 by the Automotive Electronics Council. This document may be freely reprinted with this copyright notice. This document cannot be changed without approval from the AEC Technical Committee. AEC - Q100-011 Rev-C1 March 12, 2013 Component Technical Committee Automotive Electronics Council Change Notification The following summary details the changes incorporated into AEC-Q100-011 Rev-C: Section 1

      8、.2, Reference Documents: Added ANSI/ESD S5.3.1 standard document reference. Section 1.3.9, Corner Pins: Added new definition for Corner Pins. Provided examples of packages with and without corner pins. Section 3.1, Sample Size: Allow use of expanded sample group size per voltage step to use partitioned pin group stressing. Section 3.2, Charging and Discharging Methods: Modified preferred discharge method to be a “non-relay” based method (previously was a “relay” based method). Section 3.2.2, Fie

      9、ld Charging Method: Modified text to reflect recommendation of minimum field plate size of 7X DUT size, rather than requirement (replace “shall” with “should”). Section 3.2.3, Relay Discharge Method: Replaced Rev-B Section 3.2.3, Direct Discharging Method with new Section 3.2.3, Relay Discharge Method. Added caution regarding additional parasitics and effect on discharge waveform. Section 3.6, Small Package Considerations: Added new section to reflect challenges of small package CDM testing. Section 3.7, Wafer or Bare Dice Considerations: Added new section to reflect challenges of wafer or bare dice CDM testing. Section 3.8, Detailed Procedure - step i: Modified text to reflect recommendation of post-stress ATE testing within 96 hours after stress, rather than requirement. Section 3.8, Detailed Procedure - step j: Allow use of new sample group per voltage step and smaller pulse voltage increments. Section 3.8.1, Corner Pin Classification Proced


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